Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board will be held on:


Date:                                                    Thursday 8 February 2024

Time:                                                   10:00am

Venue:                                                Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello


Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer


Otago Peninsula Community Board






Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Stacey Kokaua-Balfour


Cheryl Neill

Edna Stevenson


Cr Andrew Whiley



Senior Officer                                               Jeanine Benson, Group Manager Transport


Governance Support Officer                  Lauren Riddle




Lauren Riddle

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000






Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         PAGE


1             Welcome                                                                                                                                                                     4

1.1       Public Forum                                                                                                                                                 4

2             Apologies                                                                                                                                                                    4

3             Confirmation of Agenda                                                                                                                                        4

4             Declaration of Interest                                                                                                                                           5

5             Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                                                                    10

5.1       Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 2 November 2023                                          10

Part A Reports (Otago Peninsula Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6             Meeting Schedule                                                                                                                                                 17

7             Community Plan                                                                                                                                                    19

8             Governance Support Officer's Report                                                                                                            20

9             Funding Application                                                                                                                                              37

10           Board Updates and Report Backs                                                                                                                    45

11           Councillor Update                                                                                                                                                 46

12           Chairperson's Report                                                                                                                                           47

13           Items for Consideration by the Chair                                                                                                             48



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



1          welcome

1.1       Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no request for Public Forum has been received.


2          Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3          Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Declaration of Interest




1.         Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.         Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)         Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)        Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.







Register of Interests - February 2024




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Confirmation of Minutes

Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 2 November 2023



That the Board:

a)         Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on

02 November 2023 as a correct record.







Minutes of Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting  held on 2 November 2023




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024




Otago Peninsula Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 2 November 2023, commencing at 10:03am.





Paul Pope


Deputy Chairperson

Hoani Langsbury



Lox Kellas

Stacey Kokaua-Balfour


Cheryl Neill

Edna Stevenson



Jeanine Benson (Group Manager Transport).


Governance Support Officer                  Lauren Riddle



1          opening/REFLECTION

Stacey Kokaua-Balfour provided a reflection of gratitude for the lifestyle able to be lived on the Otago Peninsula.

Items 3, 4,and 5 were taken ahead of Item 2 - Public Forum, due to the speaker’s delayed arrival.

3          Apologies

             Moved (Paul Pope/ Lox Kellas):

             That the Board:


             Accepts the apology from Cr Andrew Whiley for absence and from Hoani Langsbury for      lateness.


             Motion carried (OPCB/2023/060)


4          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Paul Pope/ Cheryl Neill):

That the Board:

Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.

Motion carried (OPCB/2023/061)

5          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Paul Pope/ Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

             Motion carried (OPCB/2023/062)


2          Public Forum

1.1       Public Forum


End of section bus stop (Portobello)

Mrs Christine Whitehead, a Portobello resident, requested that an end of section bus stop be included at the bus turnaround area on Harington Point Rd, adjacent to her home.  She spoke of her safety concerns walking from the current end of section in the Portobello township to her home, especially in the evenings with no footpath or street lighting in place.

Public Transport (Otago Peninsula)

Mr Julian Philips, Team Leader, Public Transport Dunedin, Otago Regional Council provided an update on public transport issues on the peninsula.  He spoke to the request for a change to the bus turnaround area on Harington Point Road and the concerns expressed by Tomahawk residents of the bus turnaround area.

Hoani Langsbury entered the meeting at 10:52 am.

             In response to questions, Mr Phillips advised he would investigate options for security     measures at the Tomahawk bus turnaround area.

2          Confirmation of Minutes

6.1       Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 28 September 2023


Moved (Paul Pope/ Cheryl Neill):

That the Board:

Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 28 September 2023 as a correct record.

Motion carried (OPCB/2023/063)

Part A Reports

7          Governance Support Officer's Report


The report informed the Board of activities relevant to the Otago Peninsula Board area.


The Cove – pedestrian safety.

Jeanine Benson (Senior Officer) advised that the removal of the cabbage trees to improve line of sight for traffic from the shared path way (beside the bus stop at The Cove) would occur in the 2024-25 financial year. Member Lox Kellas recorded his disagreement to the delay in removing the trees, as he considered it a safety hazard to driver visibility.


Greig Street, Broad Bay

Jeanine Benson (Senior Officer) advised the information on parameters for making Greig Street one-way to traffic would be made available to the Board at the February 2024 meeting.


Future Development Strategy (Community Board briefings)

Jeanine Benson (Senior Officer) summarised the Overview of the Future Development Strategy provided to members at the meeting.  The submission period was noted as running from 31 January to 28 February 2024 and that updates would be available from the Council website and  information sessions were scheduled for 8 February 2024 at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.


Meeting schedule

The first meeting date for 2024 was advised as 8 February 2024.  The meeting schedule for 2024 year would be tabled for adoption by the Board at the February meeting.



Moved (Paul Pope/ Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)    Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)    Confirms the first meeting date of 2024 as Thursday, 8 February 2024

   Motion carried (OPCB/2023/064)


8          Community Plan


Discussion was held on the current priorities of the Community Plan. 


Paul Pope confirmed that the Community Plan priorities would form the basis of the Board’s submission to the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 and that the Board would hold consultation meetings with the community on the priorities in early 2024.

9          Board Updates


Board members provided verbal updates on activities including:

Keep Dunedin Beautiful 

Cheryl Neill advised she attended the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery in mid-October, with Portobello School receiving a High Commended award for their work with the Penguin Trust.


Mural for the Portobello Boat Shed

Cheryl Neill confirmed she has made contact with Ara Toi for the process to progress the install of a mural on the Portobello Boat Shed.  The Board requested that Cheryl gain confirmation from the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Committee, of their ongoing financial commitment to the mural, and also to seek confirmation from the Portobello Boat Club of their approval to proceed with the artwork.  Paul Pope advised that the Community Board would lead the call for submissions for the proposed mural.


Peninsula Roads

Lox Kellas advised that the gravel roads were in sound condition but would require monitoring after any heavy rain event. A fallen tree was removed from across Portobello Road in the last week of October.  Lox advised that he considered a review of the status of some trees on the road corridor was needed, including weed spraying, on some portions of the Portobello Road to assist with visibility.


Discussion was held on ensuring that the Board’s Community Plan included (as a priority) budget allocation to ensure proactive management of the vegetation on the road corridor due to the concern for traffic safety from unstable trees along the road corridor.


Community Meetings

The Board will look to have community meetings early in 2024 to consult ahead of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034.


Civil Defence/Community Response Planning

The Board is awaiting advice from Council on the Board’s ability to purchase their own portable radio to support the Board’s Civil Defence preparedness.


Te Umu Kuri (Wellers Rock) signage

The design work for the signage is now with Aukaha for consideration.


100th anniversary of the Soldiers Monument commemoration.

Lox Kellas advised that information was still being sought from the Hocken Library archives on the soldiers named on the monument and that a date for the commemoration event would not been set until this information had been received.


Board members provided individual updates on areas of Board responsibility, including:

Hoopers Inlet recycling hub

Cheryl Neill advised that a meeting was held between herself, Paul Pope, Sam Neill (resident) and Pete Moroney (contractor) on 17 October to discuss the recycling hub, with the contractor providing suggestions, including: a concrete pad for the bins, installation of a perimeter fence, retention of a 6 bay recycling bin, recycling area behind the Portobello Hotel, installation of larger capacity bins with new signage and instructions for use. 


Paul Pope advised that further discussion would be held on the final recycling hub layout and reported back to the Board.



Broad Bay

Stacey Kokaua-Balfour spoke of the very successful Broad Bay Gala Day held on 21 October and the Otakou Marae hosted the Readers & Writers Festival, with a number of national visitors attending.  She raised the need for repairs and updates to the Peninsula 3D model and map based on Portsmouth Drive.


Stacey requested the protocol to be followed for flax removal under the Council’s Reserves General Policies.  Paul Pope confirmed he would provide this.


Macandrew Bay

Edna Stevenson advised that the Macandrew Bay Dairy was due to reopen the week of 6 November and that the safety fence work on Marion Street was now finished.


OPCB Scholarship Criteria

Lox Kellas provided draft copies of the proposed scholarship criteria, intended to come into effect from January 2024. Members acknowledged their general agreement to the new criteria, seeing one annual scholarship of $1,000 being granted by the Board.


The Board requested that the amended criteria be brought to the 8 February 2024 meeting for adoption by the Board.



Moved (Paul Pope/Edna Stevenson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Board Updates.

             Motion carried (OPCB/2023/065)



Moved (Paul Pope/ Hoani Langsbury):

That the Board:


b)     Accepts the draft Otago Peninsula Community Board scholarship criteria, to be formally adopted by the Board in February 2024.

             Motion carried (OPCB/2023/066)


10        Chairperson's Report


Paul Pope provided a verbal update at the meeting, including:

·    The need for the Board to finalise initiatives and priorities from the Community Plan ahead of consultation for the Long Term Plan 2024-2034.

·    A copy of the proposed design for the old Tomahawk school site and surrounds was tabled for members information

·    Tomahawk residents have requested a community opening/marking of the Pou installed at the Tomahawk reserve, as the opening held in October was not held as an all community event.

·    A summary of the OPCB submission to the draft Speed Management Plan Hearing

·    Cycle stands (at Portobello) to be installed on the grass area beside the dairy.

·    Marine Parade fence repair completed

·    Macandrew Bay Boat Club jetty repair work completed.

·    Council has begun a review of the Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy with early public engagement, commencing from 1 November 2023.


Moved (Paul Pope/ Lox Kellas):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the update from the Chairperson.

Motion carried (OPCB/2023/067)


11        Items for Consideration by the Chairperson


The Board agreed to provide a Letter of Thanks to Amber Sharma and to Tessa Mills for their involvement in the very successful Broad Bay Gala Day.


The meeting concluded at 11.58am.







Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Part A Reports


Meeting Schedule

Department: Civic






1          A schedule of meetings for 2024 is attached for your consideration. 

2          As this is an administrative report, no summary of considerations is required.

3          The proposed meetings dates for the 2024 year (as set out below) are based on a meetings being held on a Thursday, commencing at 10:00am at the Portobello Bowling Club Rooms (unless otherwise advised).

8 February

18 April

13 June

5 September

7 November



That the Board:

a)     Approves the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting schedule for 2024.






Lauren Riddle - Governance Support Officer


Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance






Meeting Schedule 2024




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Community Plan

Department: Civic






The Community Board Plan is tabled for discussion at each meeting for the purpose of review and update as required by the Board.

The Board’s Community Plan assists to contribute to the Council’s 10-year plan with focus on:

1          new and current priorities (in order of importance with justification and estimated costs for each) for inclusion in the DCC 10-year Plan

2          items the Board would like for delivery to the community (for items that would not require support or funding from the DCC, over and above the Community Board funding)





Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance


There are no attachments for this report.


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1          This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

a)         Project Fund

b)        OPCB Scholarship application form and criteria

c)         Correspondence

d)        Ten Year Plan 2024-2034 DCC and ORC

e)        Future Development Strategy

f)         Shared pathway decal campaign

g)         Roadworks Schedule

h)        DCC currently consulting on


2          As this is an administrative report, there are no options or summary of considerations.


That the Board:

a)         Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)        Ratifies the Otago Peninsula Community Board Scholarship grant criteria and

application form, effective from 8 February 2024.


Project Fund

3          The balance remaining in the Project Fund for allocation for the current financial year is $5,742.80.  The following funds have been allocated in the 2023/24 financial year.




Meeting Date




24 August 2023


Save the Peninsula Inc (STOP)

To fund the cost of herbicides and equipment for pest plant control by the Seek Weeds and Terminate (SWAT) group for the 2023-24 financial year.

24 August 2023


OPCB Board project

To produce 3 “Litter Libraries”, supply of equipment for each selected location on the peninsula.

28 September 2023


Board project

To purchase a Motorola R7 Premium portable radio as part of the OPCB’s emergency response resources for the peninsula.

28 September 2023


Board Project

To support the cost of 2 blank rounds for a field gun salute by the Dunedin Gunners Association at the 100th anniversary of the Soldiers Memorial in November 2023.

28 September 2023


Board Project

Commemoration wreath to mark the 100th anniversary of the Soldiers Memorial in November 2023.

Funds allocated -$4,257.20



Scholarship grants

4          The Board agreed at its meeting of 2 November 2023, in principle, to the new guidelines, criteria and application form for scholarship grants and for the documents to be formally adopted by the Board at the 8 February 2024 meeting. Copies of the scholarship criteria and application form are attached to the report (Attachments A, B).


·    Safety concerns - concrete bollards on shared pathway and Portobello Road (November 2023)

·    Signage request for Hatchery Road (December 2023)


Ten Year Plan 2024-2034

5          Development of the Dunedin City Council’s 10-year plan 2024-34 is well underway and Council are looking forward to consulting with the community on the draft plan.  The timetable is still to be finalised, but once done, Community Boards will be advised of submission and hearing dates.  At this stage, submissions are likely to be open from early April through to early May, with hearings to be held later in May.  Further information on dates and engagement opportunities will be provided as soon as possible, to enable Community Board time to plan the development of their submissions. 

10 Year Plan – Otago Regional Council

6          The Otago Regional Council will also be consulting on their 10-year plan.  Once known, we will advise the Board of the dates for consultation. 


Future Development Strategy

7          On 31st January 2024, the Dunedin City Council and the Otago Regional Council released the draft Future Development Strategy for consultation.  The Strategy will replace the current Dunedin Spatial Plan and outlines strategic directions for the city’s growth and development for the next 30 years.

8          All information is available on the DCC website and the documents will also be available at DCC libraries and the DCC and ORC customer service centres in Dunedin.

9          Public information sessions to explain the draft strategy and answer questions are planned for early February as detailed below, which you are welcome to attend. 

·    Thursday 8 February, 12 noon–2pm (Dunedin Public Art Gallery)   

·    Thursday 8 February, 5–7pm (Dunedin Public Art Gallery) 

·    Tuesday 13 February, 6-8pm (Mosgiel Coronation Hall)  


10        The period for submissions is now open and closes on Wednesday 28 February 2024, at 5:00pm.

11        If Board members receive any enquiries in relation to the Future Development Strategy, they are requested to please forward them to

Shared pathway safety campaign

12     DCC commenced a shared path safety campaign in December 2023 which saw decals placed along sections of the shared pathway.  Information on the decals is attached to the report.

What DCC is Currently Consulting On

13        For the most up to date information on what DCC is consulting on, please visit 

Roadworks Schedule

14        Information on current notified road closures and the roadworks schedule (a weekly list of programmed works) for Council’s maintained roads is available on the DCC website via these links and

Dunedin City Council Updates

15        Board or members of the public wishing to advise Council of any operational issues or concerns, e.g., potholes, vegetation, burst pipes are reminded to contact the Dunedin City Council Customer Services Agency on 03 477 4000 or email  For any non-urgent matter please contact council via the online “Fix it form”

16        If issues and concerns are not dealt with in a timely manner, Board Members should contact the Governance Support Officer, or the Senior Staff Member appointed to the Board.




Lauren Riddle - Governance Support Officer


Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance






OPCB scholarship application form 2024



OPCB scholarship grant criteria 2024



Correspondence In - Concrete bollards on shared pathway



Correspondence In - Signage on Hatchery Road



Peninsula shared path decals




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Funding Application

Department: Civic






1          This report provides a copy of the funding application received for the Board’s consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2          A funding application has been received from the Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island Community Inc. for $2,903.87 for partial roof repair to the Lodge on Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island.

3          The balance of project funds available to the Board as at 8 February 2024 is $5,742.80.

4          The application seeks funding support from the Board to cover the costs of materials to be used in the repair of the part of the roof of the Lodge on Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island.

5          An estimate has been provided of $700.00 in labour costs, which the applicant intends to cover through volunteer workers.


That the Board:

a)         Considers the funding application from Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island Community Incorporated of $2,903.87 for the cost of materials to repair the Lodge roof.

b)        Notes the Funding Application report.





Lauren Riddle - Governance Support Officer


Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance






Application form



Application covering letter



Material costs quotation




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Board Updates and Report Backs

Department: Civic






1          Board Members will provide verbal updates and report backs on portfolios and activities including:

·    Keep Dunedin Beautiful

·    Mural for Portobello Boat Shed

·    Hoopers Inlet recycling Hub

·    Harwood (and Back Bays)

·    Peninsula Roads

·    Civil Defence/Community Response Planning

·    Soldiers Monument 100th anniversary commemoration event

·    Te Umu Kuri (Wellers Rock)

·    Macandrew Bay

·    Broad Bay/Portobello

·    Individual member report backs


That the Board:

a)         Notes the Board updates




Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance


There are no attachments for this report.




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Councillor Update

Department: Civic






1          Councillor Andrew Whiley will provide an update on matters of interest to the Board.


That the Board:

a)         Notes the report from Cr Whiley.




Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance


There are no attachments for this report.




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024



Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






The Chairperson will provide a verbal update on matters of interest including:

·    Consultation for the 10YP 2024-2034 (Community Plan initiatives and priorities)

·    Tomahawk Road closure

·    Tomahawk speed humps (and additional request in January)

·    Sea Lions (Smaills Beach)

·    Litter contracts over the summer period

·    Bus Stop - Beaconsfield Road

·    Update on The Cove safety works

·    Schools programme


That the Board:

a)         Notes the Chairperson’s report




Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance


There are no attachments for this report.




Otago Peninsula Community Board

8 February 2024


Items for Consideration by the Chair


Any items for consideration by the Chair.



There are no attachments for this report.