Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Hearings Committee will be held on:


Date:                                                    Thursday 7 December 2023

Time:                                                   1.00 pm - Proposed Parking Changes

Venue:                                                Council Chambers, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, The Octagon, Dunedin


Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer


Hearings Committee






Cr Jim O'Malley




Cr Cherry Lucas

Cr Mandy Mayhem


Senior Officer                                               Jeanine Benson, Group Manager Transport


Governance Support Officer                  Wendy Collard




Wendy Collard

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000





Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.



Hearings Committee

7 December 2023



ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         PAGE


Part A Reports (Committee  has power to decide these matters)


1             Declaration of Interest                                                                                                                                           4

2             Speaking Schedule                                                                                                                                                   7

3             Proposed parking changes                                                                                                                                   8































Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Declaration of Interest



1.         Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.         Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.




That the Committee:

a)         Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)        Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.







Regsiter of Interests




Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Part A Reports

Speaking Schedule

Department: Civic





1          The purpose of this report is to provide the Hearings Committee with a speaking schedule for six submitters wishing to present their views at the hearings to be held on 7 December 2023.






Wendy Collard - Governance Support Officer




There are no attachments for this report.


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023



Proposed parking changes

Department: Transport





1          This report presents information for the Hearings Committee (the Committee) to consider proposed changes and corrections to parking and turning restrictions.

2          The proposed changes in parking and traffic restrictions are presented in four sections:

a)         General parking changes which include requests from residents, changes made to enhance safety or amenity, and suggestions from officers. Alongside minor general changes, these changes include:

i)          a proposal to reduce parking on a narrow section of Queens Drive between City Road and Braid Road in response to safety concerns raised by nearby residents

ii)         replacing the current 4 hour metered parking on sections of Bond, Water and Crawford streets with shorter paid and unpaid time restrictions to support businesses and visitors to the area

iii)        returning 41 unused Resident Only Parks to unrestricted parking

iv)       changes resulting from the Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone changes project

b)        Changes related to Shaping Future Dunedin Transport projects, including:

i)          Harbour Arterial (Tewsley Street), and

ii)         Albany Street Connection

c)         Corrections to the bylaw database to ensure it matches existing markings and signage, and,

d)        Changes to turning restrictions. The two changes presented relate to the Albany Street Connection Project

3          Consultation has been undertaken for the proposed changes.

4          Eight submitters wish to be heard in relation to changes proposed in this report.

a)         one submitter regarding English Avenue

b)        two submitters regarding Resident Only Parking Changes, and

c)         five related to the Albany Street Connection project


That the Committee:

a)         Recommends Council to approve the proposed changes to parking and traffic restrictions shown in the December 2023 update of the Dunedin City Council's traffic and parking restrictions database


Traffic and parking controls

5          Traffic and parking controls contribute to the objectives of the Dunedin Integrated Transport Strategy 2013, by helping to achieve a safe, efficient, and accessible transport network.

6          Council maintains a Geographic Information System (GIS) map database of traffic and parking restrictions (the database) that reflects all on-street parking restrictions that are implemented with markings and/or signs.

7          Parking controls are made under the Traffic and Parking Bylaw. The Committee has the delegation to consider changes to parking controls and to make recommendations to Council that can approve traffic restrictions and parking controls.

Context for proposed changes

8          Council often receives requests from individuals and businesses to change parking restrictions. When considering these requests, officers assess a range of factors including safety concerns, commuters’ needs, commercial users’ needs, road width and topography, traffic flow, neighbouring on-street parking spaces, visibility concerns and crash statistics. If a proposed change is supported by officers, consultation is undertaken with affected residents, businesses, and property owners to demonstrate support for the requested change.

9          The proposed changes in parking and traffic restrictions are presented in four sections:

a)         general changes – this section includes parking changes that arise from requests from the public and businesses to change parking restrictions, safety and infrastructure changes and other general changes

b)        parking changes related to projects, including Harbour Arterial (Tewsley Street) and Albany Street Connection

c)         corrections to parking restrictions

d)        changes to turning restrictions - the two changes relate to the Albany Street Connection


General changes proposals

10        All proposed general parking changes are shown in and are detailed in Attachment A - General Parking Changes. The GIS layer includes a bookmark feature which links the numbered cases presented in the tables of Attachment A, to their specific location.

11        Summaries of consultation undertaken with affected parties, including owners, residents and businesses are presented in Attachments B, C, D, E, F and H.  These include:

a)         Attachment B – Minor general changes

b)        Attachment C – Queens Drive safety improvements

c)         Attachment D – Bond/Water/Crawford St time restrictions

d)        Attachment E – Resident Only Parking changes

e)        Attachments F and H– Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone changes

Queens Drive – Safety Improvements

12        In response to safety concerns from residents, officers propose to introduce a section of ‘no parking’ on Queens Drive between City Road and Braid Road. The concerns raised relate to the narrowness of the road and the potential for an accident when cars are parked on both side of the roadway. The proposal includes approximately 200m of no stopping restrictions and retains a 46m parking bay.

13        Consultation on this change was undertaken in October 2023. Letters were sent to affected residents and property owners, the proposal was published on the DCC website, and signs were installed in the area.  There were 12 responses to the proposal.

14        Key themes from the consultation include:

a)         relief that previous requests were received and actioned

b)        concern over loss of available parking for Otago Boys High School students

15        A summary of submissions received is included as Attachment C.

16        No changes to the proposal are recommended following consultation.

Bond/Water/Crawford Street – change in time restriction

17        In response to feedback received during a previous consultation, officers developed a proposal to adjust parking on Bond, Water and Crawford Streets to better suit the needs of nearby businesses and visitors to the area. This proposal includes changing 59 paid 4-hour parking spaces to a mixture of free 30-minute parking, paid 60-minute parking and paid 120-minute parking.

18        Consultation was undertaken in October 2023, with approximately 100 letters delivered to nearby businesses and residents or posted to property owners. Signs were also put up in the area directing the public to the DCC website to provide feedback.

19        29 responses were received from this consultation. Key themes from the consultation include:

a)         concerns around provision of commuter parking

b)        support from businesses for limited short term parking for visitors and customers

c)         further requests for mobility parks

20        Attachment D provides an overview of the submission themes and responses.

21        Following consideration of feedback received, the recommendation remains to provide a variety of shorter-term parking restrictions in this area, as per the proposal.

22        No changes to the proposal are recommended following consultation.

Resident Parking – Return of unused parking spaces to general unrestricted parking

23        Council operates a Resident Only Parking Permit scheme, which has strict eligibility criteria, and allows parking to be allocated to residents in the inner-city zone with no available off-street parking.

24        In recent years, Council has approved fewer applications and there is an increasing number of applications being declined due to applicants having existing off-street parking, or not meeting other policy criteria. Because of this, many of the resident only spaces around the city are not being used by permitted vehicles.

25        To make better use of this road space and provide additional general parking capacity in the inner-city zone, officers undertook a consultation to return 42 unused resident parking spaces to general, unrestricted parking. Spaces proposed to be returned to parking have been unused for at least one year, with most unused for more than two years.

26        Consultation on the proposal to remove unused spaces was run via the DCC website, with signs erected on affected streets, and existing permit holders advised via email. A total of 30 individual responses were received.

27        A summary of this feedback is included in Attachment E.

28        Feedback from the consultation indicates that current utilisation of these spaces is often misaligned with the policy. Some examples noted are listed below:

a)         visitors to the property using these spaces rather than residents (tradespeople, grocery delivery, carers)

b)        university students parking in these spaces

c)         unpermitted residents parking in these spaces outside of enforcement hours

29        Following consultation feedback, officers have modified the proposal to retain one resident parking space on Dundas Street, between Queen Street and George Street.

Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone changes project

Elmgrove School changes in the context of the ‘School Speed Management 2023/25’


30        Changes related to this project are listed in Attachment A – Parking Changes.

31        The ‘School Speed Management 2023/25’ project comprises two separable portions of construction with some of the changes to be implemented in the current financial year 2023/2024, and some in the next financial year 2024/2025. The first part of this project covers the following schools located in Mosgiel and Outram:

a)         Elmgrove School

b)        Outram School

c)         Taieri College and Silverstream School

32        Only the changes relating to the Elmgrove School area are presented for the Committee to consider. The other regulatory changes will be presented at a later date.

33        The School Speed Management project focused on supporting speed reduction around schools. The method used in this project was trialling temporary infrastructure before permanent implementation by using low-cost, adjustable materials for street designs while collecting data and community input. The temporary infrastructure was implemented in two stages:

Stage 1: Trials installed in October 2020 and feedback gathered from October to November

Stage 2: Based on feedback from Stage 1, changes were made to trial infrastructure in February 2021 and feedback was gathered from March to April 2021

34        The final designs were influenced by trials undertaken in 2020. Background about the consultation process undertook in this project including the ‘Trials Engagement Report’ of June 2021, is presented as Attachment F (Project Context and 2021 Trials Engagement Report).

Elmgrove School final designs


35        After reviewing the findings from the 2021 consultation, revised final designs were produced and circulated within the immediate vicinity of the trial area for Elmgrove School in 2023. Maps of the final designs are presented as Attachment G - Elmgrove School - Construction Plans. The Mosgiel-Taieri Community Board received the designs and shared them across its social media platforms. Over 100 letters were sent to properties in the area in September 2023. This provided the school, residents, and businesses, including previous feedback contributors an opportunity to comment on the designs. A summary of the feedback received in 2023, relating to regulatory parking changes is also presented as Attachment H - 2023 Feedback Summary Elmgrove School.

Project related proposals

Harbour Arterial – Tewsley Street (Attachment I)

36        The purpose of the Harbour Arterial project is to mitigate travel disruption related to the new Dunedin hospital construction. It includes a package of improvements to enable the Harbour Arterial (Strathallan, Wharf, Thomas Burns and Ward Streets) to be a planned alternative route to/from the Port and the central City (especially for heavy vehicle traffic). Improvements include real time signage and enhancements to traffic signals to facilitate expedient travel and the reallocation of road space to allow additional capacity.

37        The project is split into four stages, covering the following locations:

Stage 1: Wharf Street (Kitchener Street to Birch Street). (Completed)

Stage 2: Thomas Burns Street (Fryatt Street to Bombay Street). (Consulted, final designs still under consideration)

Stage 3: Strathallan Street (Andersons Bay Road to Portsmouth Drive). (To be presented to Council December 12, 2023)

Stage 4: Ward Street (Thomas Burns Pedestrian Overbridge to SH88) and St Andrew Street extension (Ward Street to the railway line). (Future work programme)

39        This report details the regulatory changes required for Stage 2: Thomas Burns Street (Fryatt Street to Bombay Street) in order to provide context for the project, the only changes presented are for Tewsley Street, which is scheduled to be installed with the Stage 3 work programme.

40        Changes proposed as part of this work include provision for additional angled parking on Tewsley Street, as well as the installation of roundabouts at the intersections of:

a)    Tewsley Street/ Willis Street

b)    Tewsley Street/ Cresswell Street

41        The regulatory changes for Tewsley and surrounding streets will not be implemented until construction of the physical works are undertaken.

42        Consultation was undertaken between 1 August and 5 September 2022 to allow the community to give feedback on the concept designs. The feedback summary from this consultation is included as Attachment I.

Albany Street Connection– Attachment J - Parking Changes

             Background and context

43        Recommended changes to parking restrictions for the Albany Street Connection project are shown in and a detail of the changes is presented as Attachment J - Albany Street Connection-Parking changes. The GIS layer includes a bookmark feature which links the numbered cases presented in the table of Attachment J, to their specific location on the GIS layer.

44        The Albany Street Connection project is part of the Shaping Future Dunedin Transport (SFDT) programme. It aims to improve pedestrian safety on Albany Street and provide a safe and attractive east-west cycle route that connects the Harbour Cycleway with the cycle lanes on State Highway One, the Tertiary Precinct and in the CBD.

45        Council regulated parking changes related to this project earlier in the year. These changes provided simplified tertiary bus routes, improved bus stops on Union Street East, crossing points at the intersection Union Street and Harbour Terrace and other parking regulation amendments on adjacent streets.

46        The proposed regulations relate only to parking restrictions on Albany Street and the surrounding streets, Clyde Street, Hyde Street, Forth Street, Riego Street, Anzac Avenue and additional adjustments on Union Street and Harbour Terrace. Maps relevant to these changes are shown in Attachment K – Concept Design Diagrams and Attachment L – 2023 Parking Regulation Changes Diagrams.

47        The improvements proposed will support the 30 km/h speed limit that Council approved in early 2023 through the Interim Speed Management Plan.

              Consultation and engagement

48        Initial consultation on the proposed changes for the project was undertaken in May/June 2022. The changes suggested in the tertiary area at the time, included:

a)    a new separated cycleway on Albany Street

b)    bus stop and route changes in the area

c)    new pedestrian crossings on Albany Street, Union Street and Anzac Avenue

d)    parking changes (spaces reduced in some areas, added in others, paid and time restricted parking added in some areas to compensate for loss in other areas)

e)    one-waying of parts of Riego, Leith and Clyde Streets


49        Based on public feedback, changes were made to the design. Detail of the feedback received is presented as Attachment M – 2022 Consultation Feedback Summary and the main changes incorporated to the concept design are:

a)    retaining both, Leith Street and Clyde Street (from Albany Street to Frederick Street) as a two-way streets to support nearby businesses and cyclists who use these routes

b)    Clyde/Union Streets intersection: Making it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross by adding a raised zebra crossing and new kerb build outs

c)    Harbour Terrace zebra crossing: Raising existing zebra crossing to make it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross

d)    trees along Albany Street: Keeping most of the trees and retain the separated cycleway

e)    Albany Street between George Street and Great King Street: Continuing the cycleway to link up with the retail area. This won't result in parking loss as the road is sufficiently wide

f)     in-lane bus stop on Albany Street: The new super stop will only have one in-lane bus stop on Albany Street, not two

g)    Albany Street between Forth Street and Riego Street: Include an area where coaches can stop near the new University of Otago college

h)    change in regulations to short-term parking on the southern side of Albany Street and adjacent streets to support businesses

50        A second round of targeted consultation relating to the Albany Street Connection was undertaken in June 2023. A summary of the feedback received is presented as Attachment N – 2023 Follow up consultation-Feedback Summary Report. Additional alterations to the 2022 design were incorporated as follows:

a)    Clyde Street turned into one way south between Albany Street and Trent Avenue, to reduce vehicle/cyclist conflicts at this intersection. More parking will be added into this section of Clyde Street

b)    no entry from Albany Street heading south into Forth Street. This is to reduce vehicle/cyclist and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts at this intersection

c)    more motorcycle parking provided outside of the Polytechnic Hub on Union Street

d)    a dedicated space for food trucks was initially proposed. A dedicated mobile trading site will not proceed at this point and some unrestricted parking space on Harbour Terrace will be added to allow food trucks to trade near this area.

51        Finally, additional engagement with businesses in the area was undertaken in October to December 2023 to respond to specific concerns about the project and incorporate short-term parking restrictions specifically requested. Detail of the feedback received is presented as Attachment O – 2023 Feedback Summary Businesses Albany Street.

Parking Counts

52        In total, it is proposed there will be a net loss of 37 restricted, and 97 unrestricted spaces across the city, resulting in a total reduction of 134 carparks. Changes to restriction types or times that do not change the number of available spaces are also displayed in the table below.

53        Table A below details the parking changes as referenced in the attachments.

Corrections to the bylaw database

Corrections of parking restrictions to the database are detailed in Table B below. They do not change current parking restrictions but include corrections to the database that have been made to accurately reflect the parking restrictions which are on the ground.     







187 Main South Rd

Record of P60 parking outside 187 Main South Road. Signage reflects P60 but bylaw notes P30. Update to match the restriction on-road.


64 Hawthorn Ave

Update bylaw layer to reflect 6m of historic no stopping lines by the intersection/roundabout of Hawthorn and Jubilee Streets.


211 Hanover St

Update bylaw layer to reflect P30 space on Hanover Street, capacity of 9 cars.


Changes to turning restrictions and one-way restrictions – Attachment P

54        As part of the Traffic and Parking Bylaw, Council may provide for a road, or part of a road to be a one-way road as well as imposing turning controls and erect signage to control vehicles from turning to the right or to the left or, from proceeding in any other direction.

55        This report includes two changes to turning restrictions and two new one-way restrictions related to the Albany Street Connection Project, as per detail below:

a)         a new one-way south restriction is proposed for Clyde Street from Trent Avenue to Albany Street

b)        a new one-way south restriction is proposed for Clyde Street from Albany Street to Frederick Street

c)         the introduction of a “No right turn” and a “No left turn” from Albany Street to prohibit entry from Albany Street heading south into Forth Street

56        These restrictions are proposed to reduce vehicle/cyclist and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts at the intersections of Albany Street/Clyde Street and Albany Street/Forth Street. On Forth Street, a turning circle will be installed.

57        The proposed changes are included into Schedules 1 and 2 of the Traffic and Parking Bylaw shown in Attachment P.


58        Two options are proposed. The recommended option (Option One) is to proceed with some or all of the proposed changes to the GIS database, and Option Two is maintaining the status quo.

Option One – Recommended Option


59        That the Committee approves the proposed changes to the traffic and parking controls database.


·        Improves safety, efficiency and access on the transport network by:

-           enabling property access by prohibiting obstructive parking, making existing parking controls clearer, and providing for access to new driveways

-           providing an improved and enforceable framework of parking restrictions

-           providing appropriate length of parking stay according to the surrounding land uses

-           increasing visibility at intersections.


·        Contributes to achieving an integrated, affordable responsive, effective and safe transport network.


·        Costs of installation.


Option Two – Status Quo

60        Do nothing.


·        Council resources can be allocated to other transport projects


·        does not improve efficiency and access to the transport network

·        does not improve safety or reduce conflict points

·        does not contribute to the Integrated Transport Strategy goals


61        If the Committee recommends the changes to traffic and parking controls, a report of the proposed changes will be brought before Council for approval.

62        If Council approves the recommended changes to parking restrictions, these will be implemented through appropriate signs and road markings and restrictions will be enforced under the Traffic and Parking Bylaw.




Abbey Chamberlain - Transport Regulation Coordinator

Paula Barragan - Policy Analyst - Transport Regulation


Jeanine Benson - Group Manager Transport

David Ward - Acting General Manager Infrastructure and Development






Attachment A - General Parking Changes



Attachment B - Consultation Summary - General Parking Changes



Attachment C - Consultation Summary - Queens Drive



Attachment D - Consultation Summary - Bond-Water-Crawford



Attachment E - Consultation Summary - Resident Parking



Attachment F - Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone - Context and 2021 Trials Engagement Report



Attachment G - Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone - Construction Plans Elmgrove School



Attachment H - Mosgiel Taieri school speed zone - 2023 Feedback Summary Elmgrove School



Attachment I - Consultation Summary - Harbour Arterial (Tewsley St)



Attachment J - Albany Street Connection-Parking Changes



Attachment K - Albany Street Connection-2022 Concept Designs Diagrams



Attachment L - Albany Street Connection-2023 Parking Regulation Changes Diagrams



Attachment M - Albany Street Connection-2022-Consultation Feedback Summary



Attachment N - Albany Street Connection-2023 Follow up consultation-Feedback Summary Report



Attachment O - Albany Street Connection-2023 Feedback Summary Businesses Albany Street



Attachment P - Schedules 1 and 2 of the Traffic and Parking Bylaw






Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.

This decision promotes the social and economic well-being of communities in the present and for the future.


Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans


Improvements to traffic and parking restrictions supports a safe, efficient and accessible transport network, and supports the social and economic wellbeing of Dunedin communities.

Māori Impact Statement

Mana whenua have expressed support for a safe and efficient transport network.


Parking control changes improve efficiency and access to the transport network, which contribute to sustainability goals.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no implications.

Financial considerations

Costs for implementing the proposed changes are covered by existing budgets.


The report is considered of low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been engagement with affected parties, including residents, landowners and business owners adjacent to changes.

Engagement - internal

There has been engagement with Transport, Parking Services, Parks and Recreation, Library and Property Services staff.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

Many of the proposed changes aim to improve safety of vulnerable users of the transport network.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest.<Enter text>

Community Boards

There are no implications for Community Boards as part of this report.



Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


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7 December 2023


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7 December 2023


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Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023


Hearings Committee

7 December 2023