Otago Peninsula Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Otaru Room, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre on Thursday 02 May 2019, commencing at 10.00 am





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Christine Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley





Andrea Barker (Engagement Co-ordinator Property),

Maria Sleeman (Property Officer, Community and Civic)


Governance Support Officer       Lauren McDonald



1       Opening


Lox Kellas opened the meeting with a reflection on the 100th year anniversary marking the end of hostilities for World War I.

2       Public Forum

2.1    Public Forum


Lloyd McGinty – Freedom camping at Smaills Beach

Mr McGinty referenced his pre-circulated email.  He summarised his concerns and those of other local property owners to freedom campers behaviour at Smaills Beach, including: the environmental impact at the beach due to the major increase in freedom camping; vehicles being parked at the beach carparks displaying self-contained certification stickers, which were clearly not self-contained; toileting - freedom campers having been observed by residents toileting in the native planting areas of the carparks. Mr McGinty considered this was a public health issue. He advised that the issues with freedom camping had been documented and reported to Council.

Mr McGinty advised the local community wanted to see more proactive steps taken to stop freedom campers abusing the environment at Smaills Beach.  He sought support from the Board to have Smaills Beach included in the prohibited zone for freedom camping.

Mr McGinty responded to questions including: the number of vehicles using the car parking at the beach; the effectiveness of monitoring patrols by staff; failure of vehicles to comply with the self-contained vehicle registration; signage in place at the car parks; public health concerns; access points to the beach through privately owned land, and inclusion of Smaills Beach in the prohibited areas for Freedom Camping.

Discussion was held on banning freedom camping in the peninsula area.  Mr McGinty confirmed residents sought inclusion of Smaills Beach in the prohibited area for freedom camping, due to the health concerns with toileting.

The Chair advised the inclusion of Smaills Beach in the prohibited area would require an amendment to the Camping Control Bylaw. 

Action: The Chair to speak with Group Manager Parks and Recreation, Robert West regarding the onsite issues and to request monitoring remain in place until the end of May each year.

Action: The Chair to check with staff to verify status of privately-owned land and conditions for public access to Smaills Beach.

Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Community Board:


Request the DCC to move the current boundary for freedom camping to the intersection of Tomahawk Road and Tahuna Road.

 Motion carried (OPCB/2019/020)


3       Apologies


The apology from Senior Officer, Chris Henderson (Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions) was noted by the Chair.


4       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (OPCB/2019/021)


5       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


No declarations of interest were advised.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


a)     Notes Elected Members' Interest Register.

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

 Motion carried (OPCB/2019/022)


6       Confirmation of Minutes

6.1    Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 14 March 2019


Corrections to the minutes were noted as – page 14, Members’ Area updates, the minutes should read improvement of the turn left into Highcliff Road rather than into Camp Road as stated, also the road sealing was referenced to Allans Beach Road not Cape Saunders Road, as stated.


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Graham McArthur):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 14 March 2019, with the corrections as noted, as a correct record.


 Motion carried (OPCB/2019/023)


Part A Reports

7       Governance Support Officer's Report


Fulton Hogan staff provided updates on project work. Winston Smith introduced Paul Jamieson as the new project manager overseeing the peninsula work programme.  Mr Jamieson advised he was the liaison and main contact point between the Community Board the Fulton Hogan.


Fulton Hogan staff responded to questions regarding: road surface conditions, expected delays and traffic management on the section from Vauxhaull to Glenfalloch; site re-establishment on removal of portable accommodation buildings (portacoms) at Portobello; time frame for repair to the rock wall at Bacon Street and low sunlight/visibility issues.


Board members requested that the barriers be re-established at the Fulton Hogan project site and for the Park and Recreation, and Property staff to be involved in discussion for re-establishment of the site.


The Board saw value in Fulton Hogan providing community updates via community newsletters and Facebook on the work programme and safe driving tips for the Peninsula Road.


Board members thanked Winston Smith, Fulton Hogan Project Manager for his involvement since the commencement of the Peninsula Connection project and for the staffs’ work to date.  They wished him well in his new role.


Tomahawk School (Ocean Grove) site

Engagement Co-ordinator Property, Andrea Barker and Property Officer, Community and Civic, Maria Sleeman provided an update on the Ocean Grove recreational hall meetings held with the community over the past few months.


Ms Barker advised that the project manager for the refurbishment of the hall was introduced to the community group.  A community ‘wish list’ for hall had been provided, which staff were currently working through the costings for.  She advised that staff have requested that the community group form a hall committee to facilitate the progression of the community ‘wish list”.


Ms Barker advised that no discussion had taken place with the community regarding the Domain Hall but that the community were made aware that no Council funding was available for maintenance. She advised that further discussion would be held with the community on future plans for the hall, including possible demolition and redevelopment of the site, as a reserve and access point to the Tomahawk Lagoon.


Ms Sleeman outlined her role as Property Officer.  She responded to questions from board members on community hall issues in the Peninsula area, such as: maintenance; site management; public toilet upgrades (and new installations required) and community hall service agreements.


Action: Ms Sleeman to investigate transfer of title for the land adjacent to the hall (as part of the Scott Reserve land) from the Department of Conservation to the Dunedin City Council.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer's Report.

b)     Amends the Action Lists as appropriate.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/024)


8       Funding Application - Caselberg Trust




The Chair outlined the application and advised that the Trust were seeking funding support of $3,000.  $1,553.60 remained in the project fund, with one further meeting (20 June 2019) to be held for the 2018/2019 financial year.  He advised that he had referred the applicant to contact the Cleveland Trust, as another possible funding source.


Discussion was held on the level of funding already provided to the Caselberg Trust by the Board and the current application’s inclusion of landscape work for funding.


Members agreed for the application to be held over for discussion until the last meeting of the 2018/2019 financial year.



Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Deputy Chairperson Hoani Langsbury):

That the Board:


a)         That the funding application from the Caselberg Trust be held over until the 20 June 2019 meeting.

b)        That the GSO report be noted.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/025)


9       Working Parties/Board Area Liaison Updates


Board Members provided updates on:

·         Keep Dunedin Beautiful - Graham advised the next meeting was 8 May 2019 and that he would not be available to attend. 

Action: Graham to email Richard Saunders (Group Manager, Transport) and Ellie van Dommelen (Property Services) to advise that the replacement of the bus shelter at end of Beaconsfield Road needed to be on a ‘like for like’ basis. Graham to advise that Keep Dunedin Beautiful funding was available from for the painting of a mural on the replacement bus shelter


·         Rural Roads – Lox provided an update on the road conditions (corrugations and slumping), particularly for Allans Beach, Weir and Cape Saunders roads.


Action: Lox to contact Richard Saunders (Group Manager, Transport) if grading work had not been undertaken on these roads by mid-May.


c)     Te Rauone – Edna advised a meeting to be held the week of 6 May. She confirmed that a planning and environment design was underway, and community funding application was still in progress.


Port Otago Ltd noise – The Chair summarised his communications with the Port Otago Ltd CEO, Kevin Winders on progress addressing the noise issues.  He advised he would publish the contents of his email to Mr Winders onto the Community Board’s Facebook page.


Action: The Chair to confirm with Mr Winders (Port Otago Ltd) the work underway to address the noise issues raised by the community and to provide an update to the OPCB Facebook page.


d)    Emergency Response Plan - Lox Kellas advised a meeting was scheduled for the Otago Civil Defence Emergency Management (Otago CDEM) to meet with the Broad Bay, Portobello and Macandrew Bay communities to develop a community response plan.  He suggested the Otago CDEM could provide a presentation to the Community Board on the expectations of the community in an emergency event.


Action: Lox Kellas to provide the meeting details out to members.

Action: Lauren (GSO) to obtain copies of the CDEM response plans.


e)    Te Umu Kuri (Wellers Rock) – Edna Stevenson advised the group was making progress with resolving parking issues and discussion was held re boat launch.


f)  Members' Area Updates


Ongoing drainage issues.


Action: Request staff advice on what issues each department deal with to ensure enquiries are made to the correct department.


It was agreed for the following seepage issues to be added to the Transport Team’s Action list:

·           Bayne Terrace (No. 22)

·           Cnr Seaton and Beaconsfield Road – ongoing problem

·           St Ronans Road (outside 403 Portobello Road) seepage down onto Portobello Road.

·            Wharfdale Street

·            Moss Street (No. 2)


·         Rock wall repairs, from quarry entrance on Papanui inlet around to intersection of Cape Saunders Road as the cones have been in place for a long period of time and rock wall needs repair.


Hoani:   Work at the wall underway and that he requested that the minutes from Wellers Rock (Te Umu kuri) meetings be provided to the Community Board.


Hoani Langsbury left the meeting at 11:33 am.


10     Chairperson's Report


The Chair provided a verbal update on:

a) Annual Plan Submission – as circulated to members with the agenda.

b) Freedom Camping at Smaills Beach – addressed during the Public Forum

c) Port Otago Ltd – Port noise.  The Chair advised he had spoken with the Port Otago Ltd CEO, Kevin Winders and that he was satisfied with the response from the CEO, that the matter is being addressed.  The Chair will provide the email response from the CEO to members (once approval given by Mr Winders) will provide a community update to the Board’s Facebook page.

d) Official Road opening (Broad Bay to Portobello) celebration to be held on Sunday 12 May 2019.  The Chair encouraged board members’ attendance at the event.

e) Tomahawk School – update provided as part of the GSO Report (Item 7).

f) Soldiers Memorial – The Chair expressed his concern of the condition of the handrails to the memorial on Highcliff Road.  He advised he has made the Property Services team aware of the issue.

g) Provincial Growth Fund (funding process) – The Chair advised he was seeking more information on the fund and the ability for community boards to access funding.  Cr Whiley suggested the Chair contact Fraser Liggett to discuss fund eligibility details.

h) Community fundraiser requests for the felled trees held at A&P Showgrounds.

Action: Lauren (GSO) to provide information funding eligibility for the Provincial Growth Fund to the Chairperson.


Moved (Chairperson Paul Pope/Member Christine Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson's Report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/026)


11     Councillor's Update


Councillor Andrew Whiley provided an update on matters of interest from the Council meeting held on 30 April 2019 to the Board, including:


·                Positive feedback received on the TRENZ Conference held in Dunedin with tourism and activity bookings coming through for the peninsula as a result.

·                DCC submission to central government on the vocational education (retention of Otago Polytechnic).

·                Order of candidate names for the electoral voting will be placed in random order



Moved (Member Lox Kellas/Member Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the report.

Motion carried (OPCB/2019/027)


12     Items for Consideration by the Chair




There were no items for consideration.


Members were requested to provide any additional amendments to the 2019-2020 Community Plan to Lauren McDonald (GSO), by the end of May, to allow for the updated Community Plan to be ratified at the June board meeting.


Date of the next meeting - Thursday 20 June 2019, commencing at 10:00am.

Venue: Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello.




The meeting concluded at 12:01 pm.





