West Harbour Community Board
Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 05 February 2025, commencing at 5.30 pm
Chairperson |
Angela McErlane |
Deputy Chairperson |
Kristina Goldsmith |
Members |
Barbara Anderson |
Duncan Eddy |
Jarrod Hodson |
Cr Mandy Mayhem |
Wayne Sefton |
Paul Henderson (Acting Regulatory and Compliance General Manager) |
Governance Support Officer
Moved (Angela McErlane/Wayne Sefton): That the Board:
Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration
Motion Carried |
Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.
a) Confirms the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 13 November 2024, as amended,as a correct record. Motion carried
The General Manager 3 Waters and Transition (Dave Ward) and Group Manager 3 Waters (John McAndrew) provided an update on the area’s water supply.
Cr Mayhem withdrew from this item. In a report from Transport the Board was asked to make a recommendation in relation to the naming of a private right of way in Long Beach. |
Moved (Barbara Anderson/Wayne Sefton): That the Board:
a) Supports the naming of the private way located at 25 Driver Street as ‘Knowles Lane’. Motion carried (WHCB/2025/001) with Cr Mayhem abstaining |
In a report from Civic and update was provided on the activities relevant to the Board’s area. |
Moved (Barbara Anderson/Kristina Goldsmith): That the Board:
a) Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report. Motion carried (WHCB/2025/002)
Discussion took place on whether the Board should participate in the Oar ‘Round the Boards programme
Moved (Barbara Anderson/Angela McErlane): That the Board: b) Agrees to participate in the Oar ‘Round the Boards programme for $220.00 excluding GST. Motion carried (WHCB/2025/003)
Moved (Barbara Anderson/Angela McErlane): That the Board:
c) Agrees to make a submission to the Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan 2025
d) Agrees to make a submission to the Reserves Management Plan General Policies Review.
Motion carried (WHCB/2025/004)
Moved (Angela McErlane/Duncan Eddy): That the Board:
e) Approves funding of $140.00 (excl GST) to Digiart and Design Ltd for the ANZAC Day leaflet
Motion carried (WHCB/2025/005)
Moved (Angela McErlane/Duncan Eddy): That the Board:
f) Agrees to reimburse Cr Mandy Mayhem $69.00 for the Port Chalmers Policeman’s farewell plaque.
Motion carried (WHCB/2025/006) |
A discussion took place on the Community Plan and it was agreed a workshop would be held prior to the next meeting. |
Board members provided updates on the following activities:
1 Port Noise Liaison Committee 2 Ravensbourne Liaison including Ravensdown Community Liaison Group 3 Keep Dunedin Beautiful 4 Infrastructure Liaison 5 Long Beach and Pūrākaunui Amenities Society 6 Aramoana Liaison 7 West Harbour Emergency Response Group 8 Policing Matters
Moved (Angela McErlane/Kristina Goldsmith): That the Board:
a) Notes the Board Updates Motion carried (WHCB/2025/007) |
The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest.
Cr Mayhem provided an update on matters of interest including the 9 year plan consultation document.
Duncan Eddy and Kristina Goldsmith will provide and update on the Community Awards. |
The meeting concluded at 8.30 pm.