Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Dunedin City Council will be held on:


Date:                                                    Tuesday 27 September 2022

Time:                                                   10.00 am

Venue:                                                Council Chamber, Municipal Chambers, The Octagon, Dunedin


Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer








Mayor Aaron Hawkins


Deputy Mayor

Cr Christine Garey




Cr Sophie Barker

Cr David Benson-Pope


Cr Rachel Elder

Cr Doug Hall


Cr Carmen Houlahan

Cr Marie Laufiso


Cr Mike Lord

Cr Jim O'Malley


Cr Jules Radich

Cr Chris Staynes


Cr Lee Vandervis

Cr Steve Walker


Cr Andrew Whiley



Senior Officer                                               Sandy Graham, Chief Executive Officer


Governance Support Officer                  Lynne Adamson




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000




Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.




27 September 2022



ITEM     TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                    PAGE 1


8             Strategic Refresh Update                                                                                                                                      4     


27 September 2022



Strategic Refresh Update

Department: Corporate Policy




1          The purpose of this report is to update Council on the progress of the Strategic Refresh work programme and present a ‘refreshed draft’ strategic framework.

2          A ‘refreshed draft’ Strategic Framework has been developed to strengthen the work programme and to ensure that there will be improved alignment and reporting across all of Council’s work activities.

3          The timing of the Strategic Refresh programme continues to take account of other Council related work, such as the development of the 10 Year Plan 2024-34.

4          This report includes specific updates on progress across key workstreams including; Wellbeing development, City Portrait, the Māori Strategic Framework (MSF), Engagement development and the Levels of Service (LoS) and Data Review.


That the Council:

a)     Notes the Strategic Refresh update and the ‘refreshed draft’ Strategic Framework.



5          In September 2020, Council considered the Sustainability Framework Options. Council approved the development of the City Portrait framework for development and adaptation.  The Council resolved as follows:

Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:

a)        Considers the sustainability frameworks set out in the report, and

b)        Approves development of the City Portrait framework for development and adaptation.



            The Council voted by division:


For:           Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Christine Garey, Doug Hall, Mike Lord, Jim O'Malley, Chris Staynes, Steve Walker and Mayor Aaron Hawkins (9).

Against: Crs Rachel Elder, Jules Radich, Lee Vandervis and Andrew Whiley (4).

Abstained:          Nil

The division was declared CARRIED by 9 votes to 4

Motion carried (CNL/2020/001)

6          Following this resolution, an evaluation of the DCC’s existing Strategic Framework (see Figure 1 below), was commissioned in relation to the City Portrait. Consultants Harrison Grierson provided an initial high-level stocktake of the existing framework and included feedback from Councillors, DCC staff and mana whenua, and completed a survey of existing governance groups.

7          Figure 1: Council’s Current Strategic Framework

8          The existing Strategic Framework incorporates eight high-level strategies, underpinned by Council’s commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and the principle of sustainability. The key strategies were developed by the DCC working with community and stakeholders over a period of approximately eight years. The first strategy, the Three Waters Strategic Direction Statement was adopted in 2010. The last, the Parks and Recreation Strategy was completed in 2017.

9          In December 2020, an update report about Harrison Grierson’s findings was presented to Council. It outlined the ‘next steps’ needed to refresh the existing strategic framework and the need to develop a process with mana whenua and key stakeholders.


“Moved (Cr Sophie Barker/Cr Rachel Elder):

That the Council:

a)        Notes the findings of the DCC Strategic Framework evaluation and the next steps in the refresh of the DCC Strategic Framework.

b)        Notes that staff would work with mana whenua and key stakeholders on a process for undertaking the review and report back to Council in May 2021 with a project plan.

Motion carried (CNL/2020/112) with Cr Lee Vandervis recording his vote against.”


10        In 2021, Harrison Grierson was commissioned to produce a second report on developing a City Portrait for Dunedin and identified key actions and milestones.

11        In May 2021, the report ‘Thriving Cities City Portrait: Progressing the Strategic Framework Refresh’ was presented to Council. The Council voted by division to approve the implementation of the Strategic Framework Refresh project plan.

“Moved (Cr Steve Walker/Cr Christine Garey):

That the Council:

b)        Approves implementation of the Strategic Framework Refresh project plan.


The Council voted by division:

For:           Crs Sophie Barker, David Benson-Pope, Rachel Elder, Christine Garey, Carmen Houlahan Marie Laufiso, Jim O'Malley, Steve Walker and Mayor Aaron Hawkins (9).

Against: Crs Mike Lord, Jules Radich, Lee Vandervis and Andrew Whiley (4).

Abstained:   Nil

The division was declared CARRIED by 9 votes to 4. Motion carried (CNL/2021/078)”


12        In December 2021, an update report was presented to Council on the Strategic Framework Refresh work programme. 

13        Since this last update report to Council, work has progressed across the main Strategic Refresh Workstreams. As thinking has progressed from the original project planning document, the programme has adapted to include wellbeing and engagement development. Updates on the following areas are presented in this report;

·        Wellbeing Development

·        City Portrait Development

·        Māori Strategic Framework (MSF) Development

·        Engagement Development

·        Levels of Service (LoS) and Other Data Review.

14        The project outline developed by Harrison Grierson in 2021 continues to be utilised to drive the Strategic Refresh work programme. However, the timeline has been adapted to account for upcoming legislative changes, and the time needed to engage with mana whenua regarding the development of the MSF. The period for community feedback related to the City Portrait in the 2021 report was also too short and premature, as relevant measures/indicators had not been fully developed. The impact of Covid also meant that community engagement was not able to be fully realised within the original timeframe.

15        Another change to the work programme is the inclusion of Wellbeing Development as a workstream focus. Although the wellbeing work was implicit in the original project plan, this has now been elevated to ensure priority focus is given to wellbeing throughout the Strategic Refresh work programme.

16        The key milestones in the Harrison Grierson report remain relevant; establishing a schedule of Councillor workshops and updated reports to Council ensures that information is provided to Councillors as work progresses. Staff are cognisant of ensuring continual alignment so that there is a high level of integration across the workstreams. Educational sessions across the organisation have kept staff updated on the refresh project and community engagement remains a key element in the work programme. The timing of the project continues to take account of other Council related work, such as the development of the 10 Year Plan 2024-34.


A ‘Refreshed Draft’ Strategic Framework

17        The key purpose of the Strategic Refresh work programme is embed the DCC’s commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and sustainability across DCC’s strategies and operational activities. The Strategic Refresh is also an opportunity to ensure that current and future residents’ wellbeing is considered across all of the DCC’s work activities and to strengthen local decision-making by producing Levels of Service (LoS) that are meaningful to residents and to Council.

18        The Strategic Refresh work programme is also working to ensure that Council’s strategic framework continues to be fit for purpose, particularly when facing sector reform and change; and that Council continues to play an important strategic role in promoting wellbeing for Dunedin people and place.

19        With this is mind the work programme has needed to be flexible in its approach to prepare Council for changes related to ongoing Government reform, particularly the ‘The Future of Local Government’ review, the emphasis on residents’ wellbeing, and also the Three Waters and Resource Management Act reforms. Keeping abreast of this reform agenda has been an important part of the work to ensure that the Strategic Refresh work is closely aligned with the broader shifts occurring nationally.

20        The existing ‘strategic framework wheel’ was made up of strategic components that were developed over time independently from each other and with very little alignment across strategies.  It was also found that the existing framework and suite of strategies were inconsistent in their approach to prioritising, implementing, measuring and reporting on the Treaty of Waitangi and Sustainability.



21        A ‘refreshed draft’ strategic framework has been developed (Figure2). This ‘refreshed draft’ strategic framework is simply a visual that has been developed in-house to reimagine strategic alignment while making visible the key components that will help Council deliver improved wellbeing to all Dunedin residents and clarity of alignment across operational activities.

22        This ‘refreshed draft’ strategic framework utilises the concept of raraka/weaving to thread the Council’s key priorities, namely the MSF, the City Portrait, Engagement and the four wellbeings through all of Council’s operational activities. The ‘refreshed draft’ strategic framework supports connectedness and takes an integrated approach. Figure 2 shows how each of the four wellbeings (vertical strands), connects to each activity or plan (horizontal strands). The result is an integrated strategic programme that is connected through clarity of shared purpose.

23        The ‘refreshed draft’ strategic framework clearly defines the role of governance to oversee Council’s strategic priorities and recognises the importance governance plays in providing oversight across and throughout the framework.

24        The finely woven pattern at the top of the weave, has utilised the concept of Tāniko, which is a method of decorative weaving used in the borders of fine woven garments such as kakahu cloaks, and it is often this part of a woven garment where mana or leadership and authority is portrayed.

25        The City Portrait, the MSF and Engagement sit at the top of the weave as priority strategies that give effect to the Treaty, Sustainability and our connectedness to the community through engagement. 

26        The area at the bottom of the weave signifies the importance of the 10 year plan which includes reporting on LoS and seeking residents’ feedback through the long-term planning process.

27        The horizontal strands of the weave each represent specific plans that all contribute to the broader strategic outcomes. Examples of these strands are the recently adopted Housing Action Plan , the South Dunedin Future Programme and the Play Spaces Action Plan.  Each horizontal strand will have specific oversight requirements, and these are represented in the left hand side of the weave.

28        When understood from a Māori cultural context this raraka or weaving process is both powerful and uplifting. When weaving, each whenu or strand has its own unique width, shape, texture and colour. When each strand is arranged in certain ways, patterns are created. Each strand has a place, and each has its own purpose. Collectively every strand brings its own contribution to the entire woven piece. The strength of the final woven piece is determined by the whole as well as the care and attention of the weavers until the woven piece is completed. Utilising this weaving process and the completion of a woven kakahu or cloak as a conceptual framework, provides a useful way to see and understand the parts that make up the whole of the weave.


29      Figure 2: ‘Refreshed Draft’ Strategic Framework Visual

Figure 2: ‘Refreshed’ Strategic Framework Visual


30        As mentioned earlier the Strategic Refresh work programme consists of five integrated workstreams; Wellbeing Development, City Portrait Development; Māori Strategic Framework (MSF) Development; Engagement Development and Levels of Service (LoS) and Other Data Review. Updates on these are provided below.


31        The Local Government (Community Wellbeing) Amendment Act (2019) restored the promotion of “social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of communities” to the statutory purpose of local government.

32        In April 2021, the Future for Local Government Review was established. The review aims to determine how local authorities need to evolve over the next 30 years in order to improve the wellbeing of New Zealanders, and actively embody Treaty partnership. The review, to date, has signalled an increased role of community wellbeing priorities in guiding planning and decision-making in local government.

33        Currently, the four wellbeings are a statutory purpose of local government, however the terms are not defined in the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA). In the absence of the definitions, Taituarā (then SOLGM) developed the definitions as part of ‘The Community Wellbeing Indicator Framework Project’.

34        The wellbeing work also helps inform and sustain a strong connection with the MSF and City Portrait work streams by providing an opportunity to add a Dunedin perspective.

35        Research has been undertaken into the wellbeings. Key insights include observing how cities/towns/metropolitans (nationally and internationally) are deepening their understanding of wellbeing, and how their local citizens experience wellbeing (or not) in their lives, (Durie 2006), (Dalziel, Saunders, and Savage 2019).  There is increasing focus on how public institutions measure their specific impact and influence in increasing or decreasing wellbeing. There is also a stronger focus on developing a suite of ‘objective measures’ to clearly communicate how Council can sustain and grow community wellbeing over time, and in elevating and protecting local democracy (Brad Olsen and Kiernan, Infometrics, 2019).

36        Measuring impact (outcomes and outputs) related to wellbeings is challenging. Data sets used by other Councils have been reviewed and initial discussions have been had with data providers such as Dot Loves Data, Taituarā and and Statistics New Zealand. Data sets are improving and the ability to drill down to suburb level and combine data across sets to better describe a specific community is becoming available.

37        The Wellbeing Development work has helped produce deeper understandings that are both locally and internationally informed. The next step for this workstream is to workshop wellbeings with Councillors and mana whenua as part of a schedule of workshops being planned for 2023.


38        Doughnut Economics was developed by economist Kate Raworth, as a model of a circular economy that generates a ‘safe and just space for humanity to thrive’. The social foundation of the doughnut is based on humanity’s minimum social standards, based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The outer boundary, the ecological ceiling, consists of nine categories, which scientists believe will be a threat to the stability of the planet when exceeded.

39        The City Portrait is a way to bring the theory of Doughnut Economics to a city level. In 2020, Council approved the development of a City Portrait for Dunedin. Other Councils across the country are considering doughnut economics, but at this time, none have formally adopted it. Once developed, the City Portrait will enable the DCC to apply the principle of sustainability to all its work activities and report on it through its LoS.

40        In developing a draft City Portrait (see below), staff conducted a stocktake of the DCC’s current strategies and reviewed the DCC’s strategic objectives, community outcomes and LoS. The results of the stocktake informed an initial draft City Portrait (Figure 3) which illustrated Dunedin’s current social foundation. Feedback from councillors and staff was the social foundation was ‘too busy’.

41        Figure 3. Initial draft City Portrait showing social foundation indicators

·      Arts and Culture

·      Income and Work

·      Education

·      Networks and Communities

·      Energy

·      Peace and Justice

·      Food

·      Political Voice

·      Gender and Racial Equality

·      Sanitation

·      Health and Wellbeing

·      Social Equity

·      Heritage

·      Transport and Infrastructure

·      Housing

·      Water




42        In response to feedback, staff propose that the four Wellbeings are used to describe Dunedin’s social foundation in the draft iteration of Dunedin’s City Portrait. Applying the four wellbeings ties the City Portrait strongly with Council’s statutory purpose - to prioritise the economic, environmental, cultural and social wellbeings of its residents.  This will also help translate the City Portrait so it is relatable to the wider community, while retaining a strong connection with the MSF, which has also used the four wellbeings in its development.


43      Figure 4: Draft City Portrait using the four wellbeings to describe Dunedin’s social foundation


44        Draft definitions related to each of the four wellbeings are being developed along with specific measures and as mentioned, these will be workshopped with Councillors in the new year. One example is understanding, ‘how Dunedin people and communities experience economic wellbeing’? Currently, the DCC has access to a number of economic indicators and measures, but these need further analysis to understand how they affect Dunedin residents specifically, and to understand Council’s role in determining and/or monitoring these measures over time. Corporate Policy are closely reviewing other Councils and their strategic measures, as well as identifying measures that support Dunedin’s ability to compare itself globally.

45        Understanding the planetary boundaries and how these can be reflected at the city level by examining ways to quantify Dunedin’s impact on the ecological ceiling. General research has also been undertaken, such as completing a literature review and developing key understandings about the ‘local’ and ‘global’ aspects of the model.

46        Staff have reviewed the Doughnut Economics model and spoken with representatives from other cities who have explored the model such as Melbourne, Australia; Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada; Portland, USA and Brussels, Belgium. All of these cities have expressed an interest in learning from how Dunedin is building a City Portrait that considers an indigenous or Te Ao Māori perspective. The work that the DCC has undertaken in partnership with mana whenua and Māori to ensure a collaborative approach to developing a City Portrait that embeds mana whenua values and aspirations as part of the model is unique and leading the way in this field. The team has also undertaken research in understanding climate challenges in the ‘global-south’ focussing on the Pacific region. This will help develop a more localised view of the model and help Council better understand the challenges and opportunities specific to Dunedin.

47        Creating a City Portrait is an iterative process and is informed by ongoing engagement with partners, stakeholders and with Dunedin’s wider community. Specific engagement with mana whenua in relation to the City Portrait and how this will be aligned with the Māori Strategic Framework is currently underway. Community engagement will take place from November 2022 through to May 2023.

48        Measures will need to be developed to give effect to the City Portrait over time, while mitigating against raising unachievable expectations in the community. A fully considered engagement plan is being developed to inform our approach. During the engagement period, the community will have the opportunity to comment on and identify key indicators, measures and data that they believe are useful and/or necessary in the City Portrait.

49        Planetary Accounting Network (PAN) has been engaged to support the development of the City Portrait. PAN is a not-for-profit group that has expertise in Doughnut Economics. PAN will help determine high level measures for the City Portrait, focussing on the Ecological Ceiling categories. PAN will also support engagement with stakeholders and community groups in helping determine measures specific to Dunedin’s social foundation focussing on wellbeings. As noted, the City Portrait will directly feed into the LoS work programme which will then inform the 10 Year Plan 2024-34. 

50        Staff are working with the Māori Partnerships Manager and Manahautū to ensure strong alignment between the MSF and the City Portrait is maintained. The final iteration of the City Portrait and MSF is an opportunity to showcase a shared vision for Ōtepoti Dunedin.

51        The next step is to workshop this first iteration of the City Portrait with Councillors and mana whenua as part of a schedule of workshops being planned for 2023.


52        The existing Strategic Framework has the Treaty of Waitangi as one of its key strategic directions. However how this is understood, implemented, aligned across strategies, measured and reported on has never been prioritised or cohesively developed. The development of the MSF is a way to operationalise the Treaty of Waitangi across the work of the DCC. It will bring a Te Ao Māori lens to the city level and will establish Te Ao Māori aspirations that will guide the DCC’s contribution to delivering Māori wellbeing across the city. Once developed, the MSF will integrate with the City Portrait and will enable the DCC to apply a Te Ao Māori lens to all its work activities and report on it through its LoS.

53        The development of the MSF is an important strategic step in strengthening Council’s Treaty of Waitangi partnership with mana whenua and Māori. Together with a refreshed Memorandum of Understanding with mana whenua and a refreshed Māori Participation Working Party terms of reference, the MSF is a further partnering and collaboration strategy focussed on delivering wellbeing outcomes for mana whenua and Māori across the city.

54        Initial research was undertaken on Māori strategic frameworks and Māori wellbeing models. Best practice plans, models and documents were reviewed from other Councils and organisations. Research to understand and capture Māori wellbeing information and data for Dunedin has been developed.

55        Online hui were held with Māori counterparts from other Councils and initial hui were held with a range of Māori communities in Dunedin. These initial discussions were focussed on what a Te Ao Māori vision for thriving Māori communities could be. As a starting point, this was a useful way to explore Māori concepts of wellbeing with the broader Māori community. Over the last few months staff have worked alongside mana whenua and Māori to develop high level Te Ao Māori aspirations and wellbeing definitions. The first iteration of this work is nearing completion.

56        The next step is to workshop this first iteration of the MSF with Councillors and mana whenua as part of a schedule of workshops being planned for 2023.


57        As indicated earlier in this report, Engagement has been included as an additional workstream focus of the Strategic Refresh project.

58        The Local Government Act defines the purpose of local government as being to ‘meet the current and future needs of communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost-effective for households and businesses. It also requires councils to ‘give consideration’ to the views and preferences of people affected by their decisions. While Council has always given consideration to the views of Dunedin residents through consultation, on the whole this remains a formal process.

59        As part of Council’s draft 2022/23 Annual Plan engagement process, a broader community engagement approach was developed. This model of engagement utilised a mixed method approach using both online digital content as well as print based engagement practices. Staff found that a mixed method engagement approach required different engagement tools for different engagement purposes and for different community stakeholders. In planning the engagement approach, staff took into consideration community diversity, youth and Māori and Pāsifika. Staff also considered accessibility of both print media and online social media platforms.

60        Taking all of this into account, new tools for community engagement included creating digital content and producing a series of short videos to tell the story of key decisions, progress and decision outcomes related to current projects; proactive use of social media platforms to share digital content and proactive media releases as well as the more traditional approaches of advertising in print media and the use of DCC website.

61        This broader approach to community engagement will be an important part of how Council seeks to make engagement easier for everyone in the community. Developing a Council wide engagement approach ensures that all aspects of our work become more responsive and better at engaging with and listening to a range of community voices.

62        The next step is to workshop a community engagement project concept and plan with Councillors and mana whenua as part of a schedule of workshops being planned for 2023.


63        The Local Government Act 2002 requires that the 10 year plan includes LoS statements for each group of activities undertaken by Council. LoS set out for the community the activities they can expect from Council along with measures and targets that can be used to assess the level of achievement in delivering those activities. Council is required to report on its achievement of the LoS through its annual reports.

64        In January 2021, Council agreed that a full review of LoS statements and measures would be undertaken in parallel with the Strategic Refresh work programme. It was agreed that LoS review would also include a review of data obtained through Residents’ Opinion Survey (ROS).

65        In the draft report “Dunedin City Council Internal Audit – 10 Year Planning Process June 2022” prepared by consultants Crowe, the following recommendations were made on the LoS review:

In reviewing the levels of service for the 2024-34 10 year plan against the renewed strategic framework, we recommend that each level of service and its performance measures are considered applying the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely).”

66        In the same report, consultants Crowe Global quoted the following comments by Office of the Auditor-General New Zealand in its 2002/03 audits of Council 10 year plan regarding ROS as a tool to monitor LoS measures:

In noting the over-reliance on satisfaction surveys, we are not discounting the importance of public views and satisfaction. Rather, we are suggesting that performance against service levels is best evaluated through a range of indicators, such as ratepayer or user views, scientific data, quality control procedures, and numeric quantity or cost data.”

67        Extracts from the Crowe report are provided at Attachment A.

68        There are two phases in the LoS Review and other data work component of the Strategic Refresh.

1)    LoS review

2)    Review of Council’s existing survey tools

69        The phases above are aligned with the MSF and the City Portrait.

Phase 1: Levels of Service review

70        Feedback from Councillors to date has been incorporated in the development of the LoS performance framework. However, leading into the 10 Year Plan 2024-34, Councillors will be heavily involved in finalising this process.

71        Developing the performance framework also includes applying SMART principles, as recommended by Crowe in two stages.

1)    The first stage is to work with Councillors and all activity areas of the DCC to establish SMART LoS, measures and targets. This will include developing how to best group activities undertaken by Council, and apply the data obtained through the ROS and Quality of Life surveys, to identify improvements over time.

2)    Stage two will review the measures to ensure they align with the City Portrait and MSF.

72        The LoS review and development of the performance framework will be completed in advance of the 10 Year Plan 2024-34.


Phase 2: Review of Council’s existing survey tools

73        After analysing ROS and other survey tools, it was noted that youth and Māori are noticeably underrepresented. In response to this, staff sought advice from the Electoral Commission and gravitasOPG, the ROS provider, to obtain access to information on age and Māori descent data from the Electoral Roll under section 112 of the Electoral Act 1993 (the Act).

74        In late June 2022, staff submitted a data request application to the Electoral Commission under section 112 of the Act, as an interim attempt to improve the data quality of the existing ROS without a major revision of the ROS questions.  

75        The application was unfortunately declined because of the way the ROS is designed (i.e., customer satisfaction survey). The Electoral Commission reiterated the need for the DCC to review the survey questions and widen the way we collect data to gauge how effectively we are meeting our 10 Year Plan and Annual Plan objectives.

76        Staff propose to develop a ‘refreshed’ ROS following the LoS review. Corporate Policy is also developing guidelines to promote and maintain consistency for customer satisfaction surveys in general, across the DCC. 


77        Not applicable.


78        The report details a range of workshops with Councillors and mana whenua and plans for engagement with the wider community and stakeholders. This schedule of workshops aligns with the recommendations from the Harrison Grierson Report (2021) and will be captured in the Council Forward Work Programme.



Gina Huakau - Corporate Policy Manager


Jeanette Wikaira - Manahautū (General Manager Māori Partnerships and Policy

Sandy Graham - Chief Executive Officer






2022 LTP Final Audit Report - levels of service extract.





Fit with purpose of Local Government

The Strategic Refresh enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.

It also promotes the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-beings of communities in the present and for the future.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

The Refresh encapsulates all of the above strategies.

Māori Impact Statement

Mana whenua and mataawaka are partners in the development of the MSF and in the  Strategic Refresh work programme. The project will ensure the DCC is a good Treaty partner and contributes to positive outcomes for Māori and will seek further Māori input via community engagement.


The development and adoption of the City Portrait will promote social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of communities in the present and for the future. It will do this by clarifying the interpretation and measures of sustainability, and promoting consistent application of a sustainable development approach.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

The Refresh is expected to bring greater visibility and clarity as to how current and future corporate planning functions (encompassing long term plans and associated statutory strategies, levels of service and performance measures) support the DCC’s strategic goals and meet statutory requirements. The Strategic Refresh will directly impact on the next 10 Year Plan.

Financial considerations

There are no financial considerations.


This report is considered to be of low significance in terms of the Significance and Engagement Policy as it provides an update of the Strategic Refresh. The Strategic Refresh itself is of high importance and so community engagement is planned and has been detailed in the report.

Engagement – external

Staff have presented to the Grow Dunedin Partnership and Creative Dunedin Partnership groups.

Engagement - internal

There has been extensive internal engagement.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no identified risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

All areas of the city will be interested in the Strategic Refresh and Community Boards will have an opportunity to participate as part of the engagement process.




27 September 2022


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