Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board will be held on:


Date:                                                    Thursday 18 March 2021

Time:                                                   1.00 pm

Venue:                                                Village Green Cafe; Main Road, Fairfield, Dunedin


Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer


Saddle Hill Community Board






Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Weir




Christina McBratney

Keith McFadyen


John Moyle

Cr Jules Radich


Leanne Stenhouse



Senior Officer                                               David Bainbridge-Zafar, Group Manager Property Services


Governance Support Officer                  Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000







Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021



ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         PAGE


1             Public Forum                                                                                                                                                              4

2             Apologies                                                                                                                                                                    4

3             Confirmation of Agenda                                                                                                                                        4

4             Declaration of Interest                                                                                                                                           5

5             Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                                                                       9

5.1       Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 18 February 2021                                                         9     

Part A Reports (Saddle Hill Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6             Dunedin Destination Plan                                                                                                                                   16

7             Governance Support Officers Report                                                                                                             17

8             Saddle Hill Community Board 10 year plan submission                                                                          21

9             Board Updates                                                                                                                                                        24

10           Chairperson's Report                                                                                                                                           25

11           Councillor Update                                                                                                                                                 26

12           Items for Consideration by the Chair

Any items for consideration by the Chair.             



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021



1          Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2          Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3          Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021


Declaration of Interest





1.         Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.         Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








Saddle Hill Community Board Declaration of Interest



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021


PDF Creator

Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021


Confirmation of Minutes

Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 18 February 2021




That the Board:

Confirms the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 18 February 2021 as a correct record.









Minutes of Saddle Hill Community Board meeting  held on 18 February 2021




Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021




Saddle Hill Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Saddle Hill Community Board held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Thursday 18 February 2021, commencing at 1.00 pm





Scott Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Paul Weir




Christina McBratney

Keith McFadyen


John Moyle

Cr Jules Radich


Leanne Stenhouse





Mayor Aaron Hawkins and Sandy Graham (Chief Executive Officer) and Scott MacLean (Acting Group Manager Parks and Recreation)


Governance Support Officer                  Lynne Adamson




1          Public Forum

There was no Public Forum.  




The Chair welcomed Mayor Aaron Hawkins and Sandy Graham (Chief Executive Officer) to the meeting and acknowledged and thanked them for the work currently being undertaken in the northern area.


The Mayor discussed the changes in local government with the Three Waters Reform and Resource Management Reform and spoke of the 10 year plan process and community consultation.  He commented on the impact of COVID-19 on the community and advised that even at level one, there were still residents who did not feel safe in the current environment which reinforced the challenges and ongoing work for the continuation of building stronger communities.  The Mayor spoke of the value of the Board in these situations and thanked them for the support they provided the community.


The Chief Executive Officer (Sandy Graham) spoke on the 10 year plan and advised that staff would discuss consultation events to be held in the local community with the Board.  She commented that staff with the knowledge of issues in the Board area would be involved in the consultation and that Smooth Hill would feature in the consultation document.


In response to a question on the Representation Review, Ms Graham advised that a panel had been appointed and that they would meet with community boards as part of the process.


There was a discussion on the provision of social housing in the Brighton area with members noting that the only current option for elderly was to move outside the area.  Ms Graham advised that social housing had been included in the 10 year plan and under the 2GP there had been some sites identified and that a map of identified sites in the Brighton area would be circulated to members.



2          Apologies

There were no apologies.


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Paul Weir):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration


Motion carried


4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Christina McBratney):

That the Board:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried



5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Saddle Hill Community Board meeting - 12 November 2020


Moved (Scott Weatherall/Christina McBratney):

That the Board:


Confirms the minutes of the Saddle Hill Community Board meeting held on 12 November 2020 as a correct record.

Motion carried


Part A Reports

6          Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic provided updates on activities relevant to the Board’s area which included:

a)         Project Fund;

b)        Retrospective approval for the purchase of a hamper for the family of the late Clare Rutter;

c)         Meeting Schedule for 2021;

d)        Community Board Conference – Paul Weir advised that he would be interested in attending the conference;

e)        Community Boards Outstanding Awards Nominations;

f)         Parks and Reserves Updates;

             Freedom camping Brighton:

             Dogs on Brighton Beach – there had been a significant increase in the number of nesting penguins at the beach and the Board raised concern that dogs were present despite signage banning to the contrary and requested enforcement be undertaken.

             Portaloos – in response to a query on the scheduled maintenance of the portaloos, Mr MacLean advised that it had remained the same as in previous years however it be reviewed as the impact border closures had on freedom camping was better understood.

             Tunnel Beach

g)         Three Waters Updates;

             Ocean View Drainage -  The Board requested an update on work planned for the Ocean View culvert noting that there had been another flood during recent heavy rain events. 

h)        Waste and Environmental Solutions Update


Westwood Sewerage smell – the Board expressed their gratitude for the work of staff and commented that they would like an update on whether any complaints had been received following installation of the non-return valve.


i)          Consultations – it was noted that the Review of Keeping of Animals (excluding Dogs) and Birds Bylaw; the Gambling and TAB Venue Policy Review and the Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy Review were currently being consulted on.


Moved (Keith McFadyen/Christina McBratney):

That the Board:


Approves retrospectively the purchase of a hamper for the family of the late Clare Rutter.

Motion carried (SHCB/2021/001)



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Keith McFadyen):

That the Board:


a)        Approves Paul Weir as the Community Board representative to attend the 2021 New Zealand Community Boards’ Conference.

b)        Adopts the meeting schedule for the 2021 year.

Motion carried (SHCB/2021/002)


7          Board Updates


Board members provided updates on activities undertaken on behalf of the Board or items of interest which included:

a)         Keep Dunedin Beautiful

b)        Coastal Dune Regeneration Programme – The Chair advised that he was due to meet with affected parties.

c)         Waldronville Food Forest

d)        Community Response Plan

e)        Kaikorai Estuary Car Park – The extension of the car park was  completed and had been well received by the community.  In response to a query whether a walkway to the beach could be established which would enable access for people with disabilities, Mr MacLean advised that the Tracks and Trails strategy was being drafted, it would then go out for consultation, which the Board could submit on.  Disability access groups had been consulted on the strategy which, once finalised, would determine investment in tracks at a strategic level.

f)         Chain Hills Cycle Tunnel – A business case short list workshop would be held on 3 March 2021.

g)         Brighton Road Laybys – Following an onsite meeting, staff would close relevant laybys and work with Fulton Hogan to tidy up the ones identified to remain open.

h)        Green Island – Waldronville Walkway/Cycleway – the Board commented on the safety issues previously raised with the Green Island – Waldronville walkway/cycleway and requested an update on installation of demarcation structures.


Moved (Scott Weatherall/Paul Weir):

That the Board:


Notes the Board updates.

Motion carried


8          Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) provided an update on items of interest which included:


a)         Coastal Erosion – the Chair requested that staff attend the next meeting to provide an update on coastal erosion issues.


b)        Rural Roads – the Chair had received multiple complaints about grading and lack of maintenance on various rural roads in the area.


c)         2GP Changes – the Chair commented that he felt 2GP changes should be noted on LIM reports.


d)        Brighton Gala Day – Approximately 11,500 people attended the gala day.  The Chair conveyed thanks to staff for the presentation of the domain and for their help and support.



Moved (Scott Weatherall/Keith McFadyen):

That the Board:


Notes the Chairperson’s Report.

Motion carried (SHCB/2021/003)


9          Councillor Update


Councillor Jules Radich provided an update on items of interest which included:

a)        Waikouaiti Water Issues

b)        Dunedin Transport Plan

c)         2 GP - Variation 2 – Following consultation on variation 2, the plan will be ratified at Council.

d)        Ara Toi

e)        Economic Development – New Zealand Centre of Digital Excellence (CODE) funding allocation.

f)         Public Toilet – consultation will be undertaken as part of the 10 year plan process.


Moved (Cr Jules Radich/Scott Weatherall):

That the Board:


Notes the update from Cr Jules Radich.

Motion carried


10        Items for Consideration by the Chair


The following items were identified:


2GP – Variation 2 – Leanne Stenhouse and Keith McFadyen would prepare a submission on behalf of the Board which would be ratified at the next meeting,.


Erosion – an update on coastal erosion was requested.




The meeting concluded at 2.06 pm.











Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021


Part A Reports


Dunedin Destination Plan

Department: Civic






1          Sarah Bramhall (PR and Promotions Advisor) Enterprise Dunedin will be in attendance to speak on the Dunedin Destination Plan.






There are no attachments for this report.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021



Governance Support Officers Report

Department: Civic






1          This report is to inform the Saddle Hill Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

·        Project Fund

·        Community Board Conference

·        Currently Consulting On

·        2021 Representation Review

·                 10 year plan consultation

·        Updates/Actions


That the Board:

a)     Notes the Governance Support Officers Report.

Project Fund

2          There is $6,634.62 remaining in the Discretionary Fund which includes the carry forward from the 2019/20 year.  The spending to date is as follows:

Meeting Date




24 Sept

Positive Planting

Planting at Brighton Domain



Otokia Creek and Marsh Habitat Trust

Native planting along the creek and marsh



Dunedin City Council

Kaikorai Estuary Car Park Contribution (committed but yet to be paid)


12 Nov

Christmas on the Domain

Contribution towards to the cost of the community Christmas event



Scott Weatherall

Reimbursement for Community Evening



Fresh Choice Green Island

Hamper for bereaved family


Total Spent



Community Board Conference


3          Paul Weir has been registered as the representative from the Saddle Hill Community Board to attend the Community Board Conference being held in Gore on 22-24 April 2021. 

‘Currently Being Consulted On’ by Dunedin City Council

4          DCC is currently consulting on the following which may be of interest to the Board and Board community:


Ōtepoti Dunedin Destination Plan refresh


             St Clair to St Kilda Coastal Plan/Whakahekerau – Rakiātea Rautaki Tai


2021 Representation Review


5          The Representation Review panel has been appointed.  Over the next month or so they will be meeting with Councillors and Community Boards to get initial thoughts on current and future representation.


6          A survey is also being finalised which will be available on line and in paper for the public to complete.  Members of the panel will also attend various events across the city to obtain feedback to help inform their initial proposal which is likely to be presented to Council on 30 June 2021.


10 year plan consultation


7          The 10 year plan consultation period will be held between Tuesday 23 March and Thursday 29 April 2021 with consultations held throughout the community.  There are two consultation dates in the Saddle Hill Community Board area; Friday 23 April and Saturday 24 April 2021.  They will be held at the Brighton Surf Life Saving Clubrooms with staff and Councillors available on Saturday 24 April between 9.00 am and 11.00 am.  It is hoped that Board members will man the stand on Friday 23 April with the time to be determined.




3 Waters Update 


8          Coastal Erosion

             The Dunedin district-wide coastal hazard screening is being jointly led by the Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council.


The screening will evaluate at a high-level the extent of coastal hazards, where these hazards are located (in relation to infrastructure and communities now and with expected land use changes), and how exposure to these hazards might change through time (climate change/ sea level rise). This screening shall identify priority areas (areas of greatest risk) that require more detailed natural hazard and risk assessment and will also identify data and additional monitoring requirements.


The screening will serve as the basis to direct future works and planning and support the management of coastal areas.


We expect the coastal hazard screening to be completed by the start of July 2021.


Parks and Recreation Services Update

9          Dogs on Brighton Beaches

The Brighton Beach no dog areas are regularly monitored but it is a case of being in the right area at the right time.  The presence around Brighton will be increased to help with the issue.

Transport Update

10        Brighton Road Pedestrian Walkway Demarcation   

In response to a request for an update on the proposed Brighton Road pedestrian walkway demarcation, staff have advised that initially it was proposed that concrete blocks from the peninsula project were to be installed however they were not replaced therefore no longer available. 


Additional edge marker posts were installed as a trial but after several attempts of keeping them in place, it was decided that it was not feasible because of the constant damage. There were red cat’s eyes installed along the edge of Brighton Road.


Staff had proposed a speed reduction from 80kmh to 60kmh however this was not supported by the board and was not implemented.


Board members (or members of the public) wishing to advise Council of any operational issues or concerns, e.g. potholes, burst pipes, overgrown vegetation etc are reminded to ring the DCC Customer Services Agency on 03 477-4000, or email on For non-urgent matters contact council via the online “Fix it form”

If issues and concerns are not dealt with in a timely manner, Board members should contact either the Governance Support Officer or the Senior Staff Member appointed to the Board.



Lynne Adamson - Governance Support Officer


Clare Sullivan - Team Leader Civic


There are no attachments for this report.




Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

There is no contribution to the Strategic Framework.

Māori Impact Statement

The representation review may be of interest to mana whenua and mataa waka.


There are no implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

There are no implications.


This decision is considered low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has occurred with appropriate staff members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no risks.

Conflict of Interest

There is no known conflict of interest.

Community Boards

The report provides information on activities in or relevant to the Board area.



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021



Saddle Hill Community Board 10 year plan submission

Department: Civic






1          The draft Saddle Hill Community Board 10 year plan submission is attached for your consideration and editing.




That the Board:

a)     Approves the Saddle Hill Community Board 10 year plan submission.









Draft SHCB 10 year plan submission



Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021


PDF Creator


PDF Creator

Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021



Board Updates

Department: Civic





1          Board members will provide updates on any activities undertaken on behalf of the Board or items of interest including:

-      Keep Dunedin Beautiful

-      Coastal Dune Regeneration Programme

-      Waldronville Food Forest

-      Community Response Plan

-      Chain Hills Cycle Tunnel

-      2GP Variation 2 submission



That the Board:

a)     Notes the Board updates.





There are no attachments for this report.  

Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021


Chairperson's Report




The Chairperson (Scott Weatherall) will provide an update on items of interest to the Board including:

-      Correspondence received from a concerned citizen regarding the speed of cars and trucks on the bottom half of Martin Road.



There are no attachments for this report.


Saddle Hill Community Board

18 March 2021



Councillor Update

Department: Civic





Councillor Jules Radich will provide an update on items of interest.



That the Board:

a)     Notes the update from Cr Radich.





There are no attachments for this report.