Otago Peninsula Community Board



Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the via Audio Visual Link on Friday 17 June 2022, commencing at 10:04 am.




Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Graham McArthur


Cheryl Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley




Chris Henderson, Group Manager Waste and Environmental Solutions


Governance Support Officer                  Lauren McDonald




In the absence of the Chairperson, Hoani Langsbury, Deputy Chairperson chaired the meeting.


1          Apologies

An apology was received from Cr Whiley for lateness, and Paul Pope for absence.


Moved (Hoani Langsbury/ Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:

Accepts the apology from Cr Whiley for lateness, and Paul Pope for absence.

Motion carried


2          Confirmation of agenda





Moved (Hoani Langsbury/ Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried



3          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Hoani Langsbury advised that the Chairperson, Paul Pope had declared a conflict of interest as Chairperson of the Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust at the Community Board meeting of 2 June 2022 and therefore was not in attendance for consideration of the agenda item.


Graham McArthur declared a conflict of interest as a member of the Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust.  In response to question from the Chair he confirmed he was a member, not a trustee of the Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust.


Members agreed that as Graham McArthur had no financial gain from any decision on Item 4 – Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust funding application, that he could participate in discussion and voting of the item.



Moved (Hoani Langsbury/Cheryl Neill):

That the Board:


Notes the conflict of interest by Paul Pope for Item 4 – Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust funding application.


Part A Reports

4          Funding Application - Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust


Consideration was given to a funding application  from the Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust.  The Trust requested assistance with signage and materials for the creation of a public walking track linking the Hereweka Street walk from Portobello through to the top of Harbour Cone. 


Moved (Lox Kellas/Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Approves the funding application from the Hereweka Harbour Cone Trust and grants the remaining balance of the Board’s Project Funds of $3,780.00 for the 2021-2022 Financial Year held by the Otago Peninsula Community Board.

Motion carried (OPCB/2022/011)


The meeting concluded at 10:12 am.





