Hearings Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Hearings Committee held in the Council Chambers, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, The Octagon, Dunedin, on Tuesday 11 July 2023, commencing at 9.30 am - Proposed Parking Changes





Cr Jim O'Malley



Cr Cherry Lucas

Cr Mandy Mayhem




Jeanine Benson (Group Manager, Transport), Simon Spiers (Team Leader, Regulation Management – Transport), Glen Hazelton (Project Director, Central City Plan), Ian Martin (Principal Advisor, Road Safety), Simone Handwerk (Transport Planning Team), Abbey Chamberlain (Transport Regulation Co-ordinator), Nick Sargent (Transport Strategy Manager (for Thursday, 20 July 2023 only)) and Paula Barragan Romano  (Policy Analyst, Transport Regulation)


Governance Support Officer                  Wendy Collard


1          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mandy Mayhem):

That the Committee:


a)         Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)        Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (HEAR/2023/003)


2          submissions

A report from Civic provided a schedule of submitters who wished to present to the Committee. The following submitters presented to the Committee.


Pregnancy Choice and Inspire Upcycling - Paul O’Neill

On behalf of Pregnancy Choice and Inspire Upcycling, Paul O’Neill  spoke to their submission and provided a background on the charitable op-shop.  He commented on their concerns regarding the extension of the exiting bus stop outside 449 Princes Street from a single to a double stop and as a result would remove the existing P5s which would be detrimental to the op-shop. 


Mr O’Neill advised that he supported the re-location of the northbound bus stops and did not support the re-location of the P5s from outside 449 Princes Street to the opposite side of Princes Street.  He also did not support the creation of a double bus stop there.  He requested that the Committee give consideration to locating the double bus stop further down Princes Street outside 471-473, along with retaining one of the existing bus stops at either 283 Princes Street or 373 Princes Street.  Mr O’Neill also suggested the creation of two P5s outside 441 Princes Street and noted that traffic turning north or south from Princes Street, when exiting Police Street had little sight distance south when a bus was parked on the exiting bus stop.


Mr O’Neill responded to questions.


Mervyn Flaws

Mr Flaws spoke to his submission and advised that he runs Tax Link on the corner of Hope and Princes Streets.  He did not support the re-location of the bus stop from 398 Princes Street to 462 – 474 Princes Street.  Mr Flaws felt that the possibility of two buses requiring to use the stop at the same time was minimal and the loss of parking would have detrimental repercussions with little positive impact.


Mr Flaws responded to questions.


Disability Persons Assembly

On behalf of the Disability Persons Assembly, Chris Ford spoke their submission.  They supported changes to the bus stops and the creation of the new mobility parking spaces on Bond Street and Princes Street. 


In response to questions, Mr Ford commented he would like additional pick up/drop off spaces for mobility transport providers created as in his experience drivers were having difficulty in finding available spaces.


Ritchies Transport

The Manager Ritchies Transport, Greg Cox spoke to their submission and provided a background and timeframe to the new electric buses being introduced to Dunedin.  Ritchies supported the proposed changes to the bus stops as this would help with congestion along Princes Street with 3 or 4 buses often leaving the Bus Hub within a few minutes of each other.  He also commented on the delays that buses were encountering at some intersections during periods of the day and the effect on the electric buses.


Mr Cox responded to questions including the staggered rate that buses left the Bus Hub and the requirement for double bus stops.


Go Bus

On behalf of Go Bus, the Depot Manager (Narindervir Singh) and the Driver Trainer (Alister Macpherson) spoke to their submission and commented that they had concerns with the proposed stop outside of 462 Princes Street due to the existing verandah and tree.


Mr Singh responded to questions on the requirement of the double bus stops, the staggering of the bus services leaving the Bus Hub and the importance of inward and outward tapering at bus stops.  He commented that the depot would be moving to Portsmouth Drive in the future and as a result of this, there would be a requirement for a parking space for driver change over.


Jason La Hood – Knox Row

Jason La Hood (Knox Row building owner and retailer) spoke to his tabled evidence.  He commented on the concerns of the retailers of Knox Row on the creation of a double bus stop resulting in the loss of carparks in this block.  Mr La Hood also commented that the loss of carparking affected this block to a greater degree than the rest of the George St upgrade as it did not have the benefit of the carpark buildings.


Mr La Hood advised that he would like the parking kept status quo and the double bus stop be moved past the Albany Street intersection.  He provided his reasonings for this which included:


·         the new bus stops being installed along Great King Street would impact the usage of the Knox Row bus stops 

·         the impact on Knox Church having a bus stop directly in front of the their stairway entrance in particular when Sunday Service, weddings and funerals were being held there.

·         Impact on the amenity value of the area; and

·         the impact of the new “No Left” turn from Pitt Street into George Street as a number of customers would enter Knox Row via this intersection.

Mr La Hood requested that the Committee give consideration to trialling Knox Row bus stops.


Mr La Hood responded to questions.


Body Synergy

On behalf of Body Synergy, Ricky Stewart advised that he supported the proposed parking changes on Clark Street and High Street, Dunedin.  Mr Stewart commented with the change of business types in the area that the reduction in parking time restriction better serviced them.


Mr Stewart responded to questions.

3          Proposed Parking Changes

A report from Transport presented information on changes and corrections to parking restrictions for the Committee’s consideration.  It noted that consultation had been undertaken for general parking; the Albany Street Connection Project; and the Retail Quarter Upgrade with eight submitters wishing to be heard.



Moved that the Committee (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):


Adjourns the meeting.


Motion carried


The meeting adjourned at 11.15 and reconvened at 11.20 am


The Project Director (Dr Glen Hazelton) and the Transport Regulation Co-ordinator (Abbey Chamberlain) responded to questions on Knox Row, George Street, Dunedin.


The Transport Planning Team Leader (Simone Handwerk) responded to questions on the Albany Street Connection Project.


The Team Leader, Regulation Management (Simon Spiers), the Policy Analyst, Transport Regulation (Paula Barragan-Romano) and the Principal Advisor Road Safety (Ian Martin) responded to questions.


Following discussion, the Committee requested additional information on the proposed parking changes to the Knox Row section of George Street; and 15 Forth Street (Te Rangihiroa College)



Moved that the Committee (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mandy Mayhem):


Adjourns the meeting.


Motion carried


The meeting was adjourned at 1.12 pm and reconvened on Thursday, 20 July 2023 at 1.02 pm.


The Transport Strategy Manager (Nick Sargent) advised that two  proposed parking changes areas – 111 Union Street and 15 Forth Street, Dunedin North had been withdrawn for approval this round.


In response to the further information request, Mr Sargent commented on the reasons for the installation and location of the double bus stop. 


Mr Sargent responded to questions.


Following discussion and noting that the Knox Row section of the enabling works was scheduled to be re-opened by the end of July 2023, the Committee agreed to recommend the proposed parking changes as presented excluding the two areas that had been withdrawn. 


In response to submitters concerns, the Committee requested staff monitor the usage of the double bus stop and carparks in the Knox Row section of George Street, Dunedin; along with surveying passengers.  A report on how the parking was operating in the area will be presented to the Hearings Committee meeting being held on 7 December 2023.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mandy Mayhem):

That the Committee:


a)       Recommends the Infrastructure Services Committee approves the proposed changes to parking restrictions shown in the June 2023 update of the Dunedin City Council’s traffic and parking restrictions database, http://tinyurl.com/ParkinJuly2023

b)      Notes that the proposed parking changes for 15 Forth Street and 111 Union Street, Dunedin have been withdrawn and will be reconsidered at the Hearings Committee – Proposed Parking Changes meeting at a later date.

c)       Notes the Knox Row submitters’ submissions as to whether the second bus stop was required. 

d)      Request that staff monitor the use of the bus stops in Knox Row; surveying bus users in the network including these bus stops and the carpark usage, and report back to the Hearings Committee meeting being held on 7 December 2023.


Motion carried (HEAR/2023/004)




The meeting ended at 2.08 pm.