Planning and Environment Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Wednesday 06 July 2022, commencing at 1.00 pm





Cr David Benson-Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Sophie Barker

Cr Steve Walker


Cr Rachel Elder

Mr Matapura Ellison


Cr Christine Garey

Mayor Aaron Hawkins


Cr Carmen Houlahan

Cr Marie Laufiso


Cr Jules Radich

Cr Jim O'Malley


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Chris Staynes


Cr Andrew Whiley




Sandy Graham (Chief Executive Officer), Robert West (General Manager Corporate and Quality), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure & Development); Jeanette Wikaira (General Manager Māori Partnerships & Policy); Simon Pickford (General Manager), Claire Austin (General Manager Custom and Regulatory) and Jonathan Rowe (Programme Manager – South Dunedin Future)


Governance Support Officer                  Jennifer Lapham



1          Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.


2          Apologies

Apologies were received from Cr Doug Hall, Cr Mike Lord and Ms Rachel Wesley.


Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Committee:


Accepts the apologies from Cr Doug Hall, Cr Mike Lord and Ms Rachel Wesley


Motion carried


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Chris Staynes):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

                         Motion carried


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Planning and Environment Committee meeting - 9 May 2022


Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Planning and Environment Committee meeting held on 9 May 2022 as a correct record.

             Motion carried


Part A Reports

6          Actions from resolutions of Planning and Environment Committee meetings


The report from Civic detailed the public open and completed actions from resolutions of Planning and Environment Committee meetings from the start of the triennium in October 2019.


Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Deputy Chairperson Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Notes the public open and completed actions from resolutions of the Planning and Environment Committee meetings.

             Motion carried (PLA/2022/007)


7          Planning and Environment Committee Forward Work Programme


The report from Civic detailed the areas of activity, progress and expected timeframes for decision making across a range of areas of work for the Forward Work Programme


Moved (Chairperson David Benson-Pope/Deputy Chairperson Sophie Barker):

That the Committee:


Notes the Planning and Environment Committee forward work programme as at July 2022.

Motion carried (PLA/2022/008)


8          Dunedin Future Development Strategy


A report from City Development set out the project management and the interim governance arrangements to oversee the preparation of the Future Development Strategy in the period leading to the 2022 local government elections.  The report sought endorsement for DCC to assume the lead coordinator role in the partnership of DCC, ORC and mana whenua.


Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure & Development); Jeanette Wikaira (General Manager Māori Partnerships & Policy) spoke to the report and responded to questions.



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


a)     Endorse the recommendation that DCC acts as lead coordinator in the preparation of the Dunedin Future Development Strategy and Implementation Plan, subject to endorsement of Otago Regional Council.

b)     Note the interim governance arrangement for the period leading to the 2022 local government elections.

c)     Note the project management arrangements that are proposed to endure throughout the preparation of the Future Development Strategy and Implementation Plan.

Motion carried (PLA/2022/009)


9          South Dunedin Future - Programme Plan


A report from Māori, Partnerships & Policy team provided an update on the Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council collaborative South Dunedin Future (SDF) programme.  The report also advised that approval would be sought from DCC and ORC to proceed on the basis outlined in the programme plan.


Jeanette Wikaira (General Manager Māori Partnerships & Policy), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure and Development) and Jonathan Rowe (Programme Manager – South Dunedin Future) spoke to the report and responded to questions.


Cr Chris Staynes left the meeting at 1:32 p.m. and returned to the meeting at 1:35 p.m.



Moved (Mayor Aaron Hawkins/Chairperson David Benson-Pope):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes this report titled South Dunedin Future – Programme Plan.

b)     Notes the contents of the South Dunedin Future Programme Plan, which outlines the proposed process for developing a climate change adaptation strategy and implementation plan for South Dunedin.

c)     Endorses the proposed approach to delivering the South Dunedin Future programme, which includes utilising the Dynamic Adaptive Planning Pathways (DAPP) methodology, as recommended by the Ministry for the Environment for climate change adaptation work.

d)     Notes the proposed strategic intent for the South Dunedin Future programme, noting this is interim, will be further developed to incorporate mana whenua inputs, and that Council approval of a final version will be sought in due course.

e)     Endorses the proposed scope of the South Dunedin Future programme, noting the complexity, uncertainty and interdependence of the issues involved, and the graduated and flexible nature of the scope.

f)     Notes the systemic nature of climate change and urban development issues will likely require the South Dunedin Future programme to examine the wider natural hazards environment, and to consider city-wide planning and infrastructure issues, when assessing the implications for South Dunedin.

g)     Endorses the proposed South Dunedin Future governance and management arrangements, noting these arrangements may need to be revisited in future, including following the local government elections in October 2022.

h)     Endorses the continued collaboration between Dunedin City Council (DCC) and Otago Relational Council (ORC) to manage and deliver the South Dunedin Future programme

i)      Approves the South Dunedin Future Programme Plan.


That the Committee


Votes by division.


For:                  Crs Sophie Barker, Rachel Elder, Matapura Ellison, Christine Garey, Aaron Hawkins, Carmen Houlahan, Marie Laufiso, Jim O'Malley, Jules Radich, Chris Staynes, Steve Walker, Andrew Whiley and David Benson-Pope (13).

Against:          Cr Lee Vandervis (1).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 13 votes to 1


Motion carried (PLA/2022/010)





Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


             Adjourn for five minutes.


             Motion carried 


The meeting adjourned at 3.03 pm and reconvened at 3.10 pm.


10        DCC Submission - Exposure draft of amendments to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 and National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020   - WITHDRAWN


The Chief Executive advised that the Council had been granted an extension to submit the submission and therefore she was withdrawing the submission from the Agenda.  It would be considered at the Council meeting being held on 26 July 2022.


11        Notice of Motion - Review of Council use of herbicides


In accordance with Standing Order 26.1, the following Notice of Motion was received from Cr David Benson-Pope for consideration.

Cr Elder entered the meeting at 3.11 pm.


Mr Ellison entered the meeting at 3.12 pm.


Cr Vandervis entered the meeting at 3.13 pm.



Moved (Cr David Benson-Pope/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Requests that staff review the use, by Council departments and contractors, of herbicides (especially those containing Glyphosate) for weed and vegetation control and report on any health or other risk and alternative products, where they exist.


Motion carried (PLA/2022/011)


12        Items for Consideration by Chair


Cr Houlahan suggested that the Council looks at ways in which it can help the building industry in the city.



The meeting concluded at 3.24 pm.




