Economic Development Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Economic Development Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 15 June 2020, commencing at 1.30 pm





Cr Chris Staynes


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Andrew Whiley



Cr Sophie Barker

Cr David Benson-Pope


Cr Christine Garey

Cr Doug Hall


Mayor Aaron Hawkins

Cr Carmen Houlahan


Cr Marie Laufiso

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Jules Radich


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Steve Walker




John Christie (Director Enterprise Dunedin), Sandy Graham (General Manager, City Services), Simon Drew (General Manager, Infrastructure Services), Jeanine Benson (Group Manager, Transport), Fraser Liggett (Economic Development Programme Manager), Malcolm Anderson (City Marketing Manager), Des Adamson (Business Relationship Manager) Benje Patterson (Business Analyst), Suzanne Jenkins (Finance and Operations Manager), Louise Van der Vlierd (Manager, Visitors Centre), Chanel O’Brien (Business Development Advisor Skills and Entrepreneurship) , Annabelle Cullinane (Economic Advisor Coastal), Sanae Herd (Consumer & Brand Marketing Advisor), Sarah Bramhall (Public Relations & Promotions Advisor) and  Andrea Jones (Team Leader, Communications)


Governance Support Officer                  Wendy Collard




1          Public Forum

1.1       Startup Dunedin


Rachel Butler (General Manager) and Sarah Ramsay (Chairperson), Startup Dunedin provided an update on Startup Dunedin Project.   

Ms Butler commented on the number and types of programmes, events and the demographics of users of the Ecosystem.

Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 2.01 pm and returned to the meeting at 2.03 pm.


Ms Ramsay commented on the Startup Dunedin Trust ‘s strategy and achievements.  She commented that the main objective for this year was coaching, creating opportunities for founders to pitch their ideas to potential funders including venture capitalists and angel investors.  Ms Ramsay provided a background to the Trust’s outcomes; and investment funding such as Mainland Angel Investment (MAI)

Moved: Staynes/Walker

That the Committee:

a)             Extends the public forum.

Motion carried

Ms Ramsay and Ms Butler responded to questions from Councillors.



2          Apologies

There were no apologies.



3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda with the following alteration:


In regard to Standing Order 21.1 Options for speaking and moving, that Option C be adopted in relation to moving and seconding and speaking to amendments.


Motion carried (ED/2020/005)



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.




Moved (Cr Chris Staynes/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (ED/2020/006)


Part A Reports

5          Startup Ecosystem


A report from Enterprise Dunedin sought approval for a Grow Dunedin Partnership (GDP) funding decision in line with GDP’s approvals and delegation.

The report noted that at its meeting held on 28 May 2020, GDP resolved funding of $150,000 to the Startup Dunedin Trust (SUDT) to support the continued development of the start-up ecosystem for the 2020/21 financial year.  The funding was from a proposed $362,600 2020/21 operating budget for GDP activities.

It also noted that the investment would be supported by an additional $44,000 from Enterprise Dunedin’s 2020/2021 Operational Budget for the delivery of Audacious.  The funding built on 2019/2020 activities and would further support the Dunedin start-up ecosystem as part of a post COVID-19 economic response.

The Business Development Programme Manager (Fraser Liggett) and the Business Development Advisor Skills and Entrepreneurship (Chanel O’Brien) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


During discussion Cr Doug Hall left the meeting at 2.48 pm and returned at 2.53 pm.


There was discussion on Callaghan Innovation being encouraged to open an office in Dunedin in recognition of the technology ecosystem in the city.



Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Committee:


a)         Approves $150,000 funding to the Startup Dunedin Trust (SUDT) for the 2020/21 financial year.

b)        Notes this investment will be supported:

i)          $44,000 from Enterprise Dunedin for the 2020/21 delivery of Audacious;

ii)         $40,000 from the University of Otago for the 2020/21 delivery of Audacious;

iii)        $20,000 from the Otago Polytechnic for the 2020/21 delivery of Audacious.

c)         Notes its appreciation to Nigel Bamford, DCC representative on SUDT who stepped down in March 2020.

d)        Notes its appreciation to Donna Hall for her contribution to the SUDT.

e)        Notes further advice will be brought back regarding the appointment of a new DCC representative on SUDT


Motion carried (ED/2020/007)



Cr Carmen Houlahan left the meeting at 3.04 pm and returned to the meeting at 3.08 pm.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Committee:


a)               Requests that Callaghan Innovation be encouraged to open an office in Dunedin in recognition of the technology ecosystem in the city; and

b)              Authorises the Mayor to write to the Callaghan Innovation advising them of the request.

Motion carried (ED/2020/008)




6          Enterprise Dunedin Activity Report - June 2020


Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 03:25 pm and  returned to the meeting at 03:27 pm.


A report from Enterprise Dunedin provided an update on the Enterprise Dunedin activities.

During discussion Cr Christine Garey left the meeting at 03:48 pm and returned to the meeting at 03:51 pm.

During discussion Cr Steve Walker left the meeting at 03:51 pm and returned to the meeting at 03:53 pm.


The Business Development Programme Manager (Fraser Liggett), the City Marketing Manager (Malcolm Anderson), the Business Relationship Manager (Des Adamson), the Business Development Advisor Skills and Entrepreneurship (Chanel O’Brien) and the Business Analyst (Benje Patterson) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


During discussion Cr Rachel Elder left the meeting at 03:59 pm. and  returned to the meeting at 4.00 pm.




Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Enterprise Dunedin Activity Report – June 2020.

Motion carried (ED/2020/009)


7          Oamaru to Dunedin Cycle Trail feasibility study


A report from Transport provided a summary of an initial feasibility study for a cycle trail linking Oamaru and Dunedin.

The report noted that the feasibility study found that an off-road, primarily coastal route between Oamaru and Dunedin was technically feasible and would provide economic and social benefits, which included increased visitor expenditure and health benefits to locals and visitors using the trail.

The General Manager Infrastructure Services (Simon Drew) and the Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


During discussion, Cr Lee Vandervis left the meeting at 4.16 pm and returned at 4.19 pm.

During discussion Cr Houlahan left the meeting at 4.28 pm and returned to the meeting at 4.31 pm.




Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the findings of the Oamaru to Dunedin Cycle Trail feasibility study.

Motion carried (ED/2020/010) with Councillor Vandervis recording his vote against



8          Items for Consideration by the Chair


Mayor Hawkins requested that a process be considered outlining how Council could provide input into the structure and direction of the Start Up Trust that Council funds either via a Service Level Agreement or Board appointments.






The meeting concluded at 4.36 pm





