Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board will be held on:


Date:                             Wednesday 21 November 2018

Time:                            5.30 pm

Venue:                          Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers


Sue Bidrose

Chief Executive Officer


West Harbour Community Board






Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Francisca Griffin

Cr Aaron Hawkins


Ryan Jones

Ange McErlane


Jan Tucker



Senior Officer                                Graham McKerracher, Council Communications and Marketing Manager


Governance Support Officer       Jenny Lapham




Jenny Lapham

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000








Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018




ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                    PAGE


1        Public Forum                                                                                              4

1.1   Public Forum - Purakaunui Amenities Society                                             4

1.2   Public Forum - Up Your Act                                                                    4

2        Apologies                                                                                                  4

3        Confirmation of Agenda                                                                                4

4        Declaration of Interest                                                                                 5

5        Confirmation of Minutes                                                                              11

5.1   West Harbour Community Board meeting - 3 October 2018                         11     

Part A Reports (West Harbour Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6          NZTA Update                                                                                            17

7        Report on the outcome of Public Consultation
Sims Building, Port Chalmers                                                                       18

8        Funding Applications                                                                                 121

9        Governance Support Officers Report                                                             150

10      Meeting Schedule for 2019                                                                         158

11      Board Representation and Areas of Responsibility                                            160

12      Chairperson's Report                                                                                161

13      Notification of Items for Consideration by the Chairperson                                 162

14      Council Activities                                                                                     163             



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018




1     Public Forum

1.1  Public Forum - Purakaunui Amenities Society

Jude Newton will be in attendance to speak to the funding application from the Purakaunui Amenities Society

1.2  Public Forum - Up Your Act

Antionette O’Flannagan will be in attendance to speak to the funding application from Up Your Act.

2     Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3     Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Declaration of Interest





1.     Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.

2.     Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








Register of Interest



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Confirmation of Minutes

West Harbour Community Board meeting - 3 October 2018




That the Board:

Confirms the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 3 October 2018 as a correct record.









Minutes of West Harbour Community Board meeting  held on 3 October 2018






West Harbour Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the West Harbour Community Board held in the Rolfe Room, Port Chalmers Town Hall, Port Chalmers on Wednesday 03 October 2018, commencing at 5.30 pm





Steve Walker


Deputy Chairperson

Trevor Johnson



Francisca Griffin



Ange McErlane



Jan Tucker



Cr Aaron Hawkins





Graham McKerracher (Communications and Marketing Manager) and Merrin McCrory (Asset and Commercial Manager)


Governance Support Officer       Jennifer Lapham




1       Public Forum

The Chairperson advised that both speakers had withdrawn from the public forum.


2       Apologies

The Chairperson advised that an apology had been received from Ryan Jones.


Moved (Steve Walker/Aaron Hawkins):

That the Board:

        Accepts the apology from Ryan Jones.


Motion carried (WHCB/2018/055)


3       Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Steve Walker/Francisca Griffin):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda noting the withdrawal of Item 7, Project Fund Application.



Motion carried (WHCB/2018/056)


4       Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Steve Walker/Ange McErlane):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (WHCB/2018/057)


5       Confirmation of Minutes

5.1    West Harbour Community Board meeting - 29 August 2018


Moved (Steve Walker/Ange McErlane):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the West Harbour Community Board meeting held on 29 August 2018 as a correct record.


 Motion carried (WHCB/2018/058)

Part A Reports

6       Library Activity Report


In a report the Library Services Manager provided a summary of the activities of the Dunedin Public Libraries for the period 1 February to 30 June 2018, with a focus on the activities of the Port Chalmers Library and Service Centre.


Moved (Aaron Hawkins/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Library Activity Report

Motion carried (WHCB/2018/059)


7       Funding Applications


This item was withdrawn.


8       Governance Support Officers Report


In a report the Governance Support Officer provided an update on activities relevant to the Board was provided including:

·           Project Fund

·           Sims Building Engagement

·           Action List



A discussion took place on the Sims Building Engagement and the purpose for submitters presenting their ideas to the Board.  Members sought clarification on the process, who would make the final decision and if submitters would have the right to speak to Councillors as well as the Board.



Moved (Trevor Johnson/Aaron Hawkins):

That the Board:

a)    Agree to commence the 21 November 2018 meeting earlier, if required, to hear submissions on the future of the Sims Building.


 Motion carried (WHCB/2018/060)



A discussion took place on the Action List with a number of amendments being made.



Moved (Steve Walker/Aaron Hawkins):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report;

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate

Motion carried (WHCB/2018/061)


9    Board Representation and Areas of Responsibility



a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee


Ange McErlane provided an update on the activities of the Committee.


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group


Trevor Johnson provided an update from the Community Liaison Group, he expressed concern regarding Kiwi Rail using land beside the walkway for the processing of logs.  He was concerned that this was a Health and Safety issue.


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful


The Chairperson advised that the AGM had been held and Jan Tucker had been re-elected as Chairperson and himself as Deputy Chairperson.


d)     Funding Applications Report Back


Francisca Griffin advised that she was following up on the outstanding report backs.


e)     West Harbour Beautification Trust


The Chairperson advised that trees purchase and been approved and the next section of sycamore removal was ready to commence.


f)     Policing Issues – Jan Tucker


Jan Tucker expressed concern regarding the level of policing in the area.  She commented that the local police officer was often deployed into Central Dunedin.  Members were concerned about the lack of policing during the cruise ship season.  It was agreed the Chairperson would contact the local Area Commander to discuss the issue. 


g)     Vision Port Chalmers


        Jan Tucker provided an update on the activities of Vision Port Chalmers. 


h)     Access Radio


Francisca Griffin advised that Ryan Jones had attended the last session.  It was agreed that Jan Tucker  would attend the session in October.





10     Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided an update on matters of interest including:

a)     Dion’s Place – The sign has been approved and will be made without charge.

b)     A request had been made from some local shop keepers for a signage to the Whale Mural.  Members felt that it was not necessary to provide a sign as it was easily located. 


c)     Aurora Electricity has undertaken an upgrade of some power poles which would involve Quarantine Island would consult with affected parties.

d)     That the people who had spoken regarding the dog park have been in touch with the relevant Council department.


e)     That there was some concern regarding the farewelling of cruise ships and the lack of tangata whenau involvement.  A meeting was being held to discuss the matter.


f)     That the issues surrounding the Ravensbourne Boat Club were being progressed.  He had written to the Otago Regional Council and had a response from the Chairman.


g)     Francisca Griffin advised that Food Share was not interested in having a food pantry outside the hall, but a local resident may progress the matter.



Moved (Steve Walker/Trevor Johnson):

That the Board:

a)     Notes the Chairperson’s report.


Motion carried (WHCB/2018/062)


11     Council Activities


Cr Hawkins provided an update on matters of interest including his Notice of Motion relation to the speed limit in Port Chalmers, and the Council had supported it.  He advised that the Mayor to discuss the matter.  He advised that the Waste Minimisation Fund had been signed off and that the Council had not approved trading on Easter Sunday.  He also commented that the 2GP should be released in November.




12     Notification of Items for Consideration by the Chairperson





There were no items notified.






The meeting concluded at 6.30 pm .













West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Part A Reports

NZTA Update



Representatives from NZTA will provide an update on safety works and  the cycleway.



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018




Report on the outcome of Public Consultation
Sims Building, Port Chalmers

Department: Property






1      This report is to present the outcome of the consultation for the future use of the Building at 2 Beach Street, Port Chalmers, known as ‘The Sims Building’.  

2      Thirteen formal pieces of feedback were received via the website or in letter format, with 75 informal feedback comments collected during engagement events. 


That the Board:

a)     Notes that further analysis and feasibility studies will be done, prior to a further report to the Community Board in 2019.



Sims Building History

3        The original Building was built in 1880 and purchased in 1890 by Isaac Stevenson who, with a later partner, John Cook, ran the Stevenson and Cook Engineering Company. The business played a large part in Port Chalmers’ creation and development.

4        The Company originally made simple appliances before Isaac Stevenson began major development. It became the most up-to-date plant engaged in ship building and repairing in the New Zealand Dominion. As well as undertaking some of the Southern Hemisphere’s biggest ship-repair jobs, the Company manufactured gold dredges for the Otago gold fields and constructed and fitted out ships for the two World Wars.

5        Isaac Stevenson was a supporter and liberal benefactor to various sports clubs. In 1906, he was elected Mayor of Port Chalmers. In the 1930’s an extension was built onto the Sims Building by the Stevenson and Cook Engineering Company.


Recent history

6        The Council took ownership of the Sims Building from the Port Chalmers Borough Council as part of the 1989 Local Government Re-organisation. 

7        It was leased by the Port Chalmers Yacht Club until the building could no longer be occupied due to asbestos contamination.

8        In March 2017 the asbestos roof and cladding were removed from the Sims Building and it’s 1930’s extension.

9        Despite being an early example of Dunedin’s industrial maritime history the Sims Building is not listed as a Heritage building by Heritage NZ. 


The Sims Building Property and Condition


10      A land report advises that the rear bank, on which the Building is situated, is unstable with potential for slips or rock and tree fall hazards.

11    There is asbestos in the soil behind the Building.

12    The Building has no roof.

13    There is no water or electricity supply to the building.

14    The Building cannot be occupied in its present state and there are annual costs of approximately $3,000 to monitor it.

15    A building report states that there is minor damage to multiple areas of brick and the chimney requires removal.

16    A significant amount of structural and seismic retrofit work would be required to bring the Building up to code of compliance standard.



17    A series of Public consultation events were held throughout August 2018 to receive feeback on any proposed future uses for the Building. The process included an article about the Sims Building engagement in the Rothesay News, Community Newspaper.  This is posted to every household from Roseneath to Aramoana.  The article informed the community about the engagement dates and feedback process. 

18      Subsequently, a DCC webpage went live with information, building reports and feedback tools available on the site. This coincided with a general media release and an article in the Otago Daily Times - and video on the ODT website. 

19      Displays were put up in the Port Chalmers Public Library with flyers and access to the webpage to give feedback.  Librarians were happy to help community members to fill in the forms online. A poster and flyers were also put up on the West Harbour Community Board pin board at the entrance of the library and Rolfe room facilities. 

20    A DCC Engagement Coordinator handed out flyers and collected feedback in Port Chalmers shops and at the Police Station, and held events at Port Chalmers Four Square, Port Chalmers Public Library, and at the Port Chalmers Community Market.

21    Full details of all feedback received is contained in attachments C & D.

22    Of the 88 pieces of feedback (13 formal, 75 informal):

a)     18 suggested removing the building / turning the site into a carpark / had no use for the site (including formal submissions)

b)     10 suggested an indoor sports facility

c)     9 suggested indoor markets (including formal submissions)

d)     7 suggested selling the building

e)     7 suggested various recreational uses (including formal submissions)

f)     5 suggested youth activities

g)     4 suggested a yacht or boating use

h)     4 suggested a community art gallery/museum (including formal submissions)

i)      There were multiple other suggestions



23    Further analysis of the feedback will be undertaken by Council staff.

24    A more in-depth report on the future use of the Sims Building will be presented to the Community Board in 2019.




Amanda Reid - Engagement Co-ordinator, Property


David Bainbridge - Group Manager Property Services

Robert West - Group Manager Parks and Recreation

Sandy Graham - General Manager City Services






GeoSolve Ltd Geotechnical Assessment Report



Structural Engineering Design Solutions Report



Formal Feedback Sims Building August 2018



Informal Feedback Sims Building August 2018



WN Brown Proposal Sims Building 26.09.2018





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans



Māori Impact Statement

Part of the property is on Maori land, and leased from Ngai Tahu.



LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy


Financial considerations

No financial considerations at this stage


N/A – Administration report

Engagement – external

The report details the engagement undertaken

Engagement - internal

DCC Property, Parks and Recreation, and Policy have been involved in the engagement process.   It was designed collaboratively. 

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are health & safety risks with the site, as detailed in this report.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflict of Interests.

Community Boards

There has been comprehensive consultation with the West Harbour Community Board.



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018






Would you be willing to present your suggestions to the West Harbour Community Board, if invited?

Suggestions for possible uses of the building and/or site

Lucy Gray

private individual


Protection from further damage due to historical significance to West Harbour Community made safe from falling debris and other danger:

a garden or green space with historical information - similar to Lady Thorn Dell

a display space for outdoor art and sculpture

playground for children, swing slide and flying fox

exercise area similar to that on the Harbour cycle/ walk way in Ravensbourne

location for community market and stalls (more m2 than current location of market)

Upgrade to working space with roof, electricity and water

community space for working on cars, bikes, boats, artists, sculptors, musicians

extension to Museum recreation of historical setting relating to shipping industry

a community exchange centre (variation on a recycle centre ) where unwanted goods can be traded/bartered for other goods

good location for community market or other collective projects and groups

Les Box


Apart from the historical significance of the building in relation to the Maritime history of the Port I believe this building has great potential in being made into a venue for a market place for visiting cruise ships.  In numerous cruise ship ports of call around the world local markets play a big part in the “must do’s” for cruise ship passengers and crew.  Not only would passengers benefit but also local groups and individuals operating the stalls.  With the projected increase in the number of cruise ships over the next few years, its vitally important that we provide for as many opportunities for our visiting ship passengers to help ensure that Port Chalmers remains a “must visit” destination on cruise ship itineraries.


The building could redeveloped to have stall spaces on the ground floor perhaps using shipping containers to line the walls, redesigned to have open sides.  A mezzanine floor could be built overlooking the market area where a café/bar could be set up offering a range of NZ craft beers, perhaps an opportunity to promote NZ food lines eg cheeses, wild games etc.


There could perhaps also be a small stage area for local groups to entertain tourists.  An internet centre for passengers would be a draw card.


The roof in this area could be designed to allow for a view over the container port with the cruise ship as a back drop. 


One only has to look at the Old Tannery Building at Linwood in Christchurch to see what can be done with a bit of imagination.  The building would also make for an opportunity to set up a bike rental depot for the cruise ship passengers and crew, especially with the pending completion of the cycleway.


In the off season as we know it at present, the venue could be used for various shows such as flower shows, vehicle displays, dog shows, art exhibitions, fashion shows etc and could

also be leased out for the storage of small sea craft over the winter.  The potential is endless.


While there is no DCC funding available at this stage, they have risen to the occasion over the years for other opportunities that have come up around the city, so perhaps this could be Port Chalmers turn?  The DCC is very supportive of the water front redevelopment in Dunedin so what about some water front redevelopment for Port Chalmers as we are the main cruise ship terminal for the City.


Before any rushed decisions are made, please think of the future potential and the bigger picture.

Bill Brown


This building as a number of possibilities: an attraction for cruise ships and Dunedin tourism such as a working Black Smiths shop including digital visual history of Stevenson & Cook LTD and Sim's Engineering and the maritime fete's they accomplished.

At the same time use an area for maritime /industrial engineering museum.  Partition an area for local artists of large sculptures the type that need large spaces, these spaces would be rented by the artist: Put the whole building back into steel fabrication / engineering for this there would not even be a change in use. a very simple and economic way to make the building sustainable.  Hand the building ownership over to a private operator, allow them to restore and operate the building. Dunedin City Council would get a continuous and ongoing return via land lease and rates based on the value of the restored building. At the moment they are receiving zero, it is costing. Council have stated because of the Parks and Recreation status, the building must benefit  the community. If the restored building is sustainable and creates employment for local people or adds value to local business' in the area this is all a benefit to the community. Also the visual streetscape to the restored industrial architecture is an asset to the community.

Wayne and Robyn Edgar


Indoor sports centre (for kids) - netball, badminton, footsal, climbing walls?

Gathering point for local school functions.

Indoor market space option in bad weather conditions.

Matariki events.

Boat maintenance space as before.

Any other things -" just build it and they will come" 

Gillian Elliot


Nature is central to Dunedin's identity. This is not only evident in the established nature-centric organisations (celebrating albatross, penguins, sea lions and more) but also referencing the recent ODT article about the three new nature tour operators starting up this coming season.  I therefore suggest that the Sim building be used to further celebrate this vital connection with the nature around and before - us in Dunedin. I suggest that the building be used to house a Natural History Museum. This could focus on the three whales that are returning to our shores (right, sperm and humpback) but also examine the natural history of the harbour, present and also past. The scale of the building suggests animals of scale.  This enterprise could be a collaboration of the Otago Museum, the University, Toitu, Port Otago and possibly other groups. A natural history museum in Port Chalmers would be a fantastic destination for the passengers from the 100+ cruise ships that plan to visit our shores. Better than a visit to a chocolate factory!

Kim Everett


 Around Dunedin

Dunedin and surroundings themed indoor mini/crazy golf

‘Around Dunedin’ …

… Dunedin and surroundings themed indoor mini/crazy golf

Kim Everett_8 August 2018

Description: 18 holes [+ 1 Virtual Reality hole] with each hole sponsored by a local business and designed by Otago Polytechnic and/or University of Otago students. With all sponsors/designers visibly named/acknowledged at relevant hole.

Building: Using the original brickwork and building area (plus roof) plus car parking

Interior design: Street Art of Dunedin replicated on the walls, artist named plus the location of original work in the City (to encourage exploration)

Hole design themes could be nature, wildlife, historic, places and /or chronologically ordered following Dunedin city’s timeline. Suggestions for hole design included in submission.

 Educational – eg Augmented Reality at the start of each hole revealing the history /information about each place (see postcards for Toiti Otago Settlers Museum)

 Bi-lingual information and instructions – in English and Maori and Mandarin

Benefits: to/for the local community ie Port Chalmers (eg in employment and leisure activity) and local businesses (eg promotion) and to the wider city of Dunedin and its visitors (especially cruise ship)

Fun and educational for all ages

Covered /indoor – can be used all year round

An opportunity to also showcase Dunedin’s leading technology development and businesses eg in Augmented & Virtual Reality / Gaming / Films and/or Otago Museum

Jenny B. Kendrick

Port resident


Please see notes on attached document.


Submission Jenny B V Kendrick.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC


Jo Pearson

Wild Fennel Co. / The Port Pantry


For a couple of years we were stallholders at Auckland Hobsonville Pt Farmers Market (now the Catalina Bay market). This was in a disused aircraft hanger, in not too dissimilar condition to the Sims building (albeit with a roof). If you imagine pre-built market stalls (basically wooden pallets fashioned into tables/benches), ready for stallholders to just drop in and set up. You could then host a food market every week under cover which is ideal with Dunedin climate (there are also a plethora of food producers in Dunedin looking for an alternative to the Otago farmers market). Charging a stallholder fee would pay for a market manager. You could also use the space for a regular craft/artists market, as well as make the space available for one-off events like book or record fairs, or food / cooking evenings for example. Because it is sheltered (once it has a roof...) there aren’t the weather concerns of outdoor market spaces. But especially with a regular food market, the Sims building could play host to cruise ship passengers as well as make the Port even more of an attractive weekend destination for Dunedin residents. Imagine buskers, bikes for hire, coffee, kids entertainment, etc. Have attached an image from Hobsonville so you have a visual.

Marian Poole

Deborah Bay residents Association


The building obviously needs a substantial rebuild to make it comfortable as possible for future use. It could serve the community by actively attracting Dunedin and West Harbour residents to pursue their leisure activities in Port, particularly once the cycle/walkway is completed.

1. The 1880s section be refurbished as a local cinema with eatery cafe and toilets. This would work around the Building's location in its shady corner by removing the need to make the building light. A glass roof on the northern side would help though.

2. the 1930s section could become an indoor sports venue (indoor bowls) or carpark to service the cinema.

Kerri Spence



Car Park - there is a shortage of car parking for main street business - the side streets are usually full by Port Otago and business owners.  This will help either Port Otago workers parking there and freeing up the side streets or potential visitors parking to spend time and money in the main street which needs every support

Tupten Tamang


A community gym.

Ulf Uchida



I think a covered public market/community/performance space could work quite well, especially during summer. I have seen an old industrial ship propeller factory in Hamburg (Zeise Hallen) converted to an attractive community/visitor/business facility ( Port needs something to offer cruise shippers and locals in one of the old buildings IMHO.

Father Andrew



Thank you for your user-friendly public submission requests for possible uses of the Engineering works building.  My suggestion is that the building be re-roofed and have the three-phase powerline reinstalled as an iconic enhancement and the building be used as a light engineering works for the general public.  With best wishes and police respect. 


West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Sims Building Informal verbal feedback –  1 August 2018- 31 August 2018

Verbal informal feedback was collected at engagement events. Community members were aware their ideas were being collated.  All community members were encouraged to put in a formal submission for their idea.  

·           75 community members feedback was recorded

·           61 of the 75 community members had ideas for the building.

a)     3 x believe that it is the Councils responsibility to put the roof back on the building as the roof was taken off without a plan forward

b)     It should house Yachts again – lacking in room at Back beach, a public amenity that was supposed to be temporary.

c)     3 x community members were interested in the building for youth activities

d)     2 x community member said demolish the 1930’s section and get rid of the lease, keep the Sims building

e)     7 x community members recommended changing the status of the land and selling the building with the land for commercial or residential use.   

f)     4 x business community members said keep the Sims Building historical building, but had no idea for the buildings use or funding

g)     3 x people said Men’s shed or fix it workshop/cafe

h)     2 x Scouts and Cubs

i)      3 x Boat Building/craft/storage – lock and leave

j)     Used for community not for profit

k)     2 x theatre for plays, dance and a community centre

l)      Gym

m)    Music venue for cruise ship passengers

n)     Rent it out for income

o)     8 x Indoors Markets, micro shops with cafe

p)     3 x Community Art Space – Jeweller, woodwork, artisan’s residence with café.

q)     Biodiesel plant – would need to change land status

r)     10 x Indoor multipurpose sports facility – badminton, Table tennis, skate park, bike hire, climbing walls, basketball, with café.

s)     Café in older end, take down the 1930’s end

t)     Community Business Hub sharing office space

u)     Microbrewery – land status change.

v)     Conservation groups

w)    Plastic recycling


·           8 of the 75 community members want the buildings removed

a)     5 x said remove the buildings

b)     3 x Carpark


·           6 of the 75 community members were neutral

a)     “Either tear it down or put a roof on it”

b)     5 x had no idea what to do with it


West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



WN Brown & Sons Ltd

417 Aramoana Road

Port Chalmers


25 September 2018


RE: Proposal for Restoration of the Historic Sims Building Port Chalmers


WN Brown & Sons Ltd submit their proposal for restoration of the historic Sims building in Port Chalmers.


Company Background

SIMM:ALS_471_PrincesSt_DSC3119.JPGAs a director of WN Brown & Sons Ltd, Bill Brown has previous experience with co-ordinating a restoration project.


The Angus Motors building at 471 Princes Street Dunedin commenced restoration in 2015.  The façade of the building is now returned to its original state


The two top floors were earthquake strengthened and the asbestos roof cladding was removed.


The two top floors now house 4 fully tenanted apartments, all with new services. The ground floor has a main retail tenant including tenants at the rear of the building at 120-122 Bond Street. Mr Brown is familiar with the costs and work involved in restoring older buildings and can easily engage and work with building companies, engineers and trades associated with restoration.  Mr Brown has also developed a working relationship with DCC staff on compliance matters on a number of projects.


Restoration Timeline

3 years from when the building is handed over to the company for restoration.


Company expectations of Council

·    To produce an asbestos clearance certificate from an independent testing authority for the whole of the property

·    DCC to drop the pine trees or make them safe on the bank above the building

·    Allow WN Brown & Sons Ltd to replace the roof under the building code of repairs & maintenance.  When the roof is completed there would be an application by the company for a building consent to continue with earthquake strengthening and other works to be completed

·    All legal costs of preparing a leasehold title from DCC Parks & Recreation and property building title of the Sims building to WN Brown & Sons Ltd to be covered by DCC

·    Terms of leasehold title would be 29 years with perpetual rights of renewal of 29 years

·    Rent reviews at 9 year intervals

·    Rates relief under restoring heritage buildings.  Rates relief for the Sims building for the first 3 years

·    A heritage grant towards restoration of the building such as restoring brick work and refurbishing vintage roller doors etc.  The repainting of historic signage on the outside of the building and a contribution towards a historic plaque on the street front telling the maritime history of the building.


Showing commitment & keeping reserve land status in using the building.

What benefit and pleasure would the community receive from this proposal?

·    If this historic building is restored and tenanted, whether it be steel fabrication/engineering under the existing zoning or perhaps an industry created from the cruise ships or many others under a changed activity.  This would bring benefit to the community. If local people receive employment, that is a community benefit.  If the tenant and their staff spend money in Port Chalmers retail that is a benefit to the local business community.

·    Many local and Dunedin people have shown concern over what has happened to this heritage building and the thought of it being demolished and taking the history and stories of our maritime history with it.  The Dunedin and Port Chalmers local people and visitors to our area would get the pleasure of walking past and viewing a restored part of our maritime history, of which there is very little left.  The pleasure from reading about the great maritime achievements of past engineers of Port Chalmers on a historical plaque.



Bill Brown

WN Brown & Sons Ltd








West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018




Funding Applications

Department: Civic






1      This report provides a copy of the funding applications which has been received for the West Harbour Community Board’s consideration.  As this is an administrative report only, the Summary of Considerations is not required.

2      Up Your Act has applied for funding of $497.20 to help cover performance fees for a play to be staged.

3      West Harbour Pony Club has applied for $1,000.00 towards the stabilization and resurfacing of the West Harbour Pony Club horse ride arena.

4      Purakaunui Amenities Society Inc has applied for $1,000.00 towards the purchase of a local Automated External Defibrillator.



That the Board:

a)     Approves/Declines the funding application for $497.20 for Up Your Act

b)     Approves/Declines the funding application for $1,000.00 for West Harbour Pony Club. 

c)     Approves/Declines the funding application for $1,000.00 for Purakaunui Amenities Society.






Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic






Project Fund Application - Up Your Act



Project Fund Application - West Harbour Pony Club



Project Fund Application - Purakaunui Amenities Society



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018




Governance Support Officers Report

Department: Civic






1        This report is to inform the West Harbour Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

·           Project Fund

·           Action List



That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report;

b)     Amends the Action List as appropriate



Project Fund

2        $4,993.07 remains in the Project Fund.  The following grants/scholarships/other expenditure has been made so to date this financial year:

Meeting Date



Project Fund



11 July 2019


Rothesay News advertisement 11 x $116.70



Albertson Avenue/Wickliffe Terrace Road Reserve Beautification Project

August 2018


Hills Radio (Community Access Programme)

29 August 2018


Port Chalmers Golf Club



Punakaiki Productions

October 2018


Flowers – P Jordan

Scholarship Fund

















Action List

5      An update on outstanding matters is provided in Attachment A.





Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic






Action List





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This report enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


There is no contribution to the Strategic Framework.

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for tangata whenua.


There are no implications for sustainability

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications


This decision is considered low significance in terms of the Council's Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has occurred with appropriate staff members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no risks.

Conflict of Interest

There is no known conflict of interest

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards except to provide information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.


West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018




Meeting Schedule for 2019

Department: Civic






1      A schedule of meetings for 2019 is attached for your consideration.  As this is an administrative report, no summary of considerations is required.


That the Board:

a)     Approves the meeting schedule for 2019.






Jenny Lapham - Governance Support Officer


Sharon Bodeker - Team Leader Civic






2019 Meeting Schedule



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



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West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Board Representation and Areas of Responsibility



a)     Port Environment Liaison Committee – Ange McErlane


b)     Ravensdown Community Liaison Group – Trevor Johnson


c)     Keep Dunedin Beautiful – Steve Walker



e)     Funding Applications Report Back – Francisca Griffin


f)     West Harbour Beautification Trust – Steve Walker


g)     Policing Issues – Jan Tucker


h)     Vision Port Chalmers – Jan Tucker


i)      Access Radio – Francisca Griffin


h)     CBEC Update – Ryan Jones


West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Chairperson's Report



The Chairperson will provide an update on matters of interest including:

·      Tree clearance project – Port Chalmers

·      Potential dog park – update

·      New public toilet - update



West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Notification of Items for Consideration by the Chairperson




West Harbour Community Board

21 November 2018



Council Activities



Cr Hawkins will provide an update on matters of interest.