Strath Taieri Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Strath Taieri Community Board held in the Strath Taieri Community Centre, Middlemarch on Thursday 20 June 2019, commencing at 2.00 pm





Barry Williams


Deputy Chairperson

Joan Wilson



Norma Emerson



David Frew



Mark O’Neill



Jacinta Stevenson





Paul Allen (Emergency Management Officer), Terry Taylor (Contract Supervisor)


Governance Support Officer                  Jennifer Lapham




1          Public Forum

There was no public forum as Alan Thomson withdrew his request to speak.




2          Apologies

An apology was received from Cr Mike Lord

Moved (David Frew/Jacinta Stevenson):

That the Board:

                         Accept the apology from Cr Lord.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/017)



3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Joan Wilson/Norma Emerson):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda noting that the funding application from the Leaning Lodge Trust had been withdrawn.


Motion carried (STCB/2019/018)



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Mark O'Neill/Jacinta Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/019)


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Strath Taieri Community Board meeting - 2 May 2019


Moved (Joan Wilson/Norma Emerson):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Strath Taieri Community Board meeting held on 2 May 2019 as a correct record.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/020)

Part A Reports

6          Emergency Management Plan


The Emergency Management Officer, Paul Allen tabled a copy of the draft Emergency Response document.  He advised that the intention was to simplify the information provided.  He was currently seeking local knowledge on the areas of the map that information contained in the pamphlet that needs to be included from the local community. 



Members discussed the document and provided information that should be included in the map.


Mr Allen advised that he would update the map and circulation the updated map for confirmation.



7          Project Fund Applications


It was noted that the application from the Leaning Lodge Trust had been withdrawn.

Consideration was given to the application from the Hindon Community Centre, who had applied for a grant of $5,000 to paint the outside of the hall.

The Chairperson invited Chris Adams (Hindon Community Centre President) to speak to the application.  Mr Adams explained that they were trying to restore the Hall in an effort to strengthen the community spirit.  He advised that a number of events had been held, and the group had managed to pay off debt and were now looking at painting the hall.


Moved (Joan Wilson/Norma Emerson):

That the Board:


a)     Approves a grant of $2,310.00 to the Hindon Community Centre Inc towards the painting of the hall.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/021)


8          Governance Support Officers Report


In a report the Governance Support Officer provided an update on matters of interest including:

·        Project Fund

·        Playground Strategic Planning Update

·        Action List



Discussion took place on the Action list with a number of amendments being made.



Moved (David Frew/Mark O'Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report.

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate.

Motion carried (STCB/2019/022)


9          Wifi Update




Norma Emerson provided an update on the Wifi Project.  She advised that Unifone had sped up their roll out and Wifi was now available. 


It was agreed that Norma Emerson could put a note in the Taieri Pet advising of the availability of Wifi and that a letter of thanks be sent to Unifone. 





10        Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided a verbal update on the following matters.

a)       Bridges Update - The Sutton Bridge would be officially re-opened on 20 July at 1 pm.   He also commented on the repairs of other bridges in the area. 

b)    Gravelling of roads – concerned that while the shingle is being put on the roads, it is not being followed up with grading. 

c)    Maintenance of roads – Dunstan Road has not been graded.  This was meant to occur prior to it being closed.

d)    Foulden Hill Mine – The company has now gone into receivership. 



11        Council Activities



There was no update as Cr Lord was an apology.





12        Notification of Items for Consideration by the Chairperson



There were no items notified.




The meeting concluded at 3.15 pm .



