Hearings Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Hearings Committee held in the Council Chambers, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, The Octagon, Dunedin, on Thursday 07 December 2023, commencing at 1.00 pm - Proposed Parking Changes





Cr Jim O'Malley




Cr Cherry Lucas

Cr Mandy Mayhem




Jeanine Benson (Group Manager Transport); Simon Spiers (Team Leader, Regulation Management); Simone Handwerk (Transport Planning Team Leader); Abbey Chamberlain (Transport Regulation Co-ordinator); Paula Barragan-Romano (Policy Analyst, Transport Regulation) and Sacha Hatton (Business Support Officer, Transport)


Governance Support Officer                  Wendy Collard


1          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Declaration of Interest


Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:


a)         Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)        Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (HEAR/2023/008)






A report from Civic provided a schedule of submitters who wished to present to the Committee.

The following submitters presented to the Committee:


University of Otago – Gordon Roy

On behalf of the University of Otago,  Gordon Roy (Strategic Architect) spoke to their submission in support of the Albany Street Connection Project, which included: the reduction of the carriageway; the improved junction buildouts and the installation of new pedestrian crossings. Mr Roy commented on the alterations which were associated with Te Rangihīroa College, including the requirement for coach parking.  He advised that they acknowledged that the loss of parking on Albany Street was a negative however felt the wider benefits outweighed this.


Mr Roy responded to questions.


Greg Paterson

Mr Paterson spoke to his submission on the Albany Street Connection Project and expressed his concerns regarding the consultation that had been undertaken.  He commented that a number of small businesses had not been identified as key stakeholders and had not been directly consulted with. 


Mr Paterson requested that the Committee give consideration to recommending that 4 parks be retained on the northern side of Albany Street (between Leith and Clyde Streets) for parking near the businesses on that side of the street.  He commented that following a discussion with staff. that this could be possible.


Mr Paterson responded to questions.


Leith Street Liquorland – Chris Hart and Donna Hogg

Chris Hart (Owner, Leith Street Liquorland) and Donna Hogg (General Manager) spoke to their submission on the Albany Street Connection Project.


Mr Hart commented on the impact the recent upgrades to the steam pipe infrastructure had had on businesses in the area, with turnover being significantly down as the street was closed to traffic.  He also commented on their concerns regarding the placement of the mobility parks at the northern end of Leith Street and the pedestrian crossings on Albany Street. 


Mr Hart and Ms Hogg requested that consideration be given to the installation of 4 short term parks on the northern side of Albany Street and provided a suggestion on how this could be made possible.


Mr Hart and Ms Hogg responded to questions.


Otago University Students Association (OUSA), University of Otago

Keegan Wells (Incoming President, OUSA) and Quinten Jane (President, OUSA) spoke to their submission in support of the Albany Street Connection.  They commented on the large number of pedestrians using Albany Street, with more people using other transport modes such as buses and cycling.  They also commented on new student accommodation, and that most of the students were living within walking distance of the campus and that the Commercial campus was a highly used space.


The OUSA supported other uses of transport modes which encouraged a sustainable environment.


The new college where the student will be using Albany Street to get to and from campus.  Making it more pedestrian friendly will ensure that students are safe and get to campus safely.


Mr Jane commented that Drop off zones on the four sides of the campus (such as Union Street and St David Street) were seen as beneficial and pedestrian crossings on Albany Street as current there are none.


Ms Keegan and Mr Jane responded to questions.


Sarita and Anita Pillai

Sarita Pillai spoke to her submission regarding resident parking and commented on the importance of having a non-allocated residents parking permits.  She spoke of the situation for  91 year old mother to ensure her independence and ability to remain in her home of over 50 years. 


Ms Sarita Pillai requested that consideration be given to “grandparenting” the previous non-allocated spaces until Mrs Pillai no longer lived at the property or for the ability to park over the property’s driveway without receiving a ticket.


Ms Pillai responded to questions.

3          Proposed parking changes

A report from Transport presented information on changes and corrections to parking restrictions for the Committee’s consideration. 


The report noted that there were four sections of proposed changes, which included: changes to residents parking; Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone changes project; Albany Street Connection and Harbour Arterial.


An updated Attachment P to Schedules 1 and 2 of the Traffic and Parking Bylaw was tabled at the hearing as one of the one-way restrictions in Schedule 1 had been omitted as below:


a new one-way north restriction is proposed for Riego Street, extending the existing one-way restriction from mid-Riego Street to Forth Street to the whole length of the street from Albany Street to Forth Street

The Group Manager, Transport (Jeanine Benson), the Team Leader, Regulation Management (Simon Spiers), and the Transport Planning Team Leader (Simone Handwerk) responded to questions on the Albany Street Connection Project.


The Team Leader, Regulation Management (Simon Spiers), the Transport Regulation Co-ordinator (Abbey Chamberlain) and the Policy Analyst, Transport Regulation (Paula Barragan-Romano) responded to questions on the proposed general parking changes which included Queens Drive; Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone changes project; Bond Street and the Residents Parking.


The Group Manager, Transport (Jeanine Benson), the Team Leader, Regulation Management (Simon Spiers), and the Transport Planning Team Leader (Simone Handwerk) responded to further questions on the Albany Street Connection Project which included the request from Mr Paterson and from Mr Hart (of Leith Street Liquorland) for the consideration of parks on the northern side of Albany Street.



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Cherry Lucas):

That the Committee:


Recommends to Council that three parks be added on the northern side of Albany Street between Leith Street and Clyde Street to the Albany Street Connection project.



The Committee voted by division


For:    Cr Cherry Lucas (1).

Against:        Crs Jim O'Malley and Mandy Mayhem (2).

Abstained:   Nil


The division was declared LOST by 2 vote to 1



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Cr Mandy Mayhem):

That the Committee:

a)              Recommends Council to approve the proposed changes to parking and traffic restrictions shown in the December 2023 update of the Dunedin City Council's traffic and parking restrictions database https://tinyurl.com/ParkingDecember2023

Motion carried (HEAR/2023/009)


The Committee noted that the monitoring information for Knox Row, requested at its 11 July 2023 meeting would be presented in early 2024.




The meeting concluded at 3.11 pm.