Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the District Licensing Committee will be held on:


Date:                                                    Thursday 14 December 2023

Time:                                                   10.00 am

Venue:                                                Council Chamber, top floor, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, the Octagon, Dunedin


Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer


District Licensing Committee

Opposed On-licence renewal for OURFU – Bookies Bar Ltd






Colin Weatherall


Deputy Chairperson

Katie Lane



Karen Elliot



Senior Officer                                               Kevin Mechen, Secretary, District Licensing Committee


Governance Support Officer                  Lauren Riddle




Lynne Adamson

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000



Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.



District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023



ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         PAGE



Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)

1             Report for On-licence Renewal, "Bookies Bar", 20 Logan Park Drive, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee                                                                                                                                                                 4


District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023


Part A Reports


Report for On-licence Renewal, "Bookies Bar", 20 Logan Park Drive, Dunedin – From Secretary, District Licensing Committee

Department: Civic





Applicant’s Name:

OURFU Bookies Bar Limited

Site Address

20 Logan Park Drive, Dunedin

Trading Name:

Bookies Bar

Style of Licence


Application  Number


Date received by Council

28 September 2023


1          This is a report for an application for the renewal of an on-licence for “Bookies Bar” situated at 20 Logan Park Drive, Dunedin.  The criteria found at section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) apply to this application.

2          The applicant does not seek any changes to the licence.  The inspector considers that the sale and supply of alcohol under these conditions are consistent with the purpose of the Act and meets the criteria at section 131.

3          Public notice of the application did not attract any public objections.  Neither the Police nor Medical Officer of Health have opposed the application however, the Licensing Inspector has submitted an adverse report.


4          The applicant in this matter is a trading arm of the Otago University Rugby Club.  The location of the premises is a popular location for people seeking a place to have functions so, to eliminate the necessity of obtaining special licences, they applied for and obtained this on- licence in 2022.

5          The intention of the applicant is to be open for rugby club activities in a similar fashion as the previous club licence and to be available as a function centre.  No changes are being sought to the conditions on the licence.


6          Public notice of the application did not attract any objections and neither the Police nor Medical Officer of Health oppose the renewal.

7          The Licensing Inspector, however, has raised several concerns:

a)         There is only one certified manager, Ms Cherie Jackson.  During the hearing for the licence in 2022, the applicant said there would be three other people seeking managers’ certificates ‘in the near future’.  This has not happened.

b)        The applicant was told they were required to apply for food registration, and this had not been done at the time of the renewal interview.  They have now made application and awaiting their first food safety verification.

c)         The premises was found to be trading on Saturday 14 October during the Rugby World Cup without having completed the notification required by the legislation and were seemingly unaware of the requirement to notify the authorities if they were going to be operating outside their normal trading times.  A Graduated Response Model (GRM) warning was issued on 20 October 2023.

d)        There was no record of any rosters to demonstrate staffing levels during open times.

e)        No incident or training records have been maintained at the premises.

f)         The premises appears to be operating as if it was still a club.  The applicant did not appear to understand the added requirements of being the holder of an on-licence.

8          The Inspector, having considered the shortcomings identified during the renewal interview, along with the GRM warning, believes the Committee should readdress the suitability of the applicant at a hearing and recommends a truncated renewal period to allow them to demonstrate they are capable of operating the premises.


9          The Licensing Inspector has raised concerns that may suggest the applicant is unaware of their responsibilities as the holder of an on-licence.

10        The hearing will allow the applicant to demonstrate and reaffirm their commitment to operating their on-licence premises.  As suggested by the Inspector, the Committee has an option of truncating the renewal period to allow the applicant an opportunity to demonstrate their suitability.



Kevin Mechen - Alcohol, Psychoactive Substances and Gambling Advisor






Application to Renew Licence



Licensing Inspector's Report



Medical Officer of Health Report



Fire and Emergency NZ Email



Public Notice Declaration



Public Noticies




District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023


District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023


District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023


District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023


District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023


District Licensing Committee

14 December 2023