Saddle Hill Community Board
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Village Green Cafe, Sunnyvale, Dunedin on Thursday 11 April 2024, commencing at 3:02 p.m.
Chairperson |
Paul Weir |
Deputy Chairperson |
Scott Weatherall
Members |
Pim Allen |
Cr Kevin Gilbert |
Christina McBratney |
John Moyle |
Anna Nilsen (Group Manager Property Services). |
Governance Support Officer Lynne Adamson
There was no Public Forum.
Moved (Scott Weatherall/Pim Allen): That the Board:
Accepts the apology from Mr Keith McFadyen.
Motion carried (SHCB/2024/009) |
Moved (Paul Weir/Christina McBratney): That the Board:
Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.
Motion carried (SHCB/2024/010) |
Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Board:
a) Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and b) Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/011) |
Moved (Paul Weir/Christina McBratney): That the Board: a) Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 15 February 2024 as a correct record. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/012) |
Board members provided updates on activities of interest which included: · Keep Dunedin Beautiful – Christina McBratney advised that Keep Dunedin Beautiful t-shirts were being sold to help with fundraising. Ms McBratney advised that installation of benches in the layby’s on Brighton - Taieri Mouth Road were being investigated. She spoke of the need to promote the correct use of the new waste bins on social media. The Trees for Families event would be held at 11.00 am on Sunday 12 May 2024 and nominations were open for the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards which would be held on 7 June 2024. · Proposed Civil Defence Day – John Moyle advised that the Civil Defence Day would be held in the summer. · Brighton Toy Box – Scott Weatherall advised that the toy box would be moved under cover for the winter months. · Community Pantries – Scott Weatherall advised that following being moved, the Waldronville community pantry was now well utilised and being looked after by the locals. · Civil Defence Meeting, Fairfield – Paul Weir and Scott Weatherall provided an update on the Civil Defence meeting held in Fairfield on Tuesday 9 April. The intent of the meeting was to gain interest for a community response group. A table top exercise had been held in Brighton on Wednesday 10 April which received good support and a WhatsApp group had been created for the southern community response. · Chain Hills Emergency Response Group – Pim Allen provided an update on the Chain Hills Emergency Response Group, there had been an email group and WhatsApp group set u for emergencies. Ms Allen commented that there had been an onsite meeting held with staff to discuss access to the paper road off Chain Hills Road in an emergency. They would look into options and provide feedback. |
Moved (Paul Weir/Cr Kevin Gilbert): That the Board:
a) Notes the Board updates. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/013) |
A report from Civic provided an update on the Saddle Hill Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area which included: · Project Fund · Future Development Strategy · Annual Plan - Dunedin City Council – the Board made minor editorial suggestions to the annual plan submission. · Aurora Energy Consultation · Long Term Plan – Otago Regional Council – the Board may submit on the buses. · Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (2020) – Christina McBratney advised that she had attended the session on waste minimisation and would email suggestions on the submission to the Board for inclusion and ratification at the next meeting. |
Moved (Paul Weir/Christina McBratney): That the Board:
a) Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report. b) Approves the submission to the Dunedin City Council Draft Annual Plan with minor editorial changes. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/014) |
The Board discussed the Community Plan and agreed that the plan would be circulated for updating and publishing to the website. |
The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest since the last meeting which included: · Fairfield BBQ · Future Development Strategy submission – the Chair advised he spoke on the proposed shared pathway between Waldronville and Ocean View and the bus service. · BBQ Picnic Table – it was agreed that the area by the Brighton Surf Club was the preference for the relocation of a picnic table from Ocean View. · ANZAC Day service – Cr Kevin Gilbert would deliver the ANZAC speech at the Brighton service. |
Moved (Paul Weir/Scott Weatherall): That the Board:
a) Notes the report from Chairperson’s Report. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/015) |
Councillor Kevin Gilbert provided an update on items of interest which included: · Annual Plan engagement and pop ups – Cr Gilbert provided an overview on the consultation process. · Aurora Energy consultation – Cr Gilbert explained the consultation process for the proposed sale of Aurora Energy. · Notice of Motion – Cr Gilbert spoke on the Notice of Motion he presented to the March Council meeting requesting a ban of single use cups from Council buildings.
Moved (Paul Weir/Cr Kevin Gilbert): That the Board:
a) Notes the Councillor’s update. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/016) |
The following items were identified:
· Fairfield BBQ · Pricing for Emergency Evacuation Signs meeting points. |
The were ten applications received for the Youth Ambassador Award. The following students were in attendance to provide a presentation on their applications: Eve Kelleher Eve spoke to her application for support towards entry fees to attend sporting competitions. She outlined the groups she was involved with, which included the Dunedin Triathlon Club; Cycling Otago; Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club and representing Queens High School and she worked as a volunteer lifeguard and volunteered for netball.
Eve commented that she had placed 2nd in the recent national triathlon and her goal was to compete in the U16 triathlon in 2025.
Elise Carline Elise applied for funding to support her endeavours in basketball associated with training and transport to tournaments. She spoke of her achievements and commented that she had been invited to attend the Steven Adams Invitational US Tour later in the month. Elise had also been invited to attend trials for the Junior Tall Ferns Team, travelling to China for the Asia Cup in June.
Maya Satake Maya commented that she was a member of the Senior A volleyball team at Otago Girls High School. She spoke of the fundraising undertaken to subsidise event costs and advised she had applied for funding to support the costs to attend the 2024 National Secondary School Volleyball competition in Palmerston North.
Maya commented on awards she had received at school including the Deans award for showing school values and being a good leader.
Charlotte Aburn Charlotte spoke to her accomplishments in both Surf Lifesaving and swimming. She had won gold at both the Surf Lifesaving 2023 Nationals in the surf race under 15 category and the Surf Lifesaving 2024 Nationals in the run swim run and board under 17 categories. Charlotte won gold in the 400m and 200m Long Course and South Island Long Course competitions.
Charlotte applied for funding to enable her to attend national swimming and surf lifesaving events over the 2024-25 season.
Carter Hoffman Carter commented that he was a surf lifesaver and musician. He played at the Brighton Gala Day and busked outside the supermarket. He was the lead singer, songwriter and guitarist for the ‘Black Tomato Sauce Band’ and mentored year 7 and 8 students in uke jam.
To support his music, Carter currently borrowed an amp from school. He hoped to secure funding to purchase his own amp and a guitar case.
Dan Kelleher Dan commented that he was a keen triathlete and was active in the Dunedin Triathlon Club, Cycling Otago and the Brighton Surf Lifesaving Club. His aim was to compete at the National Triathlon Championships and National Athletic Championships as well as other upcoming events. Any funding received would help with entry fees for future sporting events and competitions.
Jenny Petegem Thach Jenny was an accomplished musician and played both the clarinet and the violin. She commented that she was a member of the Dunedin Youth Orchestra and the Dunedin Wind Orchestra. She was a member of the chamber music group ‘A Quaver Too Short’ along with her brother and a friend and had received high commendation in the Otago district round of the NZCT Chamber Music Contest. One of Jenny’s goals was to win an Institute of Registered Music Teachers of New Zealand scholarship.
Jenny commented that should she receive funding, it would be used to support the costs associated with her music study.
Rebecca McKay Rebecca commented that she was a Masters of Architecture student studying sustainability and building for a better future. Rebecca commented that she had worked as a lifeguard and was competing with a team in the laps of life this weekend.
Rebecca advised that any funding received would be used for her course costs.
Matthew Petegem Thach Matthew advised that he began playing the guitar when he was 9 and he now also played the violin and piano. He advised he was a member of the Dunedin Youth Orchestra and played in the chamber music group ‘A Quaver Too Short’ along with his sister and friend. Matthew performed at community events, such as the Cambodian New Year and did busking. Matthew hoped to gain a place in the New Zealand Secondary School Symphony Orchestra with auditions taking place in September.
Matthew would use any funding approved for exams, extra lessons, to purchase new strings for his guitar and violin and towards the cost of a new guitar.
Jonathan Tucker It was noted that Jonathan Tucker had provided an online presentation as he was currently overseas for sport. Jonathan played goalkeeper in the Under 19 New Zealand Secondary Schools Football team and was a goalkeeper coach for the year 9 and 10 junior football teams at his school. Jonathan applied for funding to help cover costs associated with his football trip to Sydney to compete in the U19 national New Zealand Secondary Schools football tour.
There was a discussion on the applications for the Youth Ambassador Award. The Board acknowledged the high calibre, achievements, goals and aspirations of all the applicants. |
Moved (Chairperson Paul Weir/Cr Kevin Gilbert): That the Board: a) Approves funding be awarded to the top four Youth Ambassador Award recipients. |
Moved (John Moyle/Scott Weatherall): That the Board: b) Approves funding be awarded to the top six Youth Ambassador Award recipients. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/017) |
Moved (Scott Weatherall/John Moyle): That the Board:
c) Approves payment of $750.00 to Tony and Lee-Ann Carline on behalf of Youth Ambassador Award recipient Elise Carline from the discretionary fund. d) Approves payment of $750.00 to Youth Ambassador Award recipient Charlotte Aburn from the discretionary fund. e) Approves payment of $500.00 to Youth Ambassador Award recipient Jonathan Tucker. f) Approves payment of $300.00 to Youth Ambassador Award recipient Dan Kelleher. g) Approves payment of $300.00 to Youth Ambassador Award recipient Jenny Petegem Thach. h) Approves payment of $300.00 Youth Ambassador Award recipient Matthew Petegem Thach. Motion carried (SHCB/2024/018) |
The Board discussed the Youth Ambassador Award and agreed to revisit the criteria and funding application at the next meeting. |
The meeting concluded at 5.41 pm.