


Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Dunedin City Council held in the Council Chamber, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 10 December 2019, commencing at 1.04 pm





Mayor Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Mayor

Cr Christine Garey




Cr Sophie Barker

Cr David Benson-Pope


Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Carmen Houlahan

Cr Marie Laufiso


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Jim O'Malley


Cr Jules Radich

Cr Chris Staynes


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Steve Walker




Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive Officer), Sandy Graham (General Manager City Services), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure Services), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), Dave Tombs (General Manager Finance and Commercial), John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), Graham McKerracher (Manager, Council Communications and Marketing), Robert West (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Owen Graham (Senior Leasing and Land Advisor), Tami Sargeant (Team Leader Regulation Management – Transport), Michael Tannock (Network Assets Team Leader), Gavin Logie (Financial Controller) and Lawrie Warwood (Financial Analyst)


Governance Support Officer                  Lynne Adamson



1          Opening

Maurice Turketo, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints opened the meeting with a prayer.


2          Public Forum

2.1       Public Forum - Immigration Office/Services


Paul Gourlie and Potama sought support for the establishment of Otepoti Dunedin Immigration office/services.  He asked for support to establish a permanent or rotating office to provide these services.

Mr Gourlie noted that there should be universal access to education and health for all residents and appealed for the city to take ownership of the University and he spoke of the living wage.



2.2       Public Forum - Commercial Rates


Matt Easton advised that he owned the Pool House and back packers and felt that commercial accommodation providers were on an unfair playing field in respect of commercial rates, compared to the University and Air B and B properties, both of which rent out beds.

Mr Easton voiced his concerns with freedom campers parking close together and spoke of the use and potential risk should a gas cannister blow.  He advised that he adhered to all safety regulations and believed the campers should also.



2.3       Public Forum - Sims Building


Kristine Smith and Tim Heath (Sims Building Action Group) read their written submission concerning the Sims Building.  


It was moved Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey:


             That the Council:


                         Extend the public forum.


Motion carried


Ms Smith and Mr Heath responded to questions on the provision of car parks; heritage and the financial pressure to rebuild.




2.4       Public Forum - Reverse the Closure of the Carriageway


Anne Marie Parsons spoke of the achievements of her late husband; Henry Richard Wain Skinner, and her disappointment that they had never been recognised. 

His achievements included fencing off the albatross colony to provide protection for the albatross, .setting up the Taieri Gorge Railway, and running a small tour company, which he used to advocate and successfully bring cruise ships to Dunedin. 

In response to questions, Ms Parsons commented that she would like recognition for her late husband and agreed that a plaque appropriately placed would be suitable.


2.5       Public Forum - Octagon Closure


Dougal McGowan, Otago Chamber of Commerce addressed the meeting on the proposed Octagon closures.  He commented on the concerns raised by affected businesses on the lack of communication they had received over the proposed trial.

Mr McGowan noted earlier committee reports where support was given for pedestrianisation trials to be undertaken in the lower Octagon and lower Stuart Street.  He commented that full closure was not supported, and that the upper Octagon should be open and available for buses to drop off and pick up passengers. 

Mr MGowan responded to questions.


2.6       Public Forum - Octagon Closure


Paul Phelan, Chairman, Dunedin Host spoke on the proposed Octagon closure during Jan – March 2020, noting the Dunedin Host members and the tourism industry had concerns with the proposed closure.  Mr Phelan spoke of the lack of communication and consultation.  He advised that he understood that Council had approved closure of the lower Octagon and lower Stuart Street previously and therefore, the new proposal raised confusion.

Mr Phelan commented that the impact the closure would have on cruise ship visitors and tourism with buses unable to drop passengers in the centre of the city, and the negative impact for businesses, including the need to reprint previously printed material.  

Mr Phelan then responded to questions.


3          Apologies

Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


Accepts the apology from Cr Andrew Whiley for absence and Cr Doug Hall for lateness.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/045)


4          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


Confirms the agenda with the following alterations:


In regard to Standing Order 2.1, Option C be adopted in relation to moving and seconding and speaking to amendments.


That Item C3 – Property Arrangement Grant Sport Otago be withdrawn from the meeting.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/046)



5          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

c)     Notes the Executive Leadership Team Interest Register.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/047)


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1       Ordinary Council meeting - 25 October 2019


Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 25 October 2019 as a correct record.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/048)




6.2       Ordinary Council meeting - 30 October 2019


Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 30 October 2019 as a correct record.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/049)


6.3       Ordinary Council meeting - 12 November 2019


Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 12 November 2019 as a correct record.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/050)


7          Minutes of Community Boards

7          Otago Peninsula Community Board - 31 October 2019


Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 31 October 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/051)


8          Strath Taieri Community Board - 31 October 2019


Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the minutes of the Strath Taieri Community Board meeting held on 31 October 2019

Motion carried (CNL/2019/052)


9          Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board - 7 November 2019


Moved (Cr Carmen Houlahan/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on
07 November 2019

Motion carried (CNL/2019/053)


10        Saddle Hill Community Board - 7 November 2019


Moved (Cr Jules Radich/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 07 November 2019

Motion carried (CNL/2019/054)


11        Waikouaiti Coast Community Board - 7 November 2019


Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 07 November 2019

Motion carried (CNL/2019/055)



12        West Harbour Community Board - 7 November 2019


Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Sophie Barker):

That the Council:


a)     Notes the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 07 November 2019.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/056)



13        Approval to Grant Electricity Easement to Aurora Energy - part Mosgiel Memorial Park


A report from Parks and Recreation discussed an application by Aurora Energy Limited for the grant of an electricity easement over part of Mosgiel Memorial Park.


The Group Manager Parks and Recreation (Robert West) and Leasing and Land Advisor (Owen Graham) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


a)     Grants, as administering body of the Mosgiel Memorial Park, pursuant to Section 48 of the Reserves Act 1977, an easement in gross to Aurora Energy Limited for the installation of underground cables and ancillary equipment over part of the Mosgiel Memorial Park (Record of Title 296322).

b)     Decides that the criteria for exemption from public notification had been met.

c)     Acting under its delegation from the Minister of Conservation dated 12 June 2013 and pursuant to Section 48 of the Reserves Act 1977, approves an easement in gross to Aurora Energy Limited for the installation of underground cables and ancillary equipment over part of Mosgiel Memorial Park (Record of Title 296322).

Motion carried (CNL/2019/057)


14        Approval to Grant two Drainage Easements over Part Fraser's Creek Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve


A report from Parks and Recreation discussed an application by TPD and JPD Trustees Limited (the Applicant), owners of 152A Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, for the grant of two drainage easements over part of the Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve adjoining Fraser’s Creek adjacent to 152A Kaikorai Valley Road. The easements would enable the owners to connect into the existing Council foul sewer that was located within the Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve and to discharge collected rainwater directly into Fraser’s Creek.  The easement requirements were a condition of the resource consent issued for the four-lot subdivision of 152A Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin (SUB-2019-89). 


The Group Manager Parks and Recreation (Robert West) and Leasing and Land Advisor (Owen Graham) spoke to the report.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Council:


a)     Acting in its capacity as the administering body of part of the Fraser’s Creek Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977:

i)          Grants easements to drain water and sewage over part of the Fraser’s Creek Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve adjacent to 152A Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, being Lot 5 DP 521710, Record of Title 830080, subject to the conditions outlined in this report.

ii)         Approves waiving the annual rental for use of the reserve.

iii)        Decides that the criteria for exemption from public notification had been met.

b)     Acting under delegation from the Minister of Conservation dated 12 June 2013, and pursuant to section 48 of the Reserves Act 1977, consents to the grant of easements to drain water and sewage over part of the Fraser’s Creek Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve adjacent to 152A Kaikorai Valley Road, Dunedin, being Lot 5 DP 521710, Record of Title 830080, subject to the conditions outlined in this report.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/058)


15        Proposal to Rename Desert Road to Moepuku Road


A report from Transport sought consideration of a proposal for the renaming of ‘Desert Road’, which joins Harington Point Road on the Otago Peninsula to ‘Moepuku Road’.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Team Leader Regulatory Management – Transport (Tami Sargeant) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Council:


a)     Approves renaming ‘Desert Road’ to ‘Moepuku Road’.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/059)


16        Naming of a new road off Holyhead Street, Outram


A report from Transport sought approval of a name for a new road off Holyhead Street, Outram, as part of the Balmoral development by Balmoral Developments (Outram) Ltd.

The new road name proposed by the developer was ‘Frank Ferguson Place’, and ‘Franks Place’ as an alternative name. The report noted that ‘Frank Ferguson Place’ did not comply with the length criteria of the Road Naming Policy however the name ‘Franks Place’ did comply and was presented for consideration and approval.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Team Leader Regulatory Management – Transport (Tami Sargeant) spoke to the report and responded to questions. 



Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Jules Radich):

That the Council:


a)     Approves naming of a new road off Holyhead Street, Outram, within the Balmoral development as ‘Franks Place’.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/060)


17        Naming of a new road off Dundee Road, Mosgiel


A report from Transport sought approval a new road in the Highland Park Subdivision off Dundee Road, Mosgiel, to be named Silverdale Place.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Team Leader Regulatory Management – Transport (Tami Sargeant) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)     Approves naming of a new road off Dundee Road, Mosgiel, within the Highland Park Subdivision as ‘Silverdale Place’.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/061)


18        Naming of a private way off Caledonia Drive, Mosgiel


A report from Transport sought approval for a private way off Caledonia Drive, Mosgiel, to be named Neil Collins Lane as part of the Stage 11 of the Silver Springs subdivision.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Team Leader Regulatory Management – Transport (Tami Sargeant) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Council:


a)     Approves naming the private way off Caledonia Drive, Mosgiel, as ‘Neil Collins Lane’.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/062)


19        Naming of a private way off 212 Gladstone Road North, Mosgiel


A report from Transport sought approval for a private way off 212 Gladstone Road North, Mosgiel to be named Pomerania Lane.  



The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Team Leader Regulatory Management – Transport (Tami Sargeant) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)     Approves naming the private way off 212 Gladstone Road North, Mosgiel, as ‘Pomerania Way’.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/063)


20        Review of Roading Bylaw


A report from Transport recommended a review of the Roading Bylaw 2008 as the most appropriate way to address roading related issues in Dunedin, including regulating the activities of road corridor users and their impact on the roading asset.

The Roading Bylaw would be automatically revoked on 30 June 2020 if it is not reviewed.


The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and Team Leader Regulatory Management – Transport (Tami Sargeant) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:


a)     Determines that a bylaw is the most appropriate way to regulate the activities of road corridor users and their impact on the roading asset in Dunedin.

b)     Notes that a draft Statement of Proposal and draft Roading Bylaw 2020 will be developed and presented to the Council in January 2020.

c)     Notes that a draft proposed Speed Limits Bylaw 2004 amendment will be developed and presented to the Council in January 2020.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/064)


21        Meeting Schedule for 2020


A report from Civic sought approval for the adoption of a meeting schedule for 2020, in accordance with Clause 19(6)(a) of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.  This Clause allows the Council to adopt a schedule of meetings to cover any future period that the local authority considers appropriate.


The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:


a)     Approves the proposed meeting schedule for 2020 as appended to the report.

b)     Notes that the Community Boards would confirm their own meeting dates at their next meetings. 

Motion carried (CNL/2019/065)


22        Delegation for Dunedin Heritage TRUST Fund


A report from Civic advised that the delegation to the Dunedin Heritage Trust Fund was needed to allow the December 2019 meeting to proceed. 


The General Manager City Services (Sandy Graham) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


Moved (Cr Lee Vandervis/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Council:


a)         Approves the delegation for the Dunedin Heritage Trust Fund.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/066)


23        Financial Result - Period Ended 31 October 2019


A report from Finance provided the financial results for the period ended 31 October 2019 and the financial position as at that date.


The General Manager Finance and Commercial (Dave Tombs), Financial Controller (Gavin Logie) and Financial Analyst (Lawrie Warwood) spoke to the report.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:


a)         Notes the Financial Performance for the period ended 31 October 2019 and the Financial Position as at that date.

Motion carried (CNL/2019/067)


24        Dunedin City Holdings Limited Share Capital


A report from Finance advised that the current DCC Group borrowing arrangements required the level of Dunedin City Holdings Limited (“DCHL”) uncalled share capital to be greater than DCC Group debt.  The uncalled share capital of DCHL was currently $850m.


The Chief Executive Officer (Sue Bidrose) and General Manager Finance and Commercial (Dave Tombs) spoke to the report and responded to questions on equity and debt level and provided comparisons with the Dunedin City Council and other Councils.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Council:


a)     Notes that using the existing DCC Treasury framework, the share capital of Dunedin City Holdings Limited needs to be increased to enable future DCC Group debt to exceed $850m.

b)     Recommends the share capital of Dunedin City Holdings Limited be increased to provide $975m of uncalled share capital.

c)     Instructs DCHL that DCC Group debt cannot exceed the level included in the current DCHL Statement of Intent ($927m) without a specific resolution of council authorising such an increase.


The Council voted by division:


For:                  Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Carmen Houlahan, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Jim O'Malley, Jules Radich, Chris Staynes, Steve Walker and Mayor Aaron Hawkins (13).

Against:          Cr Lee Vandervis (1).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 1


Motion carried (CNL/2019/068)


It was moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey)


That the Council:


             Adjourn the meeting for 15 minutes.

                         Motion carried


The meeting adjourned at 3.19 pm and reconvened at 3.35 pm.


25        Code of Conduct


Standing Order 20.2(c) was suspended for the duration of this item. 



A report from the Chief Executive Officer advised that a Code of Conduct complaint was laid on receipt of a complaint by a Dunedin City Council (DCC) Customer Service Centre staff member about the behaviour of Cr Lee Vandervis.


The matter was investigated in line with the process outlined in the Code of Conduct and a report into the complaint and a summary of legal issues was provided for consideration.


Councillor Vandervis spoke to the matter and advised that, in his opinion, there had been no breach and gave reasons for his view. 


Councillor Vandervis then withdrew from the item.



Councillors spoke to the perceived breach and agreed to accept the findings of the investigation and issue Cr Vandervis with a written censure.



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:

a)         Accept the findings of David Benham’s investigation; and

b)        Issue a written censure to Cr Vandervis in response.


The Council voted by division


For:                 Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Carmen Houlahan, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Jim O'Malley, Jules Radich, Chris Staynes, Steve Walker and Mayor Aaron Hawkins (13).

Against:         Nil

Abstained:   Nil

        The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 0

Motion carried (CNL/2019/069)


Cr Vandervis returned to the table at 4.13 pm


26        Notice of Motion - Energy Efficiency Initiatives


In accordance with Standing Order 26.1, a Notice of Motion had been received from Mayor Aaron Hawkins.

Mayor Aaron Hawkins spoke to the Notice of Motion which was then considered by Council.



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Council:


a)     Requests that the Minister for Energy reinvest any non-compliance penalties handed down to Aurora into energy efficiency initiatives in the DCC, CODC and QLDC areas;

b)     Seeks support from other funding and public agencies to further advance this work; and

c)     Ask staff to identify options to broaden existing council mechanisms that deliver on our Cosy Homes ambitions.


The Council voted by division


For:                  Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Carmen Houlahan, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Jim O'Malley, Jules Radich, Chris Staynes, Steve Walker and Aaron Hawkins (13).

Against:          Cr Lee Vandervis (1).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 1


Motion carried (CNL/2019/070)



27        Notice of Motion - St Clair Beach


In accordance with Standing Order 26.1, a Notice of Motion had been received from Cr Jules Radich.

Councillor Radich spoke to the Notice of Motion which was then considered by Council.




Moved (Cr Jules Radich/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Council:


a)     Requests a report assessing the feasibility of, and options for reinstating the existing timber groyne structure at St Clair Beach, including:

i)          An assessment of the risks and benefits of the groyne including reference to Kettle Park and the risks of doing nothing

ii)         A construction time and cost estimate

iii)        A strategic assessment of its effects on the wider coastal system and the Council’s exisiting work programme


The Council voted by division


For:                  Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Doug Hall, Carmen Houlahan, Mike Lord, Jim O'Malley, Jules Radich, Chris Staynes, Lee Vandervis, Steve Walker and Aaron Hawkins (12).

Against:          Crs Christine Garey and Marie Laufiso (2).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 12 votes to 2


Motion carried (CNL/2019/071)


28        Notice of Motion - Octagon Closure


In accordance with Standing Order 26.1, a Notice of Motion had been received from Councilor Carmen Houlahan.

Councillor Houlahan spoke to the Notice of Motion which was then considered by Council.

It was agreed that the resolutions would be taken separately.


Moved (Cr Carmen Houlahan/Cr Sophie Barker):

That the Council:


a)     Urgently reviews the plans for Octagon closures



The Council voted by division


For:                  Crs Sophie Barker, Rachel Elder, Doug Hall, Carmen Houlahan, Jim O'Malley, Jules Radich, Chris Staynes and Lee Vandervis (8).

Against:          Crs David Benson-Pope, Christine Garey, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Steve Walker and Aaron Hawkins (6).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 8 votes to 6


Motion carried (CNL/2019/072)



b)     Discuss the plans thoroughly with all affected parties weekly.


The Council voted by division


For:                  Crs Doug Hall, Jules Radich and Lee Vandervis (3).

Against:          Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Carmen Houlahan, Marie Laufiso, Mike Lord, Jim O'Malley, Chris Staynes, Steve Walker and Aaron Hawkins (11).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared LOST by 11 votes to 3





Resolution to exclude the public

Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Council:


Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, exclude the public from the following part of the proceedings of this meeting namely:


General subject of the matter to be considered

Reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution


Reason for Confidentiality

C1  Ordinary Council meeting - 12 November 2019 - Public Excluded and the Councillor Only Council meeting – Public Excluded


The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.




C2  Potential Land Transaction


The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


C3  Property Arrangement Grant Sport Otago


The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


C4  Sims Building Update


The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.



The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


C5  Council Appointments of External Representatives


The withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act, or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above after each item.

That Keith Cooper (Chairperson, Dunedin City Holdings Ltd) be permitted to attend the meeting to speak to Item C2, Potential Land Transactions to provide assistance in relation to the matters to be discussed.


Motion carried (CNL/2019/073)



The meeting moved into confidential at 5.18 pm and concluded at 6.02 pm.





