Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Community and Culture Committee will be held on:


Date:                                                    Tuesday 2 November 2021

Time:                                                   1.00 pm

Venue:                                                Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin – Mayor and Councillors

Audio Visual Link – Members of the Public

Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer


Community and Culture Committee






Cr Marie Laufiso


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Christine Garey

Cr Carmen Houlahan


Cr Sophie Barker

Cr David Benson-Pope


Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Doug Hall


Mayor Aaron Hawkins

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Jules Radich


Cr Chris Staynes

Cr Lee Vandervis


Cr Steve Walker

Cr Andrew Whiley


Senior Officer                                               Simon Pickford, General Manager Community Services


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray



Rebecca Murray

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000


Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.


Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021



ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         PAGE


1             Public Forum                                                                                                                                                              4

2             Apologies                                                                                                                                                                    4

3             Confirmation of Agenda                                                                                                                                        4

4             Declaration of Interest                                                                                                                                           5

5             Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                                                                    17

5.1       Community and Culture Committee meeting - 3 August 2021                                                18  

Minutes of SUBCommittee AND bOARD

6             Grants Subcommittee - 28 June 2021                                                                                                            23

7             Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board - 21 June 2021                                                                                32   

Part A Reports (Committee has power to decide these matters)

8             Actions From Resolutions of Community and Culture Committee Meetings                                  36

9             Community and Culture Committee Forward Work Programme                                                        39

10           Community and Culture Activity Report for the period to 30 September 2021                             42

11           Housing Action Plan Update                                                                                                                              61

12           Summary of Advisory Group Meetings (July - September 2021)                                                         69

13           Items for Consideration by the Chair                                                                                                             85             



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021



1          Public Forum

At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.

2          Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.

3          Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


Declaration of Interest




1.         Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.         Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.




That the Committee:

a)     Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)     Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.








Community and Culture Committee Register of Interest



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


Confirmation of Minutes

Community and Culture Committee meeting - 3 August 2021





That the Committee:

Confirms the Community and Culture Committee meeting held on 03 August 2021 as a correct record.









Minutes of Community and Culture Committee meeting  held on 3 August 2021




Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021




Community and Culture Committee



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Community and Culture Committee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Tuesday 03 August 2021, commencing at 1.00 pm





Cr Marie Laufiso


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Christine Garey

Cr Carmen Houlahan



Cr Sophie Barker

Cr David Benson-Pope


Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Doug Hall


Mayor Aaron Hawkins

Cr Mike Lord


Cr Jim O'Malley

Cr Jules Radich


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Steve Walker


Cr Andrew Whiley





Sandy Graham (Chief Executive Officer), Simon Pickford (General Manager Community Services), Jeanette Wikaira (Manahautū – General Manager Māori, Partnerships and Policy), Robert West (General Manager Corporate and Quality), John Christie (Manager Enterprise Dunedin), Simon Drew (General Manager Infrastructure and Development), Paul Coffey (Senior Community Advisor, Chris Snow (Operations Manager Museum and Gallery), Scott MacLean (Group Manager Parks and Recreation), Claire Swift (Senior Planner Parks and Recreation) and Clare Sullivan (Manager Governance)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray




1          Public Forum

1.1       Public Forum - Aspiring Leader Delegates - Isla Thomas, Duncan Campbell and Ben Sommerville


Aspiring Leader Delegates, Isla Thomas, Duncan Campbell and Ben Sommerville attended the meeting to report back on their personal experiences at the Aspiring Leaders Forum.  They thanked the Council and Otago Community Trust for allowing them to be able to attend the forum and responded to members’ questions.





2          Apologies

An apology was received from Cr Chris Staynes.


Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Accepts the apology received from Cr Chris Staynes.

Motion Carried


3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion Carried



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


a)     Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion Carried

Cr Mike Lord left the meeting at 1.22 pm.


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Community and Culture Committee meeting - 15 June 2021


Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Committee:


Confirms the Community and Culture Committee meeting held on 15 June 2021 as a correct record.

Motion Carried


6          Minutes of SUBCommittee AND BOARD

6          Grants Subcommittee - 5 May 2021


Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Notes the minutes of the Grants Subcommittee meeting held on 05 May 2021.

Motion Carried


7          Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board - 22 February 2021


Moved (Cr Carmen Houlahan/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Committee:


Notes the minutes of the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board meeting held on 22 February 2021.  

Motion Carried


Part A Reports

8          Actions From Resolutions of Community and Culture Committee Meetings


The report detailed the open actions from resolutions of the Community and Culture Committee meetings from the start of the triennium in October 2019.


Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Committee:


Notes the open actions from resolutions of the Community and Culture Committee meetings.

Motion Carried


9          Community and Culture Committee Forward Work Programme


The report provided the forward work programme for the 2021-2022 year. 


The General Manager Community Services (Simon Pickford) responded to members’ questions.



Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Committee:


Notes the Community and Culture Committee forward work programme.

Motion Carried


10        Dunedin Youth Council Six Monthly Report for the Period 1 January - 30 June 2021


The Dunedin Youth Council Six-Monthly Report, prepared by the Dunedin Youth Council (DYC), provided an update on activities for the period 1 January – 30 June 2021.

DYC members, Max Cunninghame and Jess Christie, spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions. 

Cr Mike Lord returned to the meeting at 1.38 pm.




Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Mayor Aaron Hawkins):

That the Committee:


Notes the Dunedin Youth Council Six-Monthly Report for the period 1 January – 30 June 2021.

Motion Carried


11        Play Spaces Plan 2021


A report from Parks and Recreation presented the draft Play Spaces Plan 2021, it noted that this would replace the Play Spaces Strategy 2006.

The Group Manager Parks and Recreation (Scott MacLean) and Senior Planner Parks and Recreation (Claire Swift) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions. 


Moved (Cr Rachel Elder/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Committee:


a)     Adopts the Play Spaces Plan 2021.

b)     Notes that the draft Play Spaces Plan 2021 replaces the Play Spaces Strategy 2006.

c)     Notes that the community will continue to be engaged throughout the implementation of the Play Spaces Plan 2021.

Motion carried (COM/2021/015)


12        Update - Mayor's Taskforce for Housing - Housing Action Plan 2019-2039


The report provided an update on the Mayor’s Taskforce for Housing (MTFH); Housing Action Plan for Dunedin 2019-2039 (Housing Action Plan).

The General Manager Corporate and Quality (Robert West), Housing Action Plan Advisor (Gill Brown) and Manager Planning and Support Property (Anna Nilsen) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.





Moved (Cr Carmen Houlahan/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Committee:


a)         Notes the update on the Mayor’s Taskforce for Housing; Housing Action Plan for Dunedin 2019-2039

b)        Notes staff will present a plan for implementation of the Housing Action Plan to the Community and Culture Committee meeting in September.

Motion Carried


13        Community and Culture Activity Report for the Quarter Ending 30 June 2021


The report updated the Committee on key city, community, arts and culture outcomes for the quarter ended 30 June 2021. 

The Senior Community Advisor (Paul Coffey) and Operations Manager Museum and Gallery (Chris Snow) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Committee:


Notes the Community and Culture Activity Report for the quarter ending 30 June 2021.

Motion Carried


14        Summary of Advisory Group Meetings (April - June 2021)


The report provided a summary of the meetings and actions of the DCC’s Social Well-being Advisory Group, Disabilities Issues Advisory Group and Dunedin Refugee Steering Group during the period 1 April – 30 June 2021.

The Senior Community Advisor (Paul Coffey) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.


Moved (Cr Marie Laufiso/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Committee:


Notes the summary of the Social Well-being and Disabilities Issues Advisory Groups and the Dunedin Refugee Steering Group for the period 1 April – 30 June 2021.

Motion Carried


15        Items for Consideration by the Chair


There were no items for consideration.

The meeting concluded at 3.00 pm.




Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


Minutes of subcommittee and board

Grants Subcommittee - 28 June 2021





That the Committee:

Notes the minutes of the Grants Subcommittee meeting held on 28 June 2021









Minutes of Grants Subcommittee held on 28 June 2021



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021




Grants Subcommittee

City Service, City Project Grants



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Grants Subcommittee held in the Edinburgh Room, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin on Monday 28 June 2021, commencing at 9.55 am





Cr Christine Garey


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Marie Laufiso



Cr Sophie Barker

Cr Rachel Elder


Dan Hendra

Adam Keane


Anna Parker

Hannah Molloy


Cr Steve Walker





Joy Lanini (Manger Community Development and Events), Paul Coffey (Senior Community Advisor), Mai Tamimi (Community Advisor), Ruth Harrison (Community Advisor), Lisa Wilkie (Relationship Advisor – Arts and Culture), Wai Piggott (Financial Analyst)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray




Adam Keane opened the meeting with a karakia timataka.


2          Apologies

An apology was received from Sarah Davie-Nitis.


Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Subcommittee:


Accepts the apology from Sarah Davie-Nitis.


Motion carried






3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Subcommittee:


Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried



4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Subcommittee:


a)     Notes the Elected or Independent Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected or Independent Members' Interests.

Motion carried


5          confirmation of minutes

5.1       Grants Subcommittee - 5 May 2021


Moved (Cr Rachel Elder/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Subcommittee:


Confirms the minutes of the Grants Subcommittee meeting held on 05 May 2021 as a correct record.    

Motion carried


Part A Reports

6          City Service, City Project Grants


The report presented the applications received for City Service, City Project Grants 2021-22.


The Relationship Advisor – Arts and Culture (Lisa Wilkie) spoke to the Ara Toi Arts and Culture applications and responded to members’ questions.



The Manager Community Development and Events (Joy Lanini), Senior Community Advisor (Paul Coffey) and Community Advisors (Mai Tamimi) and (Ruth Harrison) spoke to the Social Wellbeing applications and responded to members’ questions.


Cr Christine Garey declared a conflict of interest with Item 3 - Dunedin Civic Orchestra trading as Dunedin Symphony Orchestra (Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc) and left the room while this item was discussed.  Cr Marie Laufiso chaired the meeting while this item was discussed.


Hannah Molloy declared a conflict of interest with Item 6 –  Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust and Item 10 - Prospect Park Productions and left the room while these items were discussed.


Cr Sophie Barker declared a conflict of interest with Item 7 – Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations and left the room while this item was discussed.


Cr Marie Laufiso declared a conflict of interest with Item 11 – Age Concern Otago Inc, Item 12 - Arai Te Uru Marae Council Inc, Item 17 - Ko Ngā Rourou Manaaki (Ko Ngaa Rourou Manaaki) and Item 19 - Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust and left the room while these items were discussed.


Anna Parker declared a conflict of interest with Item 19 - Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust and left the room while this item was discussed.


Cr Sophie Barker withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 10.39 am.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Subcommittee:



Declines the following funding applications.

App No.



Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations


Motion carried (GS/2021/064)



Cr Sophie Barker returned to the meeting at 10.47 am.


Dan Hendra left the meeting at 10.48 am.


Cr Christine Garey withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 10.48 am.  Cr Marie Laufiso assumed the chair.


Dan Hendra returned to the meeting at 10.50 am.





Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Dan Hendra):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the funding as follows:

App No.




Dunedin Civic Orchestra trading as Dunedin Symphony Orchestra (Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc)


Motion carried (GS/2021/065)


Cr Christine Garey returned to the meeting at 11.02 am and resumed the chair.



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Subcommittee:


Adjourns the meeting.


Motion carried



The meeting adjourned at 11.00 am and reconvened at 11.20 am.


Hannah Molloy withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 11.21 am.




Moved (Cr Rachel Elder/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the funding as follows:

App No.




Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust



Prospect Park Productions



Motion carried (GS/2021/066)




Hannah Molloy returned to the meeting at 11.23 am.


Cr Marie Laufiso withdrew from these items and left the meeting at 11.23 am.




Moved (Cr Sophie Barker/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the funding as follows:

App No.




Age Concern Otago Inc



Arai Te Uru Marae Council Inc



Motion carried (GS/2021/067)




Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Sophie Barker):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the funding as follows:

App No.




Ko Ngā Rourou Manaaki (Ko Ngaa Rourou Manaaki)



Motion carried (GS/2021/068)




Anna Parker withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 11.34 am.


Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Sophie Barker):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the funding as follows:

App No.




Otago Neighbourhood Support Charitable Trust



Motion carried (GS/2021/069)




Cr Marie Laufiso and Anna Parker returned to the meeting at 11.35 am.




Moved (Cr Rachel Elder/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the funding as follows:

App No.




Blue Oyster Arts Trust



Dunedin Choral Society (performing as City Choir Dunedin) (Dunedin Choral Society t/a City Choir Dunedin)



Dunedin Collaborative Theatre Trust



Dunedin Designed Inc (DDI)



Just Atelier/Stitch Kitchen (Just Atelier Trust)



Opera Otago (The Dunedin Opera Company Inc)



Citizen Advice Bureau (Citizen Advice)



Dunedin Community Accounting (DCA) (Weave Together)



Hills Radio Trust/Oar FM Dunedin (Otago Access Radio) (Hills Radio Trust)



KiwiHarvest Ltd



Methodist Mission Southern



Victim Support Dunedin (NZ Council of Victim Support Groups Inc)



Volunteer South Trust/Kaituao o te Taitonga



Motion carried (GS/2021/070)




At the Council’s 10 year plan deliberations additional funding of $40,000.00 was approved for the City Service City Project Grants.  This additional funding would be ratified at the 30 June 2021 Council meeting. 


The following organisations were approved to receive the additional funding pending the ratification of the 10 Year Plan deliberations.



Cr Marie Laufiso withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 11.50 am



Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Sophie Barker):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the additional funding as follows:

App No.




Arai Te Uru Marae Council Inc



Ko Ngā Rourou Manaaki (Ko Ngaa Rourou Manaaki)



Motion carried (GS/2021/071)




Cr Marie Laufiso returned to the meeting at 12.05 pm.




Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the additional funding as follows:

App No.




Dunedin Community Accounting (DCA) (Weave Together)



Hills Radio Trust/Oar FM Dunedin (Otago Access Radio) (Hills Radio Trust)



Motion carried (GS/2021/072)




Cr Christine Garey withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 12.12 pm.  Cr Marie Laufiso assumed the chair.










Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Hannah Molloy):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the additional funding as follows:

App No.




Dunedin Civic Orchestra trading as Dunedin Symphony Orchestra (Dunedin Civic Orchestra Inc)



Motion carried (GS/2021/073)




Cr Christine Garey returned to the meeting at 12.13 pm and resumed the chair.


Cr Sophie Barker withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 12.13 pm.




Moved (Cr Christine Garey/Cr Steve Walker):

That the Subcommittee:


Declines the additional funding as follows:

App No.



Dunedin Midwinter Celebrations


That the Subcommittee


Votes by division.


For:                  Cr Christine Garey, Cr Marie Laufiso, Cr Steve Walker Adam Keane, and Anna Parker (5).

Against:          Cr Rachel Elder, Dan Hendra and Hannah Molloy (3).

Abstained:    Nil


The division was declared CARRIED by 5 votes to 3.


Motion carried (GS/2021/074)




Cr Sophie Barker returned to the meeting at 12.26 pm.


Hannah Molloy withdrew from this item and left the meeting at 12.35 pm.




Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the additional funding as follows:

App No.




Prospect Park Productions



Motion carried (GS/2021/075)


Hannah Molloy returned to the meeting at 12.39 pm.




Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Marie Laufiso):

That the Subcommittee:


a)    Declines the additional funding as follows:

App No.



Just Atelier/Stitch Kitchen (Just Atelier Trust)


b)    Approves the $3,500.00 passed in resolution GS/2021/070, and the approval will not impact the Community Grant approved by the Grants Subcommittee in May 2021.  

Motion carried (GS/2021/076) with Anna Parker abstaining.



Moved (Hannah Molloy/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Subcommittee:


Approves the additional funding as follows:

App No.




Blue Oyster Arts Trust



Dunedin Choral Society (performing as City Choir Dunedin) (Dunedin Choral Society t/a City Choir Dunedin)



Dunedin Collaborative Theatre Trust



Dunedin Designed Inc (DDI)



Motion carried (GS/2021/077)


7          Karakia Whakamutuka


Adam Keane closed the meeting with a karakia whakamutuka.



The meeting concluded at 1.00 pm.








Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board - 21 June 2021





That the Committee:

Notes the minutes of the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board meeting held on 21 June 2021









Minutes of Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board held on 21 June 2021



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021




Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board held in the Otago Settlers Association Board Room, Toitū Otago Settlers Museum, 31 Queens Gardens, Dunedin on Monday 21 June 2021, commencing at 9.30 am





Phil Dowsett






Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Carmen Houlahan

Susan Schweigman


Peter Smith





Cam McCracken (Director – DPAG, Toitū, Lan Yuan and Olveston)


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray




1          Apologies

There were no apologies.


Cr Carmen Houlahan entered the meeting at 9.33 am.


2          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Phil Dowsett/Cr Doug Hall):

That the Board:


Confirms the agenda with the following addition:


Item 7 – Discussion on the Board delegations


Motion carried



3          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


Peter Smith clarified that Rotary Club of Dunedin Harbour is the new correct name for this entity.



Moved (Phil Dowsett/Peter Smith):

That the Board:


a)     Amends the Elected or Independent Members' Interest Register; and

b)     Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected or Independent Members' Interests.

Motion carried


4          Confirmation of Minutes

4.1       Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board meeting - 22 February 2021


Moved (Phil Dowsett/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Board:


Confirms the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum Board meeting held on 22 February 2021 as a correct record.

Motion carried



5          Toitū Otago Settlers Museum and Lan Yuan Activity Report


The report covered activities of Toitū Otago Settlers Museum (TOSM) and Lan Yuan Dunedin Chinese Garden (DCG) from 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021.

The Director – DPAG, Toitū, Lan Yuan and Olveston (Cam McCracken) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.

Cr Doug Hall left the room at 9.52 am.


Moved (Phil Dowsett/Cr Carmen Houlahan):

That the Board:


Notes the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum and Lan Yuan Activity Report for the period 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021.

Motion carried (TOSM/2021/004)


6          Deaccession Report


The report sought the Boards endorsement of the Director’s decision to deaccession a collection item (Land Rover 1956 Series, Accession no 1996/6/1) from the Toitū Otago Settlers Museum collection.

The Land Rover (Accession no 1996/6/1) has been identified for deaccession following an assessment on its significance, condition, storage, and overall status within the Toitū collection in accordance with the Toitū Collections Policy section 11.

The Director – DPAG, Toitū, Lan Yuan and Olveston (Cam McCracken) spoke to the report and responded to members’ questions.


Moved (Phil Dowsett/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Board:


Notes and endorses the Director’s decision to deaccession the Land Rover (Accession no 1996/6/1) from the Toitū collection and dispose of it in accordance with the Toitū Collections Policy.

Motion carried (TOSM/2021/008)




Cr Doug Hall entered the meeting at 10.06 am.

           7           Discussion on the Board delegations


The Board Chair (Phil Dowsett) discussed with staff and members of the Board on how best to fulfil the delegations of the Board as set out in the Committee Structure and Delegations Manual.


During discussions it was noted that the Board was scheduled to meet in August and September.


The Director - DPAG, Toitū, Lan Yuan and Olveston (Cam McCracken) responded to members’ questions.



Moved (Phil Dowsett/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Board:

a)     Notes the discussion on the Board delegations.

b)     Requests the Board delegations be attached to future Board agendas.

c)     Cancels the Boards meeting due to be held in August as there was another Board meeting scheduled for the next month.

Motion carried (TOSM/2021/009)


The meeting concluded at 10.24 am.




Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


Part A Reports


Actions From Resolutions of Community and Culture Committee Meetings

Department: Civic





1          The purpose of this report is to detail the open and completed actions from resolutions of the Community and Culture Committee meetings from the start of the triennium in October 2019 (Attachment A and B).

2          As this report is an administrative report only, there are no options or Summary of Considerations.



That the Committee:

Notes the open actions from resolutions of the Community and Culture Committee meetings shown in Attachment A and B.




3          Updated actions report will be provided to future meetings of the Community and Culture Committee.




Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance






Community & Culture Committee Public Open Actions as at November 2021



Community & Culture Committee Public Completed Actions as at November 2021




Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021



Community and Culture Committee Forward Work Programme

Department: Corporate Policy





1          The purpose of this report is to provide a regular update of the Community and Culture Committee forward work programme to show areas of activity, progress and expected timeframes for decision making across a range of areas of work. (Attachment A). 

2          As this is an administrative report only, there are no options or Summary of Considerations. 


That the Committee:

Notes the Community and Culture Committee forward work programme as shown in Attachment A.



3          The forward work programme is a regular agenda item which shows areas of activity, progress and expected timeframes for decision making across a range of areas of work. 

4          As an update report, purple highlights show changes to timeframes.  New items added to the schedule are highlighted in yellow. Items that have been completed or updated are shown as bold. 

5          Months where no Committee meetings are scheduled are highlighted as grey.  At the time of writing this report, the 2022 meeting dates have not been confirmed, but will be included in the schedule following adoption.


6          An updated report will be provided to future meetings of the Community and Culture Committee.



Sharon Bodeker - Corporate Planner


Simon Pickford - General Manager Community Services






Community and Culture forward work programme - November 2021



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021



Community and Culture Activity Report for the period to 30 September 2021

Department: Arts and Culture, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Ara Toi and Community and Planning





1          This report provides an update on progress towards achieving levels of service for the Galleries, Libraries and Museums, incorporating Ara Toi activities, and Community Development and Events, for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 September 2021, as provided in Attachment A and Attachment B.

2          As this is an administrative report only, there are no options or Summary of Considerations.


That the Committee:

Notes the update reports on the Galleries, Libraries and Museums, and Ara Toi activities as provided in Attachment A, and the Community Development and Events activities as provided in Attachment B.



3          The 10 year plan sets out the activities undertaken by Council.  Each activity has levels of service that describe what Council will provide to the community, along with measures and targets used to assess the level of achievement in delivering those activities.  Council reports on its achievement of all levels of service through its Annual Report.

4          Attachments A and B report on progress towards achieving the levels of service, measures and targets as detailed in the 10 year plan for Galleries, Libraries and Museums, and Ara Toi, and for Community Development and Events for the three months to 30 September 2021.  Information on specific areas of work is also provided.  This is a new approach to quarterly reporting.  It is an iterative process, where improvements and/or changes will be made to the reports as they are identified.  Consolidated budget information for each activity will be reported to the Finance and Council Controlled Organisations Committee. 

5          The Residents’ Opinion Survey (ROS) is used by Council to measure achievement of some of its levels of service, and the results from the survey are shown in the attached activity reports.  Respondents of the survey are asked to rate their satisfaction levels for some activities on a scale of 1-10 from very dissatisfied to very satisfied.

6          The survey is carried out on a continuous monthly basis, with the aim of getting 100 responses each month.  This provides a sample size of around 1,200 for the year, with a quarterly sample size of around 300 residents.  A sample size of 300 has an expected margin of error (at the 95% confidence interval) of ± 5.7%.


7          An update report for the six months to 31 December 2021 will be presented to the first Committee meeting in 2022. 




Bernie Hawke - Manager Library Services

Chris Snow - Operations Manager

Kirsten Glengarry - Manager Creative Partnerships

Nicky Page - Director City of Literature

Joy Lanini - Manager Community Development and Events


Simon Pickford - General Manager Community Services

Jeanette Wikaira - Manahautū (General Manager Māori Partnerships and Policy)






Galleries, Libraries and Museums Activity Report



Community Development and Events Activity Report



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021



Housing Action Plan Update

Department: Property





1          This report provides an update on the Housing Action Plan (‘the Plan’).


2          There has been progress in some areas of the Plan, and these are shown in (Attachment A).

3          The Housing Action Plan Advisor (‘the Advisor’) has met with internal and external stakeholders to build an understanding of the Plan and to inform the development of a governance structure and work programme for the future.


That the Committee:

Notes the Housing Action Plan update.



4          The Plan was adopted by Council in May 2019 and sets out 16 actions aimed at providing increased and improved housing stock in Dunedin.  The actions address three key result areas: healthy housing, planning, and delivery.

5          Council agreed to take a stewardship role in implementing and advocating for the Plan, and since 2019 there has been progress on several of the 16 actions by departments across Council working together.

6          No overall project governance structure or work programme involving internal and external stakeholders currently exists.  In July 2021 a 2-year the Advisor role was created in the DCC (seconded from Kāinga Ora) to support coordinated cross sector work on housing development, and to develop the Plan project governance structure and work programme.

7          Since mid-2020 Property Services staff have been undertaking a review of the Dunedin City Council Housing Policy 1997 and Dunedin City Social Housing Strategy.  Updates on this work have previously been reported to Council.  This work will feed into the work of the Advisor and inform the implementation of the Plan.



Progress – achievements in the last 6 months

8          An overview of progress on the Plan since the last report to this Committee in early August is shown in (Attachment A).

9          Action Area 1 – Healthy Housing Recommendations: Promote Healthy Homes across all tenures

·    Planning and work towards upgrades of all DCC Community Housing continues.  $3 million is allocated in the 10 year plan 2021-31 for DCC Community Housing and Healthy Homes work.  This work includes heating, ventilation and draught stopping. 

·    Approximately 30% of DCC Community Housing stock has now been audited, and improvement work have commenced to meet Healthy Home standards.  Twenty-eight properties have been updated within the last six months and are on target to meet the Residential Tenancies (Healthy Homes Standards) Regulations 2019 by July 2024. 

10        Action Area 2 – Planning Recommendations: Leadership to Deliver Community Outcomes

·    Kāinga Ora and DCC staff had an initial meeting on 7 October 2021 to identify sites where “Off Site Manufactured” homes could be utilised.  “Off Site Manufacturing” options include components of homes to complete builds.

·    2GP Variation 2 - An update on 2GP Variation 2 is being presented to the Planning and Environment Committee on 2 November 2021 in the Community and Planning Quarterly Report.  The first hearing was held in September 2021, and further hearings are scheduled for November and December, and early 2022.

11        Action area 3 – Delivery Recommendations: Building Homes to Meet Community Need

·    The DCC has taken part in a Housing and Urban Design review completed by PWC NZ.   This included financial information, physical status of the portfolio and general information (tenant profile, waiting lists).

Housing Action Plan – future governance and project plan

12        Since being appointed in July 2021, the Advisor has met with internal DCC stakeholders and has commenced meetings with external stakeholders.  The purpose of these meetings is to understand the development of the Plan and progress to date, to discuss options for a future project governance structure and a work programme that involves all stakeholders, and to understand opportunities to ensure that the Plan continues to respond to current housing issues across the city.

13        The Advisor will work with the Manahautū - General Manager Māori, Partnerships & Policy to ensure early engagement with mana whenua.

14        The Advisor has also commenced a review of housing plans and strategies from across the local government and NGO sectors to ensure that we can learn from local and international best practice.

15        A work programme and proposed governance structure is being developed, and this will be reported to the Committee in early 2022.

16        To ensure that the future governance structure and work programme addresses all level of housing need across the city, the Advisor is using a Housing Adequacy Framework (figure 1 below).  This has been adapted from Community Housing Aotearoa and adopted by a number of councils including the Hamilton City Council, to provide an initial structure.

17        The framework clusters housing need and ensures that consultation and solutions will be targeted to the specific needs, concerns, and challenges within each group.  The clusters have been placed on a continuum from those most vulnerable to the most secure. 

18        Further work, in partnership with mana whenua and mataawaka, is required to ensure that any housing continuum framework that the DCC utilises also supports Māori housing models, works alongside iwi and Māori led initiatives, and meets diverse cultural and household type needs.

Figure 1


19        As this report provides an update on a work programme, there are no options.


20        The Advisor to continue information gathering and discussions with external stakeholders into early 2022.

21        Development of the Plan governance structure and work programme, to be presented to the Community and Culture Committee in early 2022.



Gill Brown - Housing Action Plan Advisor


Robert West - General Manager Corporate and Quality







Housing Action Plan - Action Items Progress Update





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities and promotes the social and economic well-being of communities in the present and for the future.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


This report responds to Council’s request for progress on the Housing Action Plan 2019 and responds to the future housing needs of Dunedin

Māori Impact Statement

Future housing need and provision is of significant importance to mana whenua and mataawaka communities. Early engagement will be required to ensure the Council meets its Treaty of Waitangi commitments.


Planning for future housing need and provision of the community, and its economic, social, and environmental well being.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

This reports responds to submissions received as part of the 10 Year Plan consultation, and to Council’s Housing Action Plan 2019

Financial considerations

There are no known financial implications


This report is considered of low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement policy.

Engagement – external

The Housing Action Plan Advisor has commenced discussions with external stakeholders.

Engagement - internal

The Housing Action Plan Advisor has had discussions with all key internal departments and stakeholders e.g Property Services, 3 Waters, Transport, City Development, Regulatory Services, Community Development, members of ELT

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no identified risks

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest

Community Boards

Housing provision and issues will be of interest to all Community Boards, and so Community Boards will be involved in discussions



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021



Summary of Advisory Group Meetings (July - September 2021)

Department: Community and Planning





1          This report provides a summary of the meetings and actions of the DCC’s Social Well-being Advisory Group, Disabilities Issues Advisory Group and Dunedin Refugee Steering Group during the period 1 July – 30 September 2021.


That the Committee:

Notes the summary of the Social Well-being and Disabilities Issues Advisory Groups and the Dunedin Refugee Steering Group for the period 1 July – 30 September 2021.



2          The Social Well-being Advisory Group (SWAG), Disabilities Issues Advisory Group (DIAG) and Dunedin Refugee Steering Group are Council Advisory Groups providing advice to Council on issues relevant to the well-being of communities and whānau, marginalised groups, former refugees, and people with disabilities.  The groups have no decision-making powers.

3          The Terms of Reference for all three groups state that they will report to the Community and Culture Committee. A quarterly summary is provided to the Committee, including meeting minutes and relevant documents (see Attachments A – C).


4          The Social Well-being Advisory Group met on 2 August prior to the national lockdown (see Attachment A).  Mental health / stress was noted as a continuing issue among a range of communities across the city.

5          The Disabilities Issues Advisory Group met on 4 August (see Attachment B) and discussed a range of issues important to disabled people, including the kerbside collection, 10-year plan accessibility, accessibility of facilities, and queries around roading.

6          The Dunedin Refugee Steering Group met on 9 September during the national lockdown (see Attachment C).  The social and mental well-being of former refugees due to the situation in Afghanistan and recent stabbing by a member of the migrant community in Auckland, were key topics.  The group also provided final input into the draft Dunedin Refugee Steering Group Action Plan, which will be presented to Council in November.


7          There are no options, as the report is for noting only.


8          The draft Dunedin Refugee Steering Group Action Plan will be presented to Council in November 2021. Advisory Group meetings are scheduled for November, with minutes provided to the Community and Culture Committee in February 2022.




Joy Lanini - Manager Community Development and Events


Simon Pickford - General Manager Community Services






Attachment A: Social Well-being Advisory Group Minutes, 2 August 2021



Attachment B: Disabilities Issues Advisory Group Minutes, 4 August 2021



Attachment C: Dunedin Refugee Steering Group Minutes, 9 September 2021





Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans



Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for Māori.


There are no known implications for sustainability.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no known implications for the 10 year Plan, Annual Plan or Infrastructure Strategy.

Financial considerations

There are no known financial implications.


This decision is considered low in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

Members of advisory groups are external, representing the views of specific communities and sector groups.

Engagement - internal

Staff engage with a range of departments depending on the issues relevant for each advisory group.  In this report staff rom Transport, Waste and Environmental Services, Marketing and Communications, Property, Policy, Ara Toi, City Libraries and Cultural Institutions, as well as Community Development met with advisory group members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no known legal or health and safety risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

There are no known implications for Community Boards.



Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


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Community and Culture Committee

2 November 2021


Items for Consideration by the Chair