Notice of Meeting:
I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board will be held on:
Date: Thursday 5 September 2024
Time: 11:00am
Venue: Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello
Sandy Graham
Chief Executive Officer
Otago Peninsula Community Board
Chairperson |
Paul Pope |
Deputy Chairperson |
Hoani Langsbury |
Members |
Lox Kellas |
Stacey Kokaua-Balfour |
Cheryl Neill |
Edna Stevenson |
Cr Andrew Whiley |
Senior Officer Jeanine Benson, Group Manager Transport
Governance Support Officer Lauren Riddle
Lauren Riddle
Governance Support Officer
Telephone: 03 477 4000
Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
1 Public Forum 4
1.1 Public Forum 4
2 Apologies 4
3 Confirmation of Agenda 4
4 Declaration of Interest 5
5 Confirmation of Minutes 11
5.1 Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 20 June 2024 11
Part A Reports (Otago Peninsula Community Board has power to decide these matters)
6 Public Transport - Peninsula 19
7 Governance Support Officer's Report 20
8 Project Fund - Funding Applications 31
9 Community Plan 2024-2025 44
10 Emergency Management Otago - Otago Peninsula Community Resilience 45
11 Transport Matters 46
12 Board Updates and Report Backs 47
13 Councillor Update 48
14 Chairperson's Report 49
15 Items for Consideration by the Chair 50
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Carmel Spencer wishes to speak to the Board on matters relating to the local community.
Barbara Wilkins from the Caselberg Trust wishes to speak in support of the funding application from the Trust.
Rebecca Gilbertson, Principal Broad Bay School wishes to speak in support of the funding application from the school
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
1. Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
2. Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.
That the Board:
a) Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and
b) Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.
Title |
Page |
⇩a |
Register of Interest - September 2024 |
7 |
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 20 June 2024
That the Board:
a) Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 20 June 2024 as a correct record.
Title |
Page |
A⇩ |
Minutes of Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 20 June 2024 |
12 |
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Otago Peninsula Community Board
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Otago Peninsula Community Board held in the Portobello Bowling Club, Sherwood Street, Portobello on Thursday 20 June 2024, commencing at 10:00 a.m.
Chairperson |
Paul Pope |
Deputy Chairperson |
Hoani Langsbury |
Members |
Lox Kellas |
Cheryl Neill |
Edna Stevenson |
Cr Andrew Whiley |
Governance Support Officer Lauren Riddle
Lox Kellas opened the meeting with a reflection on Volunteers Week and the importance of recognising the value volunteers make to the communities they live in and the organisations they support.
Representatives from Year 7 and 8 pupils from Portobello, Broad Bay and Macandrew Bay schools were in attendance to learn about the role of a Community Board.
1 Public Forum
1.1 Public Forum |
Lesley Schofield spoke in support of the Scott Hall Incorporated funding request and provided an update on the work completed and the remaining work required to upgrade the toilet/bathroom facilities at Scott Hall. Candace Christensen spoke in support of the late funding application from the Portobello School, seeking Board support for replacement of the current Māori performance uniforms used by the pupils. |
2 Apologies |
Moved (Paul Pope/Hoani Langsbury): That the Board:
Accepts the apology from Stacey Kokaua-Balfour.
Motion carried |
3 Confirmation of agenda |
Paul Pope advised the Board that a late funding application had been received from Portobello School for consideration at the meeting.
Moved (Cr Andrew Whiley/Hoani Langsbury): That the Board: Confirms the agenda with the following addition: Late funding request from Portobello School, to Item 6 (Funding Applications).
Motion carried (OPCB/2024/021) |
4 Declarations of interest
Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
No updates were provided.
Moved (Edna Stevenson/Hoani Langsbury): That the Board:
a) Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register attached; and b) Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests. Motion carried |
5 Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting - 18 April 2024 |
Moved (Cheryl Neill/Lox Kellas): That the Board: Confirms the minutes of the Otago Peninsula Community Board meeting held on 18 April 2024 as a correct record. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/022) |
Part A Reports
6 Funding Applications |
The Board were advised that funds of $2,050.00 previously approved in the 2023-2024 financial year (but not uplifted) were included in the total balance of project funds of $5,792.80 available for allocation.
A funding request from Scott Hall Incorporated was considered by the Board for funding to assist with the completion of the upgrade to the toilet/bathrooms at Scott Hall, Harwood. Members supported specific funding to cover the costs of installing hand driers in addition to the funding of $1,500 sought in the application for the yet completed works. |
Moved (Lox Kellas/Paul Pope): That the Board:
a) Grants funding of $2,300 to Scott Hall Incorporated to assist with the completion of the upgrade to the toilet/bathrooms at Scott Hall, Harwood. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/023)
A funding request from the Otago Peninsula Museum Historical Society was considered by the Board for funding of $1,000 to assist with the purchase of a heat pump for the main building of the museum. |
Moved (Lox Kellas/Paul Pope): That the Board: b) Grants funding of $1,000 to the Otago Peninsula Museum Historical Society to assist with the purchase of a heat pump for the main building of the museum. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/024)
A late funding request from Portobello School of $1,500 was considered to assist with the purchase of Parihaumia performance uniforms for pupils to replace the current uniforms which are over 20 years old. Cheryl Neill declared a conflict of interest and withdrew from discussion and voting. Members supported funding for a new uniform for the tamariki to showcase the peninsula at events. |
Moved (Lox Kellas/Paul Pope): That the Board: c) Grants funding of $2,000 to Portobello School to assist with the purchase of Parihaumia performance uniforms for pupils. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/025) Cheryl Neill withdrew from the item.
Moved (Lox Kellas/Paul Pope): That the Board:
d) Notes the Funding Application report. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/026)
Discussion was held on granting the balance of funds held by the Board for the current financial year 2023-2024, to the Portobello Volunteer Fire Service to support purchase of equipment for ongoing community work undertaken. |
Moved (Hoani Langsbury/Edna Stevenson): That the Board: Grants funding of $492.80 to the Portobello Volunteer Fire Service to support purchase of equipment for ongoing work for the community. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/027) |
7 Governance Support Officer's Report |
The report informed the Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area. Copies of the Board’s submission to the Draft DCC Annual Plan 2024-25 and to the Long Term Plan – Otago Regional Council 2024-2034 were tabled for ratification by the Board.
New Zealand Community Boards’ 2024 Conference Council sought nominations from individual community boards for consideration as one of two Council-funded attendees to the NZ Community Board’s 2024 Conference. Members supported Hoani Langsbury as the nominee from the Otago Peninsula Community Board.
Moved (Paul Pope/Cheryl Neill): That the Board:
a) Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report. b) Ratifies the submission to the Dunedin City Council draft Annual Plan 2024 -2025. c) Ratifies the submission to the Otago Regional Council draft Long Term Plan 2024-34. d) Nominates Hoani Langsbury to the DCC selection for consideration to attend the 2024 New Zealand Community Boards’ Conference. e) Agrees to submit to the DCC Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy review and; f) Authorises Paul Pope as Chairperson to author the Board’s submission to the DCC Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy review. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/028) |
Discussion was held on the current priorities of the Community Plan, and for the Board’s continued focus on progressing the completion of the unfunded section of the Peninsula Connection project.
9 Board Updates and Report Backs |
Board Members provided verbal updates and report backs on portfolios and activities including:
Keep Dunedin Beautiful (KDB) Cheryl Neill advised that the KDB Board had indicated that there was no longer funding available for murals and therefore there was no current funding available to assist with the upgrade/replacement of the Marion Street mural at Macandrew Bay.
The Board requested feedback from the Macandrew Bay school community, on the interest to retain the existing Marion Street mural, or if a new mural was preferred.
Harwood (and Back Bays) Paul Pope advised that due to vandalism of the Macandrew Bay public toilets, the Scott Hall toilets at Harwood would have extended hours of operation from 7:00am to 7pm daily.
Peninsula Roads Lox Kellas spoke of the impact of the recent rain event with debris falling off banks onto the peninsula roads. Discussion was held on the use of heavy trucks on Pipikaretu Road and possible damage to the road surface, Lox will investigate further.
Te Umu Kuri (Wellers Rock) Hoani Langsbury advised that work had been undertaken to build up the retaining walls to allow the launching of boats to be retained.
Discussion was held on the acts of vandalism at the Macandrew Bay public toilets, ongoing damage to the bus shelter electronic signage and behavioural issues by some youth in the playground and the dairy area.
The Board requested feedback from the Macandrew Bay school community, on concerns over vandalism occurring at the Macandrew Bay hall, bus shelter and for any suggestions to remedy the issues.
The Board requested that Paul Pope, as Chairperson, also communicate with the DCC Parks and Recreation Manager (in regard to the skateboard ramp and basketball court areas) expressing the community and Board’s concern that many of the youth in the area felt unsafe and unwelcome at the playground.
Harington Point Edna Stevenson spoke about the damage to the footpath opposite the entrance to Pakihau Road, from public transport buses using the footpath as part of the turning circle.
Paul Pope requested that Edna Stevenson provide the details and photos of the damage, to the ORC Public Transport team for response and that a request for footpath repair be sent to the DCC Transport team. |
Discussion was held on the contribution deadlines for the Macandrew Bay, Broad Bay and Portobello community newsletters, to ensure that the Community Board’s updates were included for each issue.
Moved (Paul Pope/Lox Kellas): That the Board:
Notes the Board updates Motion carried (OPCB/2024/029) |
10 Councillor Update |
Cr Andrew Whiley provided an update on the Annual Plan deliberations and the Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy review and advised submissions closed on 21 July 2024. |
Moved (Paul Pope/Lox Kellas): That the Board: Notes the report from Cr Whiley. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/030) |
11 Chairperson's Report |
Portobello tourist signage - The Board agreed to option 2 from the DCC Transport Engineering team for the existing tourist signage to be moved from its current location (100m from the city side of the Highcliff Road intersection) to the left-hand side of the Portobello roundabout, to provide improved visibility for drivers. Cheryl Neill to communicate the Board decision to DCC.
Hoopers Inlet - refuse collection to occur on Saturdays from a central disposal point at a cost of $5 per rubbish bag. The recycling hub will remain.
Request for speed reduction Pukehiki – Paul Pope advised that he and Lox Kellas attended a Pukehiki Hall Committee community meeting where a design was provided by Council for speed reduction measures for the Pukehiki village.
Moved (Paul Pope/Lox Kellas): That the Board:
Notes the Chairperson’s report. Motion carried (OPCB/2024/031) |
11 Items for Consideration by the Chair |
There were no items for consideration by the Chair. |
The meeting concluded at 11.31 a.m.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Julian Phillips, Implementation Lead – Transport from the Otago Regional Council will be in attendance to speak to matters on public transport on the Peninsula, including:
· Harington Point bus stop (location and damage to footpath)
· Public transport use of Beaconsfield Road/Nicholas Street
· Public transport complaints
There are no attachments for this report.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Governance Support Officer's Report
Department: Civic
1 This report is to inform the Otago Peninsula Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:
a) Project Fund balance
b) Correspondence In/Out
c) Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy Review
d) Waste Minimisation Management Plan (Community based resource recovery)
e) Otago Reserves Management Plan (consultation period)
f) Community Board presentation to Civic Committee (17 September 2024)
g) Parks and Recreation updates:
Otago Peninsula Agricultural and Pastoral Society Land at Portobello
Harwood Reserve Toilet
Te Umu Kuri Wellers Rock
Roadside vegetation maintenance (Macandrew Bay)
h) DCC currently consulting on
i) Roadworks Schedule
j) Dunedin City Council updates
That the Board:
a) Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.
b) Ratifies the Otago Peninsula Community Board submission to the Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy Review.
Project Fund
The balance in the Project Fund available for allocation for the current financial year (2024-2025) is $10,000. No funds have been spent at this time.
INWARDS: ORC letter acknowledging receipt of the OPCB’s submission to the draft LTP 2024-2034
OUT: OPCB submission to the Dog Control Bylaw and Policy 2024
Email to DCC Parks and Recreation re safety concerns at the Macandrew Bay playground.
Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy Review
2 The OPCB submission to the Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy Review consultation is included for ratification by the Board. Hearings are scheduled for 26-27 September 2024.
Waste Minimisation Management Plan – Community based Resource Recovery
4 The Waste and Environmental Solutions team has outlined below the community based resource recovery work as part of the Zero Carbon Plan and Waste Minimisation Management Plan.
5 The Council has committed to support the development, implementation and operation of community-based and run resource recovery centres in Ōtepoti Dunedin. This is described in the Zero Carbon Plan and the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (out for public consultation in 2025).
6 The Waste Planning Advisor, Waste and Environmental Solutions (Tess Trotter) is investigating a hub and spoke model of community resource recovery. In a hub-and-spoke model, the hub signifies a central or lead organisation/location that serves as the coordinating entity. The spokes, on the other hand, represent partner organisations that are linked to the hub and possibility to each other. Part of this work is engaging with community groups working in waste minimisation, place-based community organisations and others.
7 The purpose of community-based resource recovery is to:
· Divert useable and valuable resources from landfill
· Move towards a circular economy
· Provide for and amplify the social, economic and environmental benefits to community-run initiatives
· Increase localisation of waste and resource circularity, ensuring benefits align with the communities undertaking mahi
8 Staff would like the Board to consider providing a representative who is able to provide connections to community groups and to assist with community contacts for a more in-depth discussion about local community aspirations, assets and challenges specifically related to community-based resource recovery if desired.
Otago Harbour Reserves Management Plan
9 A second round of consultation commenced on 21 August 2024 for residents to provide feedback on the draft Otago Harbour Reserves Management Plan.
10 The harbour reserves covered in the plan for the Otago Peninsula Community Board area are: Broad Bay, Glenfalloch Jetty, Macandrew Bay, Te Rauone and Wellers Rock.
11 Submissions are being sought on the future of reserves surrounding the Otago Harbour and feedback received will help to shape a draft plan for the reserves. Submissions close on 23 October 2024, with hearings to be held in the first quarter of 2025. Drop-in sessions with Parks and Recreation Services are being held as listed below:
Macandrew Bay Community Hall Saturday 31 August 2024 5:00pm-6:30pm
DCC Plaza Meeting Room, Civic Centre Monday 16 September 11:30am–1:00pm
Macandrew Bay Beach Reserve Wednesday 18 September 3:00pm–4:30pm
DCC Plaza Conference Room, Civic Centre Thursday 26 September 4:30pm–6:00pm
Macandrew Bay Beach Reserve Tuesday 8 October 11:00am–12:30pm
Portobello Playground Friday 11 October 3:00pm–4:30pm
DCC Plaza meeting room, Civic Centre Tuesday 15 October 10:00am-11:30am
Macandrew Bay Beach Reserve Friday 18 October 3:00pm-4:00pm
12 Feedback received from the Stage 1 submissions on the Otago Harbour Reserve Management Plan is available via
The link to the Statement of Proposal for the Otago Harbour Reserve Management Plan Stage 2 and the draft Otago Harbour Reserves Management Plan 2024 is available through the DCC website
13 A submission can be made through the following link -
Community Board presentations to Civic Committee
14 The Board is invited to present to the Civic Committee on 17 September 2024 on the Board’s priorities and activities as set out in the OPCB Community Plan.
Parks and Recreation updates
Harwood Reserve Toilet
15 Plans are also underway to extend the ramp at the Scott Hall entrance to enable visitors to the hall better access to the accessible toilets.
Otago Peninsula Agricultural and Pastoral Society Land at Portobello
16 In early July 2024 the Agreement for Sale and Purchase for the gifting of land at Portobello from The Otago Peninsula Agricultural Society to DCC was signed.
17 The next steps are to report to the Council (September) seeking its approval to accept the gift of the property. The report will request to register a covenant in gross that DCC will not allow freedom camping on the land. The report will also request to publicly notify the Council's intention to declare the land as a reserve in a local newspaper, as required under s 14(2) of the Reserves Act 1977.
18 Subject to the outcome of the public notification process there will be a further report to the Council asking it to consider any submissions / objections received.
19 If Council is satisfied that the submissions received support the transfer, they will be asked the following:
• to declare the land as a reserve under s 14(1) of the Act; and
• to classify the land as a recreation reserve under s 16(1) of the Act under the Minister’s delegation.
20 If the Council pass both of the resolutions above, the resolutions will then need to be gazetted and the parties can proceed to settlement.
Te Umu Kuri Wellers Rock
21 The main Te Umu Kuri rock formation is managed by DOC (blue outline below) and the remainder of the isthmus is managed by DCC Transport as part of the roading corridor. As seen in the aerial photograph below, there is a degree of historic tension between casual users of the landform for activities such as vehicle parking and boat launching vs protection of the DOC historic reserve.
22 A working group has been established with representation from DCC, DOC and local community representative Moana Wesley. A design was developed and approved by Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou. The intention was to re-establish some vegetation on the DOC reserve and separate the boat launching activities from the historic DOC reserve. The design includes building a low seawall and back filling and levelling of the isthmus. This work was funded by DOC and DCC (50/50) and completed in July. The works were carried out by Clearwater’s Civil. The planting is being coordinated by DOC and will happen in the 2025 planting season.
The new works will provide additional space for boat launching (front of the isthmus) and planting (back of the isthmus).
23 There is an historic issue with 4wd vehicles crossing the existing cycle/pedestrian lane to access the launching area. Vehicle parking on the isthmus, rather than at the allocated parking spaces (about 25m from Te Umu Kuri), is also an ongoing problem.
Roadside vegetation maintenance Macandrew Bay reserve.
24 Parks and Recreation have provided an update on the contractor work undertaken at the Macandrew Bay reserve (see photos) and advise further work will be completed as weather permits.
What DCC is Currently Consulting On
25 For the most up to date information on what DCC is consulting on, please visit
Roadworks Schedule
26 Information on current notified road closures and the roadworks schedule (a weekly list of programmed works) for Council’s maintained roads is available on the DCC website via these links and
Dunedin City Council Updates
27 Board or members of the public wishing to advise Council of any operational issues or concerns, e.g., potholes, vegetation, burst pipes are reminded to contact the Dunedin City Council Customer Services Agency on 03 477 4000 or email For any non-urgent matter please contact council via the online “Fix it form”
If issues and concerns are not dealt with in a timely manner, Board Members should contact the Governance Support Officer, or the Senior Staff Member appointed to the Board.
Author: |
Lauren Riddle - Governance Support Officer |
Authoriser: |
Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance |
Title |
Page |
⇩a |
ORC letter of acknowledgement for OPCB submission to ORC LTP 2024-2034 |
27 |
⇩b |
OPCB submission to Dog Control Bylaw and Policy |
28 |
⇩c |
Email to DCC Parks re Macandrew Bay playground safety concerns |
30 |
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Project Fund - Funding Applications
Department: Civic
1 This report provides a breakdown of project funding allocation and funding applications received for the Board’s consideration. As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.
Project Fund
2 The balance in the Project Fund available for allocation for the current financial year (2024-2025) is $10,000. No funds have been spent at this time.
3 The following funds were allocated in the 2023/24 financial year by the Board.
Meeting Date |
Amount |
Recipient |
Purpose |
24 August 2023 |
$1,000 |
Save the Otago Peninsula Inc (STOP) |
To fund the cost of herbicides and equipment for pest plant control by the Seek Weeds and Terminate (SWAT) group for the 2023-24 financial year. |
28 September 2023 |
$2,207.20 |
Board project |
To purchase a Motorola R7 Premium portable radio as part of the OPCB’s emergency response resources for the peninsula. |
8 February 2024 |
$1,000.00 |
Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island Community Inc. |
To contribute to the cost of materials to repair the Lodge roof on Kamautaurua/Quarantine Island. |
20 June 2024 |
$2,300 |
Scott Hall Incorporated |
To contribute to the upgrade of the toilet/bathrooms at Scott Hall |
20 June 2024 |
$1,000 |
Otago Peninsula Museum Historical Society |
To contribute to the purchase of a heat pump for the main building of the museum. |
20 June 2024 |
$2,000 |
Portobello School |
To contribute to the purchase of Parihaumia performance uniforms. |
20 June 2024 |
$492.80 |
Portobello Volunteer Fire Service |
To contribute to the purchase of equipment for the Portobello volunteer fire service. |
TOTAL FUNDS spent for the 2023-2024 $10,000.
4 A funding application has been received from the Caselberg Trust for $2,000 to support installation of double glazing at the Artist’s Residence at Broad Bay.
5 A funding application has been received from Portobello Bowling Club of $2,376 to assist with the cost of installing acoustic ceiling panels for noise reduction to the clubhouse.
6 A funding application has been received from Broad Bay School seeking $1,500 to support school camp activities to be held 29-31 October 2024.
7 The balance of project funds available to the Board as at 5 September 2024 is $10,000.
That the Board:
a) Approves/declines the funding application from Caselberg Trust
b) Approves/declines the funding application from the Portobello Bowling Club
c) Approves/declines the funding application from the Broad Bay School
d) Notes the Project Fund Report.
Author: |
Lauren Riddle - Governance Support Officer |
Authoriser: |
Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance |
Title |
Page |
⇩a |
Caselberg Trust funding application |
33 |
⇩b |
Covering letter to application from Caselberg Trust |
35 |
⇩c |
Portobello Bowling Club - application and quote |
38 |
⇩d |
Broad Bay School funding application |
42 |
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Community Plan 2024-2025
Department: Civic
The Community Board Plan is tabled for discussion at each meeting for the purpose of review and update as required by the Board.
The Board’s Community Plan assists to contribute to the Council’s 10-year plan with focus on:
1 new and current priorities (in order of importance with justification and estimated costs for each) for inclusion in the DCC 10-year Plan
2 items the Board would like for delivery to the community (for items that would not require support or funding from the DCC, over and above the Community Board funding)
A copy of the 2024-2025 working copy has been separately circulated to Board Members for consideration at the 5 September 2024 meeting.
Authoriser: |
Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance |
There are no attachments for this report.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Emergency Management Otago - Otago Peninsula Community Resilience
A review of the Otago Peninsula Community Resilience Guide has been completed and additions to the guide identified.
A copy of the draft Community Resilience Guide and the suggested additions to the document have been separately circulated to the Board.
The Board are asked to review the attachments and provide feedback to Emergency Management Otago.
There are no attachments for this report.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Update on Transport matters to the Board:
1. Status of footpath repair work – Harington Point
2. Speed Limit awareness of rule changes - Peninsula
The Minister of Transport released the draft Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2024 (the draft Speed Rule) for public consultation, which closed on July 11th.
The Transport team advised that the draft Rule proposes changes that will impact the scope of the draft Speed Management Plan that DCC consulted on in 2023, as well as retrospectively impacting some lower speed limits implemented since 1 January 2020. This includes some speed limits approved through the previous bylaw process and the interim Speed Management Plan that saw speed limits reduced around schools.
The Setting of Speed Limits 2024 consultation with the Ministry of Transport consultation link was provided to the Board on 27 June 2024.
3. Cultural markers
4. Portobello tourist signage – relocation options
The Transport Engineering and Road Safety team provided two options for the relocation of the tourist signage at Portobello on 8 August 2024 following a meeting with Cheryl Neill in July at the suggested relocation site outside the Portobello Dairy.
There are no attachments for this report.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Board Updates and Report Backs
Department: Civic
1 Board Members will provide verbal updates and report backs on portfolios and activities including:
1. Keep Dunedin Beautiful – Cheryl Neill
2. Harwood (and Lower Peninsula) – Cheryl Neill
3. School programme/scholarships – Cheryl Neill/Stacey Kokaua
4. Peninsula Roads – Lox Kellas
5. Back Bays (and Highcliff) – Lox Kellas
6. Civil Defence/Community Response Planning – Lox Kellas
7. Te Umu Kuri (Wellers Rock) – Paul Pope/Edna Stevenson
8. Macandrew Bay – Edna Stevenson
9. Broad Bay/Portobello – Stacey Kokaua
10. Harington Point/Otakou – Hoani Langsbury
11. Runaka Liaison and Biodiversity – Hoani Langsbury
12. Tomahawk – Paul Pope
13. Social networks/communications – Paul Pope
That the Board:
a) Notes the Board updates
Authoriser: |
Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance |
There are no attachments for this report.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Councillor Update
Department: Civic
1 Councillor Andrew Whiley will provide an update on matters of interest to the Board.
That the Board:
a) Notes the report from Cr Whiley.
Authoriser: |
Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance |
There are no attachments for this report.
Otago Peninsula Community Board 5 September 2024 |
Chairperson's Report
Department: Civic
The Chairperson will provide a verbal update on matters of interest including:
· OPCB presentation to the Civic Committee – 17 September 2024
· Board membership of ECOTAGO
· Feedback from Community Board Chairs meeting with Mayor Radich – 22 July 2024
· Safety concerns (Macandrew Bay playground)
· Otago Regional Council representation review submission (closed 11 August 2024)
That the Board:
a) Notes the Chairperson’s report.
Authoriser: |
Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance |
There are no attachments for this report.