Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board held in the Mosgiel Coronation Hall, 99 Gordon Road, Mosgiel on Wednesday 18 November 2020, commencing at 5.00 pm





Joy Davis


Deputy Chairperson

Dean McAlwee




Phillipa Bain

Martin Dillon


Cr Carmen Houlahan

Brian Miller


Brian Peat





Jeanine Benson (Group Manager, Transport), Julian Phillips (Team Leader Public Transport, Otago Regional Council) and Paul Jamieson (Fulton Hogan)


Governance Support Officer                  Wendy Collard




1          Public Forum

1.1       Mel Tudor


Mel Tudor tabled and spoke to his concerns regarding the kerb intrusions that had been installed along Bush Road as part of the “Mosgiel-Taieri Safer Schools Street Project”.   Mr Tudor commented that his main concern was the vehicles having to cross the centre line to pass cyclists safely.

Mr Tudor responded to questions.



1.2       Wayne Pantel


Wayne Pantel spoke to his concerns on the impact that the “Mosgiel-Taieri Safer Schools Street Project” trail was having.

Mr Pantel responded to questions.


1.3       Margaret Van Zyl


Mrs Van Zyl spoke on the Mosgiel-Taieri Safer Schools Street Project and commented that she felt that the trail was dangerous and unsafe for cyclists.  She suggested that stops signs and judder bars along with a pedestrian crossing would be more effective.


Mrs Van Zyl responded to questions.



2          Apologies

There were no apologies.


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Joy Davis/ Martin Dillon):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (MTCB/2020/045)



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Joy Davis advised that she had provided an update to her Register of Interests.

Dean McAlwee provided an update to his Register of Interests.

Brian Miller declared an interest in the Freedom Camping item and the correspondence from Susan Broad.



Moved (Joy Davis/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


a)     Amends the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/046)


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting - 12 August 2020


Moved (Martin Dillon/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on 12 August 2020 as a correct record.

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/047) with Brian Miller recording his vote against


5.2       Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting - 30 September 2020


Moved (Phillipa Bain/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on 30 September 2020 as a correct record.

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/048)


Part A Reports

6          Otago Regional  Council Regarding Public Transport


The Team Leader Public Transport, Otago Regional Council (Julian Phillips) provided an update on public transport which included the recent change made to the Mosgiel Bus Loop.


Mr Phillips responded to questions.



7          Roadside Vegetation


The Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson) and Paul Jamieson from Fulton Hogan provided an update on management of roadside vegetation and responded to questions.



8          Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic provided an update on a number of activities relevant to the Board’s area which included:

Project Fund -  there was a discussion on the project fund and possible Board projects.


Moved (Brian Miller/Brian Peat):

That the Board:


Requests staff investigate the costings and a design of a kiosk at the Mosgiel Memorial Gardens to include the history of the gardens.

Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn by the mover and seconder.


Moved (Martin Dillon/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


Approves funding of up to $500.00 to cover advertising costs of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board Community Grants Round.


Motion carried (MTCB/2020/049)



Moved that the Board (Joy Davis/Martin Dillon):


Adjourns the meeting.


Motion carried


The meeting adjourned at 6.46 pm and reconvened at 6.47 pm.



Brian Miller withdrew from the discussion on freedom camping.

Freedom Camping – there was a discussion on the freedom camping sites within the city.

Mosgiel-Taieri Safer Schools Street Project – there was a discussion which included the changes to the Mosgiel Loop Bus Route; the role of the Board Members on the working group for this project.


Moved (Brian Miller/Dean McAlwee):

That the Board:


Requests that following the completion of the Safer School Streets Project trail, the Otago Regional Council give consideration to the reinstatement of the Mure/Inglis Street as part of the Mosgiel Bus Loop.

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/050)



Brian Miller withdrew from discussion on the letter received from Ms Broad


Inwards Correspondence – The Chairperson provided an update on the follow up that had been undertaken following Ms Broad’s presentation to the Board.


There was an in-depth discussion on the reinstatement of an action list for the Board.



Moved (Brian Peat/ Brian Miller):

That the Board:

Agrees to maintain a follow up list on Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board actions.


Motion carried (MTCB/2020/051)


Moved (Phillipa Bain/Brian Peat):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/052)


9          Board Updates


Board members provided updates on activities which included


Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB)

Phillipa Bain (Board representative) provided an update on the Keep Dunedin Beautiful activities and advised that next year KDB would be trailing holding Trees for Families on both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.


Friends of the Mosgiel Memorial Gardens

Phillipa Bain provided an update on the Friends of the Mosgiel Memorial Gardens.  She commented on the advertising of the upcoming meeting which included flyer distributed to a selected area of Mosgiel and Facebook.


Hawk n Hurl

Joy Davis advised that the 6 March 2021 had been set for the Hawk n Hurl event.


Mosgiel Coronation Hall

Dean McAlwee (Board Representative) provided an update on the Mosgiel Coronation Hall and advised that the replacement of the roof was underway.


Mosgiel Business Association

Joy Davis  and Councillor Carmen Houlahan (Board Representatives) provided an update on the Mosgiel Business Association.  Ms Davis advised that late night shopping in Mosgiel was being held on Thursday ,26 November 2020.


Mosgiel Aquatic Project Team

Brian Miller (Board Representative) advised that it was anticipated that the design of the pool could be decided in December 2020.


Mosgiel and Taieri Emergency Group.

Joy Davis provided an update on the recent meeting.


Outram Emergency Group.

It was noted that the Outram residents had expressed concerns about not having an evacuation plan and that the Emergency Management Officer would follow this up.


Silverstream Plantings

Brian Peat commented on the Mosgiel Rotary Club meeting that he had attended to promote the beautification of the Silverstream Plantings project.


Social Media

Brian Peat provided an update on the increasing number of likes on the Board’s Facebook page.


Dunedin Tunnel’s Trust

The Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson) provided an update on the requirement to obtain NZTA funding.


Community Engagement

Dean McAlwee provided an update on the Board Members’ community engagement.



Moved (Joy Davis/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Board Updates

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/053)


10        Chairperson's Report


Cr Houlahan withdrew from the discussion on the Board’s 10 year plan submission.

A report from the Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest since the previous meeting which included:

Outram Glen; and

10 year plan.


Moved (Joy Davis/Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Chairperson’s update

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/054)


11        Council Activities


Councillor Carmen Houlahan provided an update on Council activities which included:

10 year plan engagement;

South Dunedin Hui;

Council’s Financial Strategy – Debt Limit;

Trading in Public Places Bylaw; and

George Street Upgrade Project.



Moved (Cr Carmen Houlahan/ Phillipa Bain):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Council Activities Update.

Motion carried (MTCB/2020/055)


12        Community Plan


Cr Carmen Houlahan did not participate in the discussion of this item.


Following discussion, it was agreed that the following item be included in the Board’s Community Plan:

·         A Otta Seal  programme for rural roads.


Moved (Joy Davis/Brian Peat):

That the Board:


Agrees that a request for an Otta Seal programme be included in the Board’s Community Plan.


Motion carried (MTCB/2020/056)


13        Items for consideration by the Chair


An update on the cost to repair the Gladfield Road bridge was requested.




The meeting concluded at 8.25 pm.





