Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board held in the Downes Room, Mosgiel Service Centre, Hartstonge Avenue, Mosgiel on Wednesday 12 June 2024, commencing at 12.30 pm
Chairperson |
Andrew Simms |
Deputy Chairperson |
Dean McAlwee |
Members |
Kathryn Anderson |
Austen Banks |
Regan Horrell |
Cr Cherry Lucas |
Governance Support Officer Jennifer Lapham
1.1 Public Forum - Mosgiel Taieri Community Patrol
Mr Dave Mitchell did not attend the meeting. |
Apologies have been received from Brian Peat for absence and Cr Cherry Lucas for early departure.
Moved (Andrew Simms/Regan Horrell): That the Board:
Accepts the apology from Brian Peat for absence and Cr Cherry Lucas for early departure.
Motion carried (MTCB/2024/022) |
Moved (Andrew Simms/Kathryn Anderson): That the Board:
Confirms the agenda with item 12 being brought forward to be considered prior to item 6.
Motion carried (MTCB/2024/023) |
Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
Cr Lucas advised that she is a trustee on the Taieri Airport Trust.
Moved (Andrew Simms/Regan Horrell): That the Board:
a) Amends the Elected Members' Interest Register; and b) Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests. Motion carried (MTCB/2024/024) |
Moved (Andrew Simms/Austen Banks): That the Board:
a) Confirms the minutes of the Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board meeting held on 17 April 2024 as a correct record. Motion carried (MTCB/2024/025) |
Part A Reports
Cr Lucas provided an update on the Future Development Strategy, Annual Plan Hearing and her appointment to the Taieri Airport Trust.
A report from Transport was seeking support from the Mosgiel Taieri Community Bord on the proposed naming of three private ways in the Mosgiel Taieri area. |
Discussion took place on the suggest names with the Board noting that they had previously voted against the proposed Wantwood Lane.
Moved (Andrew Simms/Austen Banks): That the Board:
a) Supports the naming of the new private way off School Road South, Taieri as ‘Wilden Lane’. b) Supports the naming of the new private way off Gladstone Road North, as ‘Cottage Drive’. c) Supports the naming of the new private way off Lorne Street, as ‘Mako Lane’.
Motion carried (MTCB/2024/026) |
Consideration was given to a funding application received from the Mosgiel Taieri Community Patrol for $2,000 towards costs associated with running the patrol. In discussing the application members noted that there was a balance of $2,500 left in the project fund. Discussion took place on allocating the additional funding to the Mosgiel Taieri Community Patrol given their importance to the Community. |
Moved (Andrew Simms/Regan Horrell): That the Board:
a) Approves a grant of $2,500 to the Taieri Community Patrol from the Mosgiel Taieri Community Patrol. Motion carried (MTCB/2024/027) |
The Chairperson withdrew for the discussion on the reimbursement of expenditure. Dean McAlwee took the Chair. |
Mr McAlwee advised that the Board had previously agreed to fund the update of the Board information and participation in the Taieri A & P Show and Party in the Park. The amount of the expenditure of $901.93 was included in the project fund table in the GSO Report. He advised that the Board now formally needs to resolve to reimburse the Chairperson for this expenditure. It was noted that the Chairperson had provided proof of payment.
Moved (Dean McAlwee/Regan Horrell): That the Board: a) Approve the reimbursement of expenditure, by way of a grant, to the Chairperson Andrew Simms of $901.93 (GST inclusive). Motion carried (MTCB/2024/028) |
In a report from Civic the Governance Support Officer provided an update on matters of interest including: a) Project Fund b) Submission to the Dunedin City Council Draft Annual Plan 2024-2025 c) Submission to the Otago Regional Council Draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034 d) New Zealand Community Boards’ 2024 Conference e) Dunedin Fire Brigade Restoration Society
Discussion took place on the Community Board Conference. It was noted that Regan Horrell would be there as the Zone 6 Representative therefore the Board agreed not to nominate a member to attend the conference.
Moved (Andrew Simms/Austen Banks): That the Board:
a) Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report. b) Ratifies the submission to the Dunedin City Council draft Annual Plan 2024-25. c) Ratifies the submission to the Otago Regional Council draft Long Term Plan 2024-25 d) Agrees not to nominate a Board members to attend the as the New Zealand Community Boards’ Conference e) Agrees to provide a letter of support for the Dunedin Fire Brigade Restoration Society. Motion carried (MTCB/2024/029) |
Discussion took place on the Community Plan and no further updates were included.
Board members provided an update on areas of responsibility. 1 Taieri Network/Community Engagement/Reserve Management Plan Kathryn Anderson advised that the Taieri Network was working towards activities for Mataraki and an event will be held on the 26 June at 5.30 pm. The stars will be installed during the week. They are also working on the School Holiday programme. Ms Anderson also advised that following a near miss on the corner of Gladstone Road South and Quarry Road she had meet with the Principals to discuss safety at the intersection. She advised that there was no update on the Reserve Management Plan at this time. 2 Coronation Hall Trust Dean McAlwee advised that the Trust had not had a meeting since the Boards last meeting. 3 Mosgiel and Taieri Emergency Group Andrew Simms advised that a meeting would be held on 13 June and he would circulate and update. 4 Outram Emergency Group Dean McAlwee advised that a meeting had not been held. 5 Social Media/Media Platform and Community Engagement– Regan Horrell advised that the short video on the Community Plan and the BMX track had 6,000 views. He also advised that he will do a Board newsletter in due course, and suggested promoting the 477 4000 number for Requests for Service. 6 Taieri Trails Group – Andrew Simms advised that there have been several meetings and the focus is to get Stage 1 from Mosgiel to Outram underway. He also commented on the Tunnel Trail and the issues surrounding the completion of this section. During the discussion Cr Lucas left the meeting at 1.20 pm. 7 Community Board Executive Committee (CBEC) Regan Horrell provided an update on the activities of CBEC. He advised that they were rolling out an online learning tool for Community Board members. It will be free to register for the online learning. They were also working on encouraging Mayors to attend Community Board meetings and for Council’s to develop an agreement between Council and Community Boards.
Moved (Andrew Simms/Kathryn Anderson): That the Board: a) Notes the Board updates. Motion carried (MTCB/2024/030) |
The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest since the last Board meeting, in particular he commented on presentations to the Dunedin City Council and the Otago Regional Council submission hearings. He advised that he had been in touch with Dunedin City Holdings Ltd regarding an information request he had made, and had been advised that Dunedin Railways Ltd directors would meet with the Board in the future.
Moved (Andrew Simms/Regan Horrell): That the Board: a) Notes the Board updates. Motion carried (MTCB/2024/031) |
The following items were raised:
· The easement for a walking track through the historical park · 30 km Sign for Gordon road · Julian Philips from the Otago Regional Council would attend the next Board meeting. |
The meeting concluded at 1.43 pm.