Waikouaiti Coast Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board held in the Surf Club Social Rooms, Warrington Domain on Wednesday 18 November 2020, commencing at 5.30 pm





Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Geraldine Tait



Andy Barratt

Mark Brown


Mandy Mayhem-Bullock

Cr Jim O'Malley




Nick Dixon (Group Manager Ara Toi) and Andrew Lord (Team Leader Maintenance Transport)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray




1          Public Forum

1.1       Public Forum - Volunteer South and tree issue


Leisa De Klerk addressed the meeting concerning Volunteer South and a tree issue.  She advised that Volunteer Otago and Volunteer Central had merged in June and renamed Volunteer South.  Ms De Klerk advised that her role at Volunteer South was Manager and provided an overview of what this service provided, what was provided during the COVID-19 lockdown and that they were working towards community resilience which included working towards community emergency awareness.  She advised that they would like community members to sign up as emergency volunteers.  The Board agreed to work with Ms De Klerk to assist in getting this message out to the communities within the community board area. 

Ms De Klerk also advised the Board of a near miss with a tree on the State Highway near Hawksbury Village and stated that the tree was behind the fence line and that Police were called to the event.






2          Apologies

An apology was received from Sonya Billyard.


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:

Accepts the apology from Sonya Billyard.

Motion carried (WC/2020/054)


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mark Brown):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition:


Add Item 13 Road Maintenance Contract Update; and

Item 13 to be taken before Item 6.


Motion carried (WC/2020/055)



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (WC/2020/056)


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 30 September 2020


Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:


Confirms the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 30 September 2020 as a correct record.

Motion carried (WC/2020/057)


Part A Reports

13        Road Maintenance Contract Update


The Team Leader Transport Maintenance (Andrew Lord) introduced Thomas Forde from Fulton Hogan and Simon Currie from South Roads and they provided an overview of the new 10 year Road Maintenance Contract.  Mr Lord advised that vegetation maintenance had been transferred to the Transport Department from the previous contract being allocated to the Parks and Recreation Department and they responded to members’ questions.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)      Notes the update.

Motion carried (WC/2020/058)


6          Governance Support Officer's Report


The report provided details of activities relevant to the Board’s area, which included:

·   Meetings 2021

·   Community Board Outstanding Awards Nomination

·   Waikouaiti Library

·   What DCC is Currently Consulting On

·   Parks and Recreation Department Updates

·   Roadworks Schedule

·   Dunedin City Council Updates



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

Motion carried (WC/2020/059)



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)              Agrees that the first meeting for 2021 for the Board will be held on 17 February 2021 at the Blueskin Bay Library commencing at 5.30 pm; and

b)             Notes that the 2021 meeting schedule for the Board will be included in the 17 February 2021 agenda for adopting.

Motion carried (WC/2020/060) with Geraldine Tait recording her vote against.


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mark Brown):

That the Board:

a)         Decides not to submit to the DCC Legal High Retail Location Policy.

Motion carried (WC/2020/061)



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:

a)             Agrees to submit to the Review of Truby King Reserve Management Plan and;

b)             Delegates Board Members excluding Sonya Billyard to finalise the submission.

Motion carried (WC/2020/062)



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Geraldine Tait):

That the Board:

a)     Decides not to submit to the Signal Hill Recreation Reserve Management Plan Review Stage 1.

Motion carried (WC/2020/063)



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)              Requests further information to enable the Board to submit to the General Policies Management Plan Review Stage 1 and;

b)             Agrees that the Board delegate authority to the Chair to delegate a member/s to finalise the submission.

Motion carried (WC/2020/064)


7          Funding Applications


The report provided details of two funding applications received for the Board’s consideration. 

Hauteruruku ki Puketeraki requested $1,000.00 to pay for one staff/tutor for three hours per week for the Kaitiaki Waka Programme.


Uplifts the funding application from Waiputai (Blueskin Bay) Trust requesting $1,670.00 for seed funding for a community centre in Warrington.




Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)             Notes the funding report from Blueskin News.

             Motion carried (WC/2020/065)




Moved (Mandy Mayhem-Bullock/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)       Approves the funding application from Hauteruruku ki Puketeraki for $1,000.00 to pay for one staff/tutor for three hours per week for the Kaitiaki Waka Programme; and

b)      Requests representatives attend the next Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting being held on 17 February 2021 at the Blueskin Bay Library at 5.30 pm to provide an update on how the funding was used.

Motion carried (WC/2020/066)



Moved (Mandy Mayhem-Bullock/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)       Uplifts the funding application from the Waiputai (Blueskin Bay) Trust from the table; and

b)      Approves the funding application from the Waiputai (Blueskin Bay) Trust for $1,670.00 for seed funding for a community centre in Warrington with the following condition:

Should the venture not proceed for the full year as intended any unspent money will be returned to the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board.


            Motion carried (WC/2020/067) with Geraldine Tait withdrawing.


8          Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided a verbal report at the meeting, which included:

·        Vegetation maintenance on local roads and State Highway

·        Vehicle speeds at Waitati turnoff from SH1

·        Bus services

·        Appointing Sonya Billyard as the Board’s representative on Moana Gow Swimming Pool Trust

·        Karitane walkway repair

·               Firefighting tanks


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:


a)              Notes the Chairperson’s report.

Motion carried (WC/2020/068)








Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mandy Mayhem-Bullock):

That the Board:

a)             Appoints Sonya Billyard as the Board’s representation on the Moana Gow Swimming Pool Trust.

Motion carried (WC/2020/069)


9          Board Updates


Board members provided an update on activities, which included:


Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB)

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock provided an update which included that the Community Garden and Waitati Toilet unfortunately did not win at the recent Keep New Zealand Beautiful awards and that the Waitati Hall mural is progressing with currently obtaining a resource consent.


Waikouaiti Recycling Centre Project

Geraldine Tait provided an update which included advertising for a part time co-ordinator and that they were currently deciding on whether to be an incorporated society or a trust.


Waikouaiti Plantation Replanting Project

Mark Brown provided an update which included advising that 5,000 plants were planted this year which is down from the previous year due to the COVID-19 lockdown.  Maintenance is being conducted by locals and that the next planting will commence in June next year.


Local Government New Zealand Zone 6 Community Board Committee

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock provided an update which included that a Community Board Zoom meeting was being set up for 16 December with one during the day and another at night.


North Coast Promotional Group

Mark Brown provided an update which included that the promotional group had identified a name being North East Coast Discoveries and that this entity would be moving forward as a co-op.  A lawyer had been appointed to assist with the needs of the co-op and a website would be launched soon.


Recreational Working Group

Mandy Mayhem-Bullock provided an update which included members had submitted to the 10 Year Plan pre-consultation.


Andy Barratt left the meeting at 8.20 pm.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the updates.

Motion carried (WC/2020/070)



Andy Barratt re-entered the meeting at 8.25 pm.




10        Community Plan


The Board provided updates to the Roading Schedule on page 28 of the Community Plan.


Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

a)         Notes the update.

Motion carried (WC/2020/071)


11        Council Activities


Councillor Jim O’Malley provided an update on matters of interest to the Board, which included:

·    Truby King Reserve Management Plan Public Consultation – participation from Board members.

·    Hapori Māori and Pasifika Communities Innovation and Development Fund is open

·    The Camping Control Bylaw Amendment 11 was ratified at 27 October 2020 Council meeting with the freedom camping season starting 1 November 2020.

·    New debt limit to allow Council to assess all capital works going forward

·    Speed Limit Review – the decisions will be ratified at the 8 December 2020 Council meeting.  Communications will be sent once ratified advising the date these will be in effect.  Any additional roads advised in the submission period will go into next year’s Speed Limit Review.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Alasdair Morrison):

That the Board:


a)         Notes the update.

Motion carried (WC/2020/072)


12        Items for Consideration by the Chairperson


Items for consideration by the Chairperson:

Representation Review


The meeting concluded at 8.49 pm.



