West Harbour Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 8 May 2019, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Francisca Griffin

Cr Aaron Hawkins


Ryan Jones

Ange McErlane







Kristy Rusher (Chief Legal Officer)


Governance Support Officer       Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

1.1    Public Forum - Stu Debenhem


Stu Debenhem spoke on his concerns about the public using the private walking track by Currie Court.  He advised that the public track was not maintained and he had spoken to Council staff who were investigating the matter.  He also commented that the land was owned by the Council and not Kiwi Rail.    

He advised that the main issues are the lighting and sealing of the walkway and the overgrown bush midway up the track.  He sought the Board’s assistance to get the matter resolved.

During the discussion Cr Hawkins entered the meeting at 5.36 pm and Francisca Griffin entered the meeting at 5.37 pm

1.1    Public Forum – Bill Brown


Bill Brown spoke to the Board regarding the Sims Building.  He tabled photos of the architecture in the building and advised that it was the last building of the Port’s maritime history.

He advised that he was seeking a letter of support to ensure the reuse and restoration of the building.  In response to a question he advised that he believed the lack of the roof was having an impact on the deterioration of the building.  He also advised that his offer relating to the building was still on the table.



2       Apologies


Apologies were received from Cr Hawkins and Francisca Griffin for lateness and Jan Tucker for absence.


Moved (Steve Walker/Ange McErlane):

That the Board:

          Accepts the apologies from Cr Hawkins and Francisca Griffin for lateness and Jan Tucker for absence.


Motion carried (WHCB/2019/021)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the addition of a discussion on the request for a letter of support for the Sims Building.


Motion carried (WHCB/2019/022)



4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.




Moved (Steve Walker/Aaron Hawkins):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register A; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (WHCB/2019/023)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    West Harbour Community Board meeting - 20 March 2019


Moved (Steve Walker/Ryan Jones):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 20 March 2019 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (WHCB/2019/024)


Part A Reports

6       Project Fund


The Chairperson withdrew from the discussion on the application from the Port Chalmers Kindergarten as he was a member of the Orokonui Ecosanctuary.  The Deputy Chairperson, Trevor Johnson chaired the meeting for this item.

Consideration was given to an application from the Port Chalmers Kindergarten for $400 towards the Orokonui Eco Warriors learning programme. 

In discussing the application it was commented that this seemed to be a programme part of normal curriculum activity of the school and this should be funded via the Ministry of Education.



Moved (Aaron Hawkins/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:


a)     Declines the application from the Port Chalmers Kindergarten.

Motion carried (WHCB/2019/025)



The report back from the Pioneer Opportunities and Resources Trust was also considered.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:

a)     Notes the report back from the Pioneer Opportunities and Resources Trust

Motion carried (WHCB/2019/026)



It was noted that a small function would be held for the recipients of the community awards.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:

a)         Allocates up to $100 for the Community Award function.


Motion carried (WHCB/2019/027)


7       Governance Support Officers Report


In a report the Governance Support Officer provided an update on activities relevant to the Board area including:

·           Project Fund

·           Correspondence

·           Action List




Consideration was given to the correspondence received and the letters from the Aramoana League were noted.  In relation to the Aramoana Road Forum, Cr Hawkins advised that the feedback would be used to inform the Infrastructure Strategy which would be considered as part of the next 10 Year Plan.


It was agreed that the matters raised by Neal McMillan were operational and the letter should be referred to the Group Manager Transport.


A discussion took place on the Sims Building and concern was expressed that the building was deteriorating as a result of the removal of the roof.  It was agreed that the Board would seek assurance regarding the current condition of the building and if deterioration was occurring what steps were being undertaken to prevent this. 


Consideration was given to the Action list with a number of amendments being made.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report;

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate

Motion carried (WHCB/2019/028)


8       Board Representation and Areas of Responsibility


a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Ange McErlane provided an update of the meeting of the Port Environment Liaison Committee and in particular commented on the issue of the noise from the ships.  It was agreed that the Board, via their representative (Ange McErlane) if they could receive a copy of the agenda and reports to be sent to the members so they had the opportunity to read the reports.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson advised that the former Humes pipe building has been removed and there was now a wood merchant operating on the site, which was creating some noise issues.  He also advised that Ravensdown had stated that at this stage they had no plans to develop Moller Park.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful


Steve Walker advised that meeting had been cancelled due to a lack of a quorum.


d)     Communications/Facebook


Ryan Jones commented that advertising had taken place relating to the Community Awards and there had been one message relating to a funding application.


e)     West Harbour Beautification Trust


        Steve Walker advised that there had been no action since the previous meeting.


f)     Policing Issues


        No report due to Jan Tucker’s absence.


g)     Vision Port Chalmers – Jan Tucker


No report due to Jan Tucker’s absence


h)     Access Radio


Francisca Griffin advised that the programme was being held on 14 May and she will discuss the Community Board Conference. 


i)      Community Board Conference update

Ryan Jones and Francsica Griffin provided an update on the Community Board Conference.  Ryan Jones commented on the organisation of the conference and the number that had attended.  He advised that it was a successful conference with a lot of positive feedback.

Francsica Griffin gave an overview on her experience as an attendee and advised that she found it extremely worthwhile.

j)     Community Awards

        To be discussed later in the meeting.

k)     Albertson Avenue Beautification Project

        Francisca Griffin advised that the fruit trees are looking good and a working bee         will be held on 19 May at 11 am.




9       Notice of Motion - Port Otago


In accordance with Standing Order 23.1 of the West Harbour Community Board Standing Orders, a Notice of Motion was received from Councillor Aaron Hawkins.  The Notice of Motion related to the noise issues at Port Otago Ltd.

Councillor Hawkins spoke to the Notice of Motion.


Moved (Aaron Hawkins/Steve Walker):

That the Board:


a)     Receives the Notice of Motion.

b)     Recognises

 i)  the vital role Port Otago plays in both the West Harbour and wider regional economy

ii)  that some noise should be anticipated by residents adjacent to a work port; and

iii) that the frequency, intensity and geographic spread of adverse amenity effects have increased with the arrival of the Rio class ships.

c)      Works with Port Otago; local and central government; and other relevant agencies to:

i)     Mitigate the effects outlined in 1 (iii) where possible in the short term; and

ii)  Develop a longer term strategy for powering container ships in a manner that significantly reduces both their environmental and amenity impacts.


That Board voted by division



For:           Steve Walker, Francisca Griffin, Aaron Hawkins and Ryan Jones (4).

Against:     Trevor Johnson and Ange McErlane (2).


The division was declared CARRIED by 4 votes to 2


Motion carried (WHCB/2019/029)


10     Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest including:

·      Flagstaff Work being undertaken by Port Otago

·      Cigarette Butts – the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Co-ordinator was looking at options for this issue.

·      Cycle/walkway completion – NZTA were currently working with Kiwi Rail to resolve land access issues.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:

a)         Notes the report.


Motion carried (WHCB/2019/030)


11     Council Activities


Cr Hawkins provided an update on matters of interest including the Annual Plan Hearings, Waste Futures project and the Central City Plan.


Moved (Aaron Hawkins/Ryan Jones):

That the Board:

a)         Notes the report.

Motion carried (WHCB/2019/031)


12     Items for Consideration by the Chair




An update on the condition of the Sims Building  was requested for the next meeting.






Resolution to exclude the public

Moved (Steve Walker/Aaron Hawkins):

That the Board:


Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:


General subject of the matter to be considered

Reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution


Reason for Confidentiality

C1  Community Awards


The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

To allow for discussion on the community awards.

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.


Motion carried (WHCB/2019/032)


The meeting went into non-public at 6.50 pm


The meeting concluded at 6.59 pm.





