Hearings Committee

 Interim Speed Management Plan Hearing



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Hearings Committee held in the Otaru Room, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre, on Friday 17 March 2023, commencing at 9.00 am





Cr Jim O'Malley



Cr Cherry Lucas



Cr Andrew Whiley




Jeanine Benson (Group Manager Transport), Nick Sargent (Manager Transport Strategy), Stacey Hitchcock (Senior Planner Transport) and Ian Martin (Principal Advisor Road Safety)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray


1          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (HEAR/2023/001)






The people who had indicated they wished to be heard in support of their submissions presented to the Committee.



Paul Pope – Otago Peninsula Community Board – submission 915210


Mr Pope spoke in support of the Otago Peninsula Community Board submission.  He reiterated that the bulk of heavy traffic within the community was between 7.00 am – 9.00 am and 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm weekdays.  As such, the commuter community speed restrictions should be within those school rush times.  Mr Pope responded to members’ questions.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Andrew Whiley):

That the Committee:


Adjourns the meeting until 9.20 am.


Motion carried




The meeting was adjourned at 9.14 am and reconvened at 9.20 am




Colin Weatherall via Zoom – submission 911235


Mr Weatherall spoke in support to his submission and reiterated key changes needed with proposed zones for schools within the community he lives in.  Mr Weatherall responded to members’ questions.




Duncan Eddy – West Harbour Community Board – submission 914175


Mr Eddy spoke in support of the West Harbour Community Board submission and reiterated the Board is very supportive of the move to improve road safety in the area.  Mr Eddy responded to members’ questions.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:


Adjourns the meeting until 10.20 am.


Motion carried




The meeting was adjourned at 9.38 am and reconvened at 10.36 am.




Gareth Wood – submission 911020


Mr Woods spoke in support of his submission.  He advised that he lives in Pine Hill and has children who attend Liberton Christian School.  A proposal for roundabout or speed humps  would be welcomed as there are a number of drivers who do not slow down around the school area.  Mr Wood also encouraged preschools be included in the speed restrictions.  With safer speeds children could walk/bike which could promote a better work life balance for families.  Mr Woods responded to members’ questions.




Caroline Ryder – Karitāne School Board of Trustees – submission 913966


Ms Ryder spoke in support of the Karitāne School Board of Trustees submission.  Karitāne School students Mia Gorman, Year 6, and Amber Sargent, Year 4, were also in attendance to provide a student overview.  They reiterated key points in their submission such as the newly built bike pump track and the keen community uptake to now walk and bike to and from school.  The school was concerned with the speed limits around the school area and had been for some time.  Also noted was that footpaths within the area were substandard and often cars had been found to run along the footpaths.  They asked for a speed reduction throughout the village or for the footpaths to be upgraded.  They responded to members’ questions. 




Hamish Cameron speaking on behalf of Kevin Wood – University of Otago – submission 913155


Mr Cameron spoke on behalf of the University of Otago submission.  He provided an overview of the research that had been conducted with 2,000 recipients on how they travelled to from campus.  He advised that they would like a speed reduction in a wider area around campus and schools in the North Dunedin area.  He spoke of the restrictions at present for more sustainable travel due to school drop offs and getting to work on time.  If children could travel more independently with safer options it would help with sustainable travel.  Mr Cameron responded to members’ questions.




Alex Macmillan – University of Otago – submission 913641


Ms Macmillan spoke in support of her submission and reiterated that children and disabled children cannot utilise the streets as much as they should.  They could only utilise the streets safely when they were opened up for walk and wheel week.  She advised that speed reduction was the lowest cost intervention that council can make which supports the four wellbeing’s.  Ms Macmillan responded to members’ questions.




Mary O’Brien – CCS Disability Action – submission 914001


Ms O’Brien spoke in support of her CCS Disability Action submission.  She advised that lower limits would assist with safer travel for those with disabilities and their families.  She advised that people will benefit from community connections and she noted the benefits from George St upgrade and how these changes so far had seen an increase in the disabled using the new Farmers block section already.  Ms O’Brien responded to members’ questions.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:


Adjourns the meeting until 12.00 pm.


Motion carried




The meeting was adjourned at 11.29 am and reconvened at 12.00 pm.




Brian Peat via Zoom – submission 899581


Mr Peat spoke in support of his submission and provided a slide show via Zoom which showed how the speeds and crossings were in an area in Australia.  If the Queensland model was adopted it would be easy to implement.  Mr Peat responded to members’ questions.




Lyndon Weggery – Dunedin Ratepayers & Householders’ Association – submission 910674


Mr Weggery supported by three members advised that the Dunedin Ratepayers & Householders’ Association had regrouped and was now called the Dunedin Area Citizen Association.  He spoke in support of  their submission and advised that this discussion was not about the schools, but against an area of George Street reducing from 30k to 10k.  Mr Weggery advised that this city used to be called a 10 min city and it is no longer this.  They responded to members’ questions.




Allen Frazer – submission 899595


Mr Frazer spoke the need for a permanent 30 km area around Otago Boys High School and the York Place area. He expressed concern with Queens Drive as there were only gravel footpaths and four blind crossings.  He had seen several close calls, especially since the traffic calming measures areas along Māori Road.  Mr Frazer if speed could not be reduced then at least some signage to say beware of children should be put in place.  He responded to members’ questions.






Alasdair Morrison – Waikouaiti Coast Community Board – submission 913987


Mr Morrison spoke in support of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board submission.  He asked about integration with the main highway in Waikouaiti and to include signage for preschools within the zone.  Mr Morrison also spoke of changes to the speed reduction areas for Waitati School, Karitāne School and Warrington School.  He responded to members’ questions.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:


Adjourns the meeting until 2.30 pm.


Motion carried




The meeting adjourned at 12.40 pm and reconvened at 2.55 pm.




Draft Interim Speed Management Plan submission summary report


The report provided a summary of feedback received from the public consultation on the draft Dunedin Interim Speed Management Plan.


The Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson), Manager Transport Strategy (Nick Sargent), Senior Planner Transport (Stacey Hitchcock) and Principal Advisor Road Safety (Ian Martin) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:


Notes the draft Interim Speed Management Plan submission summary report.


Motion carried






The Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson), Manager Transport Strategy (Nick Sargent), Senior Planner Transport (Stacey Hitchcock) and Principal Advisor Road Safety (Ian Martin) and responded to members’ questions.


The Committee considered the feedback provided and all the maps in this draft Interim Speed Management Plan were reviewed.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:



a)       Recommends that Council approves for submission to the Director of Land Transport the draft Dunedin Interim Speed Management Plan for certification as per rule 12.17 (e) of the new land transport rule with the following amendments:

                                                  I.          Caversham Map – As shown, Ranfurly Street and Pencarrow Street which are in the map for speed reduction but not named to be included in the speed restriction.


                                                II.          Māori Hill Map – Permanent speed zone as shown, with Balmacewen Road being variable from 109 Balmacewen Road to 18 Balmacewen Road.


                                              III.          Andersons Bay Map – As shown, with the addition of Every Street from Jeffery Street to Darnell Street, including extending on Highcliff Road in the variable zone.


                                             IV.          Balaclava Map – As shown, with an extension on Barr Street and Kaikorai Valley Road, including a short section on Kenmure Road to connect to the Kaikorai Valley College Zone.


                                               V.          Kings, Queens Bathgate Park Map – As shown with the addition of the following side streets Wycolla Avenue, Wilson Avenue, Achillies Avenue, Melbourne Street, Fawcett Street and Oxford Street to enable the installation of signs.


                                             VI.          Brockville Map – As shown, with an extension of the zone to include all of Wray Street, McCurdy Street, Herron Street and a small section of Saunders Street, Stratham Street and Cockerell Street.


                                            VII.          East Taieri Map – As shown, with an extension on Gladstone Road South  to the intersection with McGlashan Street.


                                          VIII.          Grants Braes Map – As shown, with an extension of Larnach Road to the intersection with Shandon Street.


                                              IX.          Karitāne School Map – Make zone permanent and extend north on Coast Road to Seaforth Street.


                                                X.          Pinehill, Liberton Map – As shown, with an extension north on Pine Hill Road to 357 Pine Hill Road and into Forrester Avenue to Newhaven Street.


                                              XI.          Musselburgh, Tahuna, Tainui Map – As shown, with an extension of the zone to 105 Cavell Street, 82 Tainui Street and to 60 Magdala Street and a 30km sign around the bowls stadium entry/exit.


                                            XII.          Outram Map – Reduce school zone to end at the rugby club on Formby Street and the current 50km boundary on Bell Street, and reduce existing 70km/h speed limit on Huntly Road and Allanton Road to 50km/h.


                                          XIII.          St Francis Xavier Map – As shown, with an extension on Mitchell Avenue to intersection with Elgin Road.


                                          XIV.          Taieri, Silverstream Map – As shown, with the addition of Spey Street, and extend the zone to include Factory Road between 6 Factory Road to 50 Factory Road, including the following side streets Factory Road Service Lanes (x2), Dey Street, Dryden Street, Morrison Street, a short section of Reid Avenue, and connecting to the zone on High Street.


                                           XV.          Waitati Map – As shown, with an extension on Harvey Street to include Blueskin Bay Library, extend on Orokonui Road to Erne Street bridge and Shortcut Road extend by 50 metres.


                                          XVI.          Big Rock Map – As shown, including the following missed roads; Wells Street, Hastings Street and Morse Street.


                                        XVII.          Ravensbourne, Rudolf Steiner Map – As shown, including the following missed roads; Monowai Road, High Street, Taupo Street, Lindsay Avenue, Gerrys Road, Mark Street and Hawea Street.


                                      XVIII.          Sawyers Bay Map – As shown, with the addition of Duke Street.


                                          XIX.          St Clair Map – As shown, with the extension to 59 Hargest Crescent to include the new raised crossing point.


                                            XX.          St Leonards Map – As shown, with an extension to the north along St Leonards Drive to include the following roads; Ruru Avenue, Takahe Terrace, Tui Street, Weka street and Wren Lane.


                                          XXI.          Green Island Map - As shown, including Geddes Street which was missed, and extend up Church Hill Road towards intersection with Green Island Bush Road.


                                        XXII.          Port Chalmers Map - As shown, including the following missed roads; Kaio Lane, Campbell Buchanan Lane, and connect Bellevue Place to Fox Street.


                                      XXIII.          Portobello Map - As shown, with the addition of a short portion of Allans Beach Road.


b)      Recommends that Council considers the following areas in the development of the Speed Management Plan 2024-2027:

                                                  I.          All education centres (i.e. Early Childhood Centres).

                                                II.          Queens Drive, Town Belt.

                                              III.          Rest of Argyle Street, Mosgiel.

                                             IV.          Pūrākaunui, Osborne – review 60km/h for further reduction.

                                               V.          Taieri Road by St Marys (Dunedin)

                                             VI.          Tertiary Precinct wider area.

Motion carried (HEAR/2023/002)



The meeting closed at 4.57 pm.