Waikouaiti Coast Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board held in the Waitati Hall, 26 Harvey Street, Waitati on Wednesday 17 June 2020, commencing at 4.30 pm





Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Geraldine Tait



Andy Barratt

Sonya Billyard


Mark Brown

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock


Cr Jim O'Malley





Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi) and Jeanine Benson (Group Manager Transport)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray



1          Public Forum

1.1       Public Forum - Shortcut Road


Lindsay Scott, Deputy Chief Fire Officer, addressed the meeting raising concerns with regards to the possible closing of Shortcut Road and responded to members questions.



1.2       Public Forum - Defibrillator Training


Paul Clements addressed the meeting concerning defibrillators in the area and any training requirements.  He asked if the Board would fund training sessions for locals as a fund raiser for the medical unit, cost $20.00 per head, 10 participants per two hour session, training would be conducted by a qualified trainer and responded to members questions.  The Board considered this funding in Item 9.


2          Apologies

There were no apologies.



3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Sonya Billyard):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (WC/2020/016)



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Mandy Mayhem-Bullock updated her register to add CDEC Community Response Group Member, Zone 6 Community Board Rep and Keep Dunedin Beautiful Deputy Chair and to remove the Toy Library.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:


a)     Amends the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (WC/2020/017)


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5          Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 22 January 2020


Moved (Sonya Billyard/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


Confirms the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 22 January 2020 as a correct record with the minor amendment as agreed.

Motion carried (WC/2020/018)


Part A Reports

6          Introduction - Group Manager Transport


Jeanine Benson, Group Manager Transport, was in attendance to introduce herself to the Board.  She updated the Board on various items which included the Vegetation Contract and responded to members questions.


7          Governance Support Officer's Report


The report provided details of activities relevant to the Board’s area including:

a)         Project Fund

b)        Funding Report from Blueskin News Community Newsletter

c)         Freedom Camping Report

d)        Roadside Vegetation Contract

e)        Department of Conservation Notice of Intention

f)         Annual Plan Submissions – Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council

g)         Dunedin City Council Updates



Moved (Mandy Mayhem-Bullock/Geraldine Tait):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

Motion carried (WC/2020/019)



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:

a)     Notes the funding report from Blueskin News Committee Newsletter.

Motion carried (WC/2020/020)



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)     Does not submit to the consultation on south-eastern South Island marine protected areas.

Motion carried (WC/2020/021)



Moved (Andy Barratt/Alasdair Morrison):

That the Board:

a)     Ratifies the submission to the 2020/21 Dunedin City Council Annual Plan retrospectively.

Motion carried (WC/2020/022) with Cr Jim O’Malley withdrawing.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Sonya Billyard):

That the Board:

a)     Ratifies the submission to the 2020/21 Otago Regional Council Annual Plan retrospectively.

Motion carried (WC/2020/023)


8          Funding Applications


The report provided details of 4 funding applications received for the Board’s consideration. 

Waikouaiti District Museum requested $837.00 to purchase a bar fridge and microwave for the kitchen in the new museum building.

Blueskin News Community Newsletter requested $675.00 excluding GST to fund the printing of the Blueskin Newsletter.

Mark Brown and Mandy Mayhem Bullock declared a conflict of interest with this item and withdrew from discussion.

POWA (Progress of Waikouaiti Area) requested $600.00 to fund the printing of the POWA newsletter.

Sonya Billyard declared a conflict of interest with this item and withdrew from discussion.

An invoice from Otago Blue for the payment of hand and surface sanitizer during the Covid-19 lockdown to the value of $240.00 for providing 30 bottles.


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:


a)     Approves the funding of $837.00 from the Waikouaiti District Museum to purchase a bar fridge and microwave for the kitchen in the new museum building.

Motion carried (WC/2020/024)



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Geraldine Tait):

That the Board:

a)     Approves the funding of $675.00 from Blueskin News Community Newsletter to fund the printing of the Blueskin Newsletter.

Motion carried (WC/2020/025) with Mark Brown and Mandy Mayhem-Bullock withdrawing.



Moved (Mandy Mayhem-Bullock/Geraldine Tait):

That the Board:

a)     Approves the funding of $600.00 from POWA (Progress of Waikouaiti Area) to fund the printing of the POWA newsletter.

Motion carried (WC/2020/026) with Sonya Billyard withdrawing.



Moved (Mark Brown/Geraldine Tait):

That the Board:

a)     Approves the payment of $240.00 to Otago Blue for providing 30 bottles of hand and surface sanitizer.

Motion carried (WC/2020/027)



The Board discussed a memorial to honour the late Joel Vanderburg.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)              Allocates $750.00 from the project fund for a memorial to honour the late Joel Vanderburg, the design and appropriate time for the memorial to be agreed with by Andy Barratt and the Vanderburg family.

Motion carried (WC/2020/028)


9          Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided a verbal report at the meeting, which included:

·        Update on meeting attended with ORC regarding bus service

·        Oamaru to Dunedin Cycle Trail Feasibility discussion regarding process needed for the various sections within the Community Board area.  Several Board members will meet and discuss the process around public consultation.

·        Annual Plan Submissions feedback

·        North Coast promotional activities

·        CDEM COVID-19 Report

·        Community Plan - Long Term Plan

·        Freedom Camping

·                Firefighting tanks

·                Horse Trainers

·                Speed limit review

·                Funding defibrillator training, the Board members discussed funding two sessions of 10 participants.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson’s report.

Motion carried (WC/2020/029)



The Board discussed the opportunity to fund local residents to attend defibrillator training.



Moved (Andy Barratt/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:

a)        Allocates $400.00 to enable 2 sessions of 10 people to attend Defibrillator training in Waitati.

Motion carried (WC/2020/030)


10        Board Updates


Board members provided an update on activities, which included:


Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB)

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock provided a verbal update which included that Keep Dunedin Beautiful had been unable to meet and that the awards had been postponed until September 2020.


Waikouaiti Recycling Centre Project

Geraldine Tait provided a verbal update which included reviewing three concept drawings for the landscaping which one concept was well received.


Waikouaiti Plantation Replanting Project

Mark Brown provided a verbal update which included maintenance levels at this time.


Truby King Recreation Reserve Committee

Andy Barratt provided a verbal update which included the process for reviewing the draft management plan for Truby King Recreation Reserve.


Zone 6 Community Board Representative

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock provided a verbal update which included that planning for a Community Board conference and awards were underway which would be held in Gore next year.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the updates.

Motion carried (WC/2020/031)


11        Council Activities


Councillor Jim O’Malley provided an update on matters of interest to the Board.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Alasdair Morrison):

That the Board:

a)         Notes the update.

Motion carried (WC/2020/032)


12        Items for Consideration by the Chairperson


Geraldine Tait requested letters of thanks be sent to essential workers.


Andy Barratt requested information relating to flooding at Karitane during high tide and also erosion issues.


The meeting concluded at 7.55 pm.


