Strath Taieri Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Strath Taieri Community Board held in the Strath Taieri Community Centre, Middlemarch on Thursday 02 May 2019, commencing at 2.00 pm.





Barry Williams


Deputy Chairperson

Joan Wilson



Norma Emerson

David Frew


Cr Mike Lord

Mr Mark O'Neill


Jacinta Stevenson







Governance Support Officer       Sharon Bodeker




1       Public Forum

1.1    Public Forum - Patricia Bosshard


Patricia Bosshard requested that minutes and agendas be made available in Maggies Store.  She advised they are currently available in the post shop but no one reads them.  She would also like the Board meetings to be advertised in the Taieri Pet. 

Ms Bosshard also commented on waste disposal and asked the Board to send a strong message to LGNZ and the DCC requesting that sustainable and ethical solutions need to be found for waste disposal.  She advised that burying waste in the ground has to change.


1.2    Public Forum – Mike Gerraty


Mike Gerraty spoke about the proposed Diatomite mine.  He was concerned about the possibility of silicon dust coming from the mine.  He advised that Diatoms are microscopic, and absorb silicon out of the ocean, which creates a fine encasement around them.  He advised that he is concerned with the structure and basis of diatomite and need to be cautious of possibility of silicon dust.




2       Apologies


There were no apologies.



3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Joan Wilson/Mike Lord):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (STCB/2019/012)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Mike Lord/Mark O'Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/013)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    Strath Taieri Community Board meeting - 14 March 2019


Moved (David Frew/Norma Emerson):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Strath Taieri Community Board meeting held on 14 March 2019 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (STCB/2019/014)

Part A Reports

6       Emergency Response Plan


Discussion took place on the communities Emergency Response Plan and associated matters.  The Chairperson invited Patricia Bosshard to participate in the discussion.




The Chairperson advised that the Police and Fire Service have many resources available if needed in an emergency.  They have a confidential list of equipment that is held by people and businesses and can be used if required in an emergency.  Comment was made that this list should be updated.  


Ms Bosshard commented that information needs to be provided to the community on what to do in an emergency and how to prepare for an emergency ie solar phone charges, install water tanks etc. 


Members commented that being a rural community people are used to looking after themselves, and that they will also get help from Civil Defence as required and that it would be expensive to put in a local water scheme.


It was agreed that Paul Allen, Emergency Management Officer, would be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss the emergency response plan.





7       Funding Applications


Consideration was given to the funding applications from the Middlemarch Sports Pavilion and the Strath Taieri Hockey Club.


Moved (Joan Wilson/Norma Emerson):

That the Board:


a)     Approves funding of $1,200.00 to the Middlemarch Sports Pavilion for the replacement of a treadmill.

b)     Approves funding of $500,00 to the Strath Taieri Hockey Club for equipment for the hockey team. .

Motion carried (STCB/2019/015)


8       Governance Support Officers Report


The Governance Support Officer provided an update on activities relevant to the Board area including::

·           Project Fund

·           Action List



A discussion took place on the action list with a number of changes being made. 



Moved (Norma Emerson/David Frew):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report.

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/016)


9       Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided update on following matters:

·      FYI Booklet – that is was not cost effective.

·      Taieri Times Community Board input article will be having a weekly article from the local community boards  Each article should be around 300 – 400 words.  The dates for publications are:

·         23 May 2019 – Barry Williams

·         4 July 2019 – Norma Emerson

·         15 August 2019 – Mark O’Neill

·         26 September – Jacinta Stevenson

        Articles are required the week before the publication date. 


·      Roading – The roads are in a rough condition with the school bus having to travel at 10 km per hour.  There is an issue with the contractors.  There are problems on Huntly Road, Murray’s Road, Moonlight Road (recently graded but signs from prior wash out still up), Mason Road, Garthmyle Road and 4 Mile Road, which is down to rock.

·      Bridges – The Chair had meet with Council staff and Cr Wilson to discuss the Bridges in the area.  There is a possibility of lowering the road on Shepards Creek 6 Mile Bridge and staff were reviewing three other bridges.

·      Level of Service is shocking.  It has been 6 months since the November flood and there are still cones out, and the work has not been done.  Weed spraying has been done but the quality was poor.

·         Wifi HotSpots – Norma Emerson provided an update and advised that there is a problem with Chorus and VDSL.  She is not sure why Chorus will not allow VDSL as it is available in Middlemarch. 






10     Council Activities


Cr Mike Lord provided an update on activities including the Annual Plan Hearings, Local Body elections and the Capital Expenditure programme.  He commented that spending is looking good against the budgets.




11     Notification of Agenda Items for Consideration by the Chairperson





There were no items notified.








The meeting concluded at 4.18 pm. .





