Strath Taieri Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Strath Taieri Community Board held in the Strath Taieri Community Centre, Middlemarch on Thursday 28 July 2022, commencing at 2.00 pm.





Barry Williams


Deputy Chairperson

Mark O'Neill



David Frew

Cr Mike Lord


Ms Leeann McLew

Robin Thomas



Mike Perkins, Network, Catchment and Maintenance, Network Operations and Maintenance


Governance Support Officer                  Sharon Bodeker




1          Public Forum

Gary La Hood and Pam Wilson from the Otago Regional Council attended the meeting, to speak at public forum.  It was agreed that the public forum would be held following the Chairperson’s Report. 


2          Apologies

             There were no apologies.


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/ David Frew):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition or alteration:


That the Public Forum be held following the Chairperson’s Report – Item 8.

Strath Taieri Connect Charitable Trust update – Item 9


Motion carried (STCB/2022/006)



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Mark O'Neill/ David Frew):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (STCB/2022/007)


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1      Strath Taieri Community Board meeting - 2 June 2022  -


Moved (Cr Mike Lord/ Mark O'Neill):

That the Board:


a)     Confirms the minutes of the Strath Taieri Community Board meeting held on 02 June 2022 as a correct record.

Motion carried (STCB/2022/008)

Part A Reports

6          Governance Support Officers Report


In a report from Civic, the Governance Support Officer provided an update on matters of interest.



Moved (Mark O'Neill/ David Frew):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report.

Motion carried (STCB/2022/009)


7          Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest including:

·         Road Maintenance – lack of gravel on certain roads which were now in poor condition.

·         March Creek – ORC to clean banks and improve capacity.  The culvert under the highway is too small to handle the water volume.

·         Pruning of trees – noted a lack of pruning of trees around the township.

·         Rubbish bins – a contractor from Dunedin travels to empty four to five bins on a regular basis.  Maybe more efficient way to do this.

·         Dog registration – facilities for paying dog registration would be available at the Post Office on Friday 29 July.  Appreciation expressed for the initiative, and would like to ensure the service is made available at other times such as for paying rates.



Moved (Chair Barry Williams/Cr Mike Lord):

That the Board:

             Notes the update from the Chairperson.

Motion carried (STCB/2022/010)


8          public forum


Gary La Hood and Pam Wilson provided an update to the Board on the engineering work being undertaken by the Otago Regional Council in the area. 


9          Strath taieri connect charitable trust


Robin Thomas provided an update on the activities of the Strath Taieri Connect Charitable Trust including receiving further funding for the COVID relief fund.  He advised that the Trust was seeking a second employee due to the level of work that the Trust was undertaking.



Moved (Robin Thomas/Chair Barry Williams):

That the Board:


             Notes the update on the Strath Taieri Connect Charitable Trust


Motion carried (STCB/2022/011)


10        Council Activities


Cr Mike Lord provided an update on matters of interest including the recent flood event and progress on the George Street project. 



Moved (Cr Mike Lord/Chair Barry Williams):

That the Board:


Notes the Council Activities report


Motion carried (STCB/2022/012)



The meeting concluded at 3.10 p.m.





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CHAIRPERSON                                                                                                             CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER