Māori Participation Working Party



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Māori Participation Working Party held in the Mayor's Lounge, Civic Centre, The Octagon, Dunedin on Thursday 12 August 2021, commencing at 4:30pm.





Mayor Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Chairperson

Edward Ellison



Cr David Benson-Pope

Matapura Ellison


Cr Marie Laufiso

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Chris Staynes


Katharina Ruckstuhl

Paulette Tamati-Elliffe


Tania Williams

( Vicky Totoro (alternate)



Sandy Graham, Chief Executive Officer; Jeanette Wikaira, Manahautū – General Manager Māori Partnerships & Policy; Cr Christine Garey,


Governance Support Officer                  Lauren McDonald



1          welcome

Edward Ellison opened the meeting with karakia.


2          Apologies

Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Working Party:

a)       Accept the apologies of Cr Laufiso and Vicky Totoro

b)      Notes the apologies for lateness of Paulette Tamati-Elliffe and Matapura Ellison.

      Motion carried


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Working Party:

Confirms the agenda with the following alteration that Item 8 Māori Cultural Capability Plan be taken after Item 6 – Māori Engagement Plan Update at the meeting.

Motion carried


4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Edward Ellison advised that he is a member of the interim oversight group for the NZ Biodiversity Group



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Working Party:


Amends the Interest register.

Motion carried


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      Maori Participation Working Party meeting - 10 June 2021


Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Edward Ellison):

That the Working Party:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Māori Participation Working Party meeting held on 10 June 2021 as a correct record with the following corrections to membership of the committee: Cr Christine Garey is noted as an attendee and not a member and Vicky Totoro is the alternate representative for Tania Williams (Araiteuru)

Motion carried


Part B Reports

6          Māori Engagement Plan Update


Ms Wikaira outlined work being undertaken on the partnership strategies.  She confirmed that the Māori Engagement and Māori Capability plans were being developed in tandem (as part of the DCC Strategic Refresh). 


Ms Wikaira responded to questions on partnership approach, other strategies in place with other Councils.  Discussion was held on consideration for the renaming of the Māori Participation Working Party (MPWP).


Matapura Ellison entered the meeting at 4:38 pm.

Paulette Tamati-Elliffe entered the meeting at 4:40 pm.


Discussion was held on the definition of the partnership approach (as mana whenua and others)


Members agreed the need for a more appropriate name for the MPWP to capture the kaupapa and enable mana whenua to exercise their manaakitanga


Action: Jeanette Wikaira to co-ordinate a subgroup of Edward Ellison, Katharina Rucksthul and Paulette Tamati-Elliffe to work on a new name for the Working Party.



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Cr David Benson-Pope):

That the Working Party:


Notes the Māori Engagement Plan and project objectives.

             Motion carried


7          Māori Cultural Capability Plan Update


Ms Wikaira spoke to the report on progress with the development of the Māori Cultural Capability Plan and the project timeline to build cultural capability in the Dunedin City Council.  She responded to questions on staff capability and advised a survey was in development to assist progressing the plan.


Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Edward Ellison):

That the Committee:


Notes the Māori Cultural Capability Plan and project objectives.

      Motion carried


8          Māori and Pasifika Innovation Fund Update


Ms Wikaira spoke to the report and provided an update of the Māori and Pasifika Innovation Fund, following discussion between Council staff and the Otago Community Trust (OCT) and sought guidance from the MPWP on representatives to be appointed to the Fund Assessment Panel.


Ms Wikaira advised members that a workshop would be held with OCT, MPWP members, community and mana whenua to progress the forming of the Fund Assessment Panel for the Māori and Pasifika Innovation Fund.


Action:  Jeanette Wikaira to send a written request to the Rūnaka and seek a response.



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Edward Ellison):

That the Working Party:


a)        Make a formal request to the Chairs/Managers of the Ōtākou and Kati Huirapa ki  Puketeraki Rūnaka to propose their members for the Funding Assessment Panel.

Motion carried (MPWP/2021/008)


9          Māori Development Fund Update


The report provided a definition for ”marae” to be used in determining allocations from the Marae Development Fund for consideration of the Working Party.


Ms Wikaira spoke to report and reiterated the need for clarity on criteria, application and assessment process.




Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Katharina Ruckstuhl):


That the Working Party:


a)     Defines Marae (for the purposes of allocations from the Māori Development Fund) as follows:

Marae refers to the following three marae located within the Dunedin City boundary

·        Ngāi Tahu Papatipu Rūnaka, Te Rūnaka o Ōtākou

·        Ngāi Tahu Papatipu Rūnaka, Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki

·        Araiteuru Marae Council Incorporated


b)     Notes that staff will report back on the proposed mechanism for allocating funds at the next meeting of the Working Party.

Motion carried (MPWP/2021/009)


10        Māori Representation


Ms Wikaira provided an update on Māori Representation arrangements following the Council decision to establish initially mana whenua positions on the Infrastructure Services and the Planning and Environment Standing Committees, to represent Māori interests.


Ms Wikaira advised that the Governance team would provide an induction workshop for the new Rūnaka committee members.


Discussion was held on the need to review the role and Terms of Reference for the Working Party.  Members agreed to use ‘Mana to Mana’ as a working title for the Terms of Reference.



1.       Set a plan and timeline for review of the MPWP Terms of Reference.

2.       Report back to 17 November 2021 MPWP meeting.

3.       Once the draft TOR is completed, provide to the Rūnaka for consideration.

4.       Subcommittee members to work on reviewing the draft Terms of Reference agreed as: Jeanette Wikaira, Paulette Tamati-Elliffe, Katharina Rucksthul. 



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Edward Ellison):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Māori Representation update report.

b)     Agrees on the objectives of the Māori Participation Working Party review.

c)     Delegates responsibility to the Māori Participation Working Party subcommittee to work on a plan for the review of the Terms of Reference and to provide an update to the 17 November 2021 meeting.

Motion carried (MPWP/2021/010)



General Business


Dunedin Heritage Fund

Cr Benson-Pope spoke on the intended changes of the Dunedin Heritage Fund (DHF) committee structure, its current delegations, and its reporting line to the Planning and Environment Committee.


Harbourside group (joint ORC/DCC governance structure for harbourside assets)

Ms Graham advised that she and Mayor Hawkins would meet on this matter in late August, to discuss the best joint approach for management of harbourside assets and report back to the 17 November meeting 2021.


Representation Review

Ms Graham advised members that the Representation Review Panel had made a presentation to the Council, who adopted the recommendations of the panel.  She confirmed that public consultation due to commence, with Rūnaka able to make submissions on the review panel’s recommendations.


Ms Graham provided a verbal update on the resource consent application submitted to the Otago Regional Council for Smooth Hill and the ongoing workshops and consultation being held for the Council’s feedback on the proposed 3 Waters Reform by central government.


Cr Chris Staynes left the meeting at 5:40pm.


The meeting concluded with a Karakia at 5:48pm.


Date of next meeting: 17 November 2021, 4:30pm.  Venue: Otaru Room, Level 2, Civic Centre.







Mayor Aaron Hawkins