Infrastructure Services Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Infrastructure Services held in the Council Chamber, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, The Octagon on Tuesday 16 May 2023, commencing at 10.00 am





Cr Jim O'Malley


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Brent Weatherall



Cr Bill Acklin

Cr Sophie Barker


Cr David Benson-Pope

Cr Christine Garey


Cr Kevin Gilbert

Cr Carmen Houlahan


Cr Marie Laufiso

Cr Cherry Lucas


Ms Donna Matahaere-Atariki

Cr Mandy Mayhem


Ms Marlene McDonald (via audio visual link)

Mayor Jules Radich


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Steve Walker


Cr Andrew Whiley





Sandy Graham (Chief Executive Officer), Simon Drew (General Infrastructure and Development), Robert West (General Manager Corporate and Quality) Jeanine Benson (Group Manager Transport), Simon Smith (Transport Manager Asset and Funding) Helen Chapman (Senior Transport Planner) and Clare Sullivan (Principal Committee Advisor)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray



1          karakia timatanga    

Cr Jim O’Malley opened the meeting with a karakia timatanga.

2          Public Forum

2.1       Public Forum - Jennifer Scott


Jennifer Scott and Pamela Taylor addressed the meeting on fluoridation and the importance of fresh water in Otago.  They responded to members’ questions.

Cr Lee Vandervis entered the meeting at 10.02 am.

Cr Carmen Houlahan entered the meeting at 10.11 am.



3          Apologies

There were no apologies.


4          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried (ISC/2023/006)


5          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mandy Mayhem):

That the Committee:


a)         Notes the Elected or Independent Members' Interest Register; and

b)        Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected or

           Independent Members' Interests.


Motion carried (ISC/2023/007)


6          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1       Infrastructure Services Committee meeting - 14 February 2023


Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Brent Weatherall):

That the Committee:


Confirms the Infrastructure Services Committee meeting held on 14 February 2023 as a correct record.

Motion carried (ISC/2023/008)


Part A Reports

7          Actions From Resolutions of Infrastructure Services Committee Meetings


A report from Civic provided an update on the implementation of resolutions made at Infrastructure Services Committee meetings.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mandy Mayhem):

That the Committee:


Notes the Open and Completed Actions from resolutions of Infrastructure Services Committee meetings.


Motion carried (ISC/2023/009)


8          Infrastructure Services Committee Forward Work Programme


A report from Civic provided an update on the Infrastructure Services Committee forward work programme.


The General Manager Infrastructure and Development (Simon Drew) responded to members’ questions.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Brent Weatherall):

That the Committee:


Notes the Infrastructure Services Committee forward work programme.

Motion carried (ISC/2023/010)


9          Draft submission on Charging Our Future - draft EV charging strategy for New Zealand


A report sought Council approval for a Dunedin City Council (DCC) submission on Charging Our Future – the draft Electric Vehicle (EV) charging strategy for New Zealand.

The strategy has been developed by Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment. The Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson) and the Senior Transport Planner (Helen Chapman) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.




Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Committee:


a)         Approves the draft submission, with any amendments, to the Charging Our Future – Electric vehicle charging strategy.

b)        Authorises the Chief Executive to make any minor editorial changes to the submission if required.

Motion carried (ISC/2023/011)


10        Shaping Future Dunedin Transport Programme Update


A report provided an update on the DCC Shaping Future Dunedin Transport (SFDT) Programme.

The General Manager Infrastructure and Development (Simon Drew) and Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.

Cr Bill Acklin left the meeting at 11.05 am.

Cr Carmen Houlahan left the room at 11.05 am and returned to the meeting at 11.07 am.


Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Sophie Barker):

That the Committee:


Adjourns the meeting until 11.20 am.


Motion carried




The meeting adjourned at 11.19 am and reconvened at 11.20 am.




Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Notes the Shaping Future Dunedin Transport Programme Update.


The Committee voted by division


For:                  Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Christine Garey, Kevin Gilbert, Carmen Houlahan, Marie Laufiso, Cherry Lucas, Mandy Mayhem, Steve Walker, Brent Weatherall, Andrew Whiley, Jim O'Malley, Mayor Jules Radich, and Ms Marlene McDonald and Ms Donna Matahaere-Atariki (15).

Against:          Cr Lee Vandervis (1).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 15 votes to 1


Motion carried (ISC/2023/012)


11        Remit to the LGNZ Annual General Meeting - Request for Support


The Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Wednesday 26 July 2023.  Council received a request for support of a remit on increasing Crown funding for state highway and local road maintenance budgets from the New Plymouth District Council.

The Group Manager Transport (Jeanine Benson) and Transport Manager Asset and Funding (Simon Smith) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.


Cr Christine Garey left the room at 11.47 am and returned to the meeting at 11.50 am.





Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Kevin Gilbert):

That the Committee:


Supports the remit from the New Plymouth District Council for increasing Crown funding for state highway and local road maintenance budgets.  

Motion carried (ISC/2023/013)


12        Updates from Governance Entities


A report provided minutes from governance entities that relate to the Committee’s area of responsibilities so elected members are kept informed of matters of interest. 

Cr Jim O’Malley spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions. 


Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Notes the draft minutes from the Otago Southland Regional Transport Committee (RTC) meeting dated 3 March 2023.

Motion carried (ISC/2023/014)


13        Items for Consideration by the Chair


There were no items for consideration by the Chair.


14        Karakia Whakamutunga


Cr Jim O’Malley closed the meeting with a Karakia Whakamutunga.



The meeting concluded at 12.04 pm.



