Notice of Meeting:

I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board will be held on:


Date:                                                    Wednesday 14 February 2024

Time:                                                   5.30 pm

Venue:                                                East Otago Events Centre, Main Road, Waikouaiti


Sandy Graham

Chief Executive Officer


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board






Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Andy Barratt




Sonya Billyard

Mark Brown


Chris McBride

Cr Jim O'Malley


Geraldine Tait



Senior Officer                                               Mike Cartwright, Acting Head of People and Capability


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray




Rebecca Murray

Governance Support Officer



Telephone: 03 477 4000







Note: Reports and recommendations contained in this agenda are not to be considered as Council policy until adopted.



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                         PAGE


1             Public Forum                                                                                                                                                              4

1.1       Policing Matters                                                                                                                                           4

2             Apologies                                                                                                                                                                    4

3             Confirmation of Agenda                                                                                                                                        4

4             Declaration of Interest                                                                                                                                           5

5             Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                                                                       8

5.1       Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 8 November 2023                                           8

Part A Reports (Waikouaiti Coast Community Board  has power to decide these matters)

6             Zone 6 Community Board Representative Update                                                                                    15

7             Meeting Schedule for 2024                                                                                                                               16

8             Governance Support Officer's Report                                                                                                            18

9             Community Plan                                                                                                                                                    44

10           Board Representation and Roles                                                                                                                     45

11           Deputy Chairperson's Report                                                                                                                            46

12           Councillor Update                                                                                                                                                 47

13           Items for Consideration by the Chair                                                                                                             48



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



1          Public Forum

1.1       Policing Matters

Constable Olivia Winbush, New Zealand Police will be in attendance to provide an update on policing matters in the Board’s area.

2          Apologies

An apology has been received from Alasdair Morrison.


That the Board:


Accepts the apology from Alasdair Morrison.

3          Confirmation of agenda

Note: Any additions must be approved by resolution with an explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024


Declaration of Interest




1.         Members are reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arises between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.


2.         Elected members are reminded to update their register of interests as soon as practicable, including amending the register at this meeting if necessary.



That the Board:

a)         Notes/Amends if necessary the Elected Members' Interest Register attached as Attachment A; and

b)        Confirms/Amends the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.







Waikouaiti Coast Community Board Register of Interest




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024


Confirmation of Minutes

Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 8 November 2023



That the Board:

a)         Confirms the public part of the minutes of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 08 November 2023 as a correct record.







Minutes of Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting  held on 8 November 2023




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board



Minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board held in the Surf Club Social Rooms, Warrington Domain, Warrington on Wednesday 08 November 2023, commencing at 5.30 pm





Alasdair Morrison


Deputy Chairperson

Andy Barratt



Sonya Billyard

Mark Brown


Chris McBride

Cr Jim O'Malley


Geraldine Tait





Mike Cartwright (Acting Head of People and Capability).


Governance Support Officer                  Rebecca Murray




1          Public Forum

1.1       Policing Matters


Constable Olivia Winbush, New Zealand Police was unable to attend the meeting.


1.2       Progress of Waikouaiti Area (POWA)


Sonya Billyard on behalf of Progress of Waikouaiti Area (POWA) addressed the meeting regarding their funding application.  She provided an overview of the project and responded to questions.


1.3       OneCoast


Andy Barratt on behalf of OneCoast addressed the meeting regarding their funding application.  He provided an overview of the project and responded to questions.


2          Apologies

There were no apologies.




3          Confirmation of agenda



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:

Confirms the agenda without addition or alteration.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/055)


4          Declarations of interest

Members were reminded of the need to stand aside from decision-making when a conflict arose between their role as an elected representative and any private or other external interest they might have.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


a)         Notes the Elected Members' Interest Register; and

b)        Confirms the proposed management plan for Elected Members' Interests.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/056)


5          Confirmation of Minutes

5.1       Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting - 20 September 2023


Moved (Chris McBride/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:

Confirms the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board meeting held on 20 September 2023 as a correct record.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/057)


Part A Reports

6          Otago Regional Council Bus Services Update


Julian Phillips, Otago Regional Council - Transport Implementation Lead, provided an update on bus services.  He provided an overview of the patronage, processes and procedures for the bus services and responded to questions.  Mr Phillips advised any requests for bus service changes would need to be submitted in writing to Otago Regional Council.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:

Notes the Otago Regional Council Bus Services Update.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/058)


7          Coastal Communities Cycleway Connection Update


Emily Cooper provided an update on the Coastal Communities Cycleway Project and an overview of her presentation to the Public Forum at the Council meeting held on 30 October 2023.  She advised that the group were launching a website to enable the public to see an overview of the project which would include a provision to donate and responded to questions.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:

Notes the Coastal Communities Cycleway Project Update.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/059)


8          New Zealand Motor Caravan Association (NZMCA)


The NZMCA Otago Area Committee Chairperson, Ken Foote, provided an update on their Warrington site and responded to questions.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Andy Barratt):

That the Board:

Notes the update.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/060)


9          Funding Applications


A report from Civic provided a copy of funding applications for the Board’s consideration and an update on the amount in the Board’s discretionary fund. 


Progress of Waikouaiti Area (POWA) requested $1,000.00 towards paying an artist and materials for a mural on the Main Street of Waikouaiti.


Sonya Billyard withdrew from this item.




Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mark Brown):

That the Board:


Approves the funding application from the Progress of Waikouaiti Area (POWA) for $1,000.00 towards paying an artist and materials for a mural on the Main Street of Waikouaiti.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/061)




Sonya Billyard returned to the meeting.




OneCoast requested $750.00 toward an off grid solar lighting system to illuminate the depths of the containers at the hub.


Andy Barratt withdrew from this item.






Moved (Mark Brown/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


Approves the funding application from OneCoast for $750.00 towards an off grid solar lighting system to illuminate the depths of the containers at the Hub.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/062)




Andy Barratt returned to the meeting.


10        Governance Support Officer's Report


A report from Civic informed the Board on activities in the Board’s area, which included:

Meeting date for February 2024

Draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027

Review of Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy

Future Development Strategy (FDS)

Destination Management Plan for Ōtepoti Dunedin


Currently Being Consulted on by Dunedin City Council

Roadworks Schedule

Dunedin City Council Updates


Chris McBride left the room at 7.34 pm and returned to the meeting at 7.36 pm.


Sonya Billyard left the room at 7.38 pm.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Chris McBride):

That the Board:


Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/063)




Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Chris McBride):

That the Board:


Confirms the first meeting date of 2024 as Wednesday 14 February 2024 in Waikouaiti.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/064)




Sonya Billyard returned to the meeting at 7.41 pm


11        Community Plan


A discussion was held on the Board’s draft Community Plan 2024/34 circulated prior to the meeting.


12        Board Representation and Roles


Board members provided an update on activities, which included:

Freedom Camping - Alasdair Morrison advised Freedom Camping had started to pick up at the Warrington site.


Liaison with Funding Applicants - Alasdair Morrison updated the Board on the Blueskin Youth and Amenities progress with their project.  He also advised that Friends of the Taieri Willow had updated their name and was now the Coastal Otago Willow and Weavers.


Matanaka Drive Replanting Project - Mark Brown advised that planting for this year was now complete.  He also advised that a few of the plantings had had their plant guards removed.


Moana Gow Swimming Pool Committee - Andy Barratt advised that the AGM had recently been held.  He also advised the process to join the pool and that this process could be put in the POWA and Blueskin News publications.


OneCoast Recycling - Geraldine Tait & Andy Barratt provided an update which included that DCC staff had visited and provided an update on the site layout recently.


Community Engagement - Sonya Billyard & Andy Barratt advised that the Board’s newsletter will be available prior to Christmas.


Truby King Recreation Reserve Management Committee - Andy Barratt advised that working bees onsite would be held soon.



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Sonya Billyard):

That the Board:


Notes the Board Updates.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/065)




Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Mark Brown):

That the Board:


Approves the funding of $600.00 for the Board newsletter printing to be paid to POWA as the umbrella organisation.


Motion carried (WCCB/2023/066)


13        Chairperson's Report


The Chairperson provided a verbal update at the meeting, which included:


Seacliff Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade Summary

Future of Community Board Survey

Apes Road Bus Parking for the Marae

Dust Suppression on unsealed roads

Sulisker Street trees and fencing

Census Information

Overview of the high and low points for the year



Moved (Alasdair Morrison/Cr Jim O'Malley):

That the Board:


Notes the Chairperson’s update.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/067)


14        Councillor's Update


Councillor Jim O’Malley provided an update on items of interest, which included:

Draft Speed Management Plan Review

10 year plan



Moved (Cr Jim O'Malley/Chairperson Alasdair Morrison):

That the Board:


Notes the Council Activities Update.

Motion carried (WCCB/2023/068)


15        Items for Consideration by the Chair


Extend an invitation to Regan Horrell as the Zone 6 Community Board Representative to the February 2024 meeting to provide an update to the Board.





The meeting concluded at 8.20 pm.








Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024


Part A Reports

Zone 6 Community Board Representative Update


Zone 6 Community Board Representative, Regan Horrell, will be in attendance to provide an update to the Board.



There are no attachments for this report.


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



Meeting Schedule for 2024

Department: Civic






1          A schedule of the Board’s meetings for 2024 is attached for your consideration. 

2          As this is an administrative report, no summary of considerations is required.


That the Board:

a)     Approves the meeting schedule for 2024. 






Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


Clare Sullivan - Manager Governance






Waikouaiti Coast Community Board Meeting Schedule for 2024




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024




Governance Support Officer's Report

Department: Civic






1          This report is to inform the Waikouaiti Coast Community Board of activities relevant to the Board area including:

·    Discretionary Form

·    Funding Assistance Project Completion Form

·    Future Development Strategy

·    Dunedin City Council draft 10 year plan

·    Otago Regional Council draft 10 year plan

·    What Dunedin City Council is currently consulting on

·    Roadworks schedule

·    Dunedin City Council updates

2          As this is an administrative report, there are no options or summary of considerations.


That the Board:

a)         Notes the Governance Support Officer’s Report.

b)        Decides to submit on the Future Development Strategy.


Discretionary Fund

3          The Board has been allocated $10,000 for the 2023/24 year.

4          The balance remaining in the Project Fund for allocation for the current financial year is $4,150.00.  The following funds have been allocated in the 2023/24 financial year.



Meeting Date



16 August 2023


Waikouaiti Coast Heritage Centre – towards Stage Two of the preliminary design work for the restoration of the old bank building

16 August 2023


Waikouaiti Volunteer Fire Brigade – towards the sign writing of a new support vehicle

16 August 2023


Eastern Boating and Fishing Club Inc – towards replacing the existing weather damaged cladding on their clubrooms in Karitāne

8 November 2023


POWA – towards paying an artist and materials for a mural on the Main Street of Waikouaiti

8 November 2023


OneCoast – towards an off grid solar lighting system to illuminate the depths of the containers at the Hub

8 November 2023


POWA (as the umbrella org) – for the Board newsletter printing to be paid to POWA as the umbrella org – still to be uplifted





Funding Assistance Project Completion Form

5          The Waikouaiti Bowling Club have provided their funding assistance project completion form (attachment a).

Future Development Strategy

6          On 31st January 2024, the Dunedin City Council and the Otago Regional Council released the draft Future Development Strategy for consultation.  The Strategy will replace the current Dunedin Spatial Plan and outlines strategic directions for the city’s growth and development for the next 30 years.

7          All information is available on the DCC website and the documents will also be available at DCC libraries and DCC and ORC customer service centres in Dunedin.

8          Public information sessions to explain the draft strategy and answer questions are planned for early February as detailed below which you are welcome to attend. 

·    Thursday 8 February, 12 noon–2pm (Dunedin Public Art Gallery)   

·    Thursday 8 February, 5–7pm (Dunedin Public Art Gallery)   

·    Tuesday 13 February, 6–8pm (Mosgiel Coronation Hall)       

9          The period for submissions is now open and closes on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 5.00 pm.

10        If you receive any enquiries, please forward them to


Dunedin City Council draft 10 year plan

11        The development of the Dunedin City Council’s draft 10 year plan is well underway and we are looking forward to consulting with the community the draft plan.  The timetable is still to be finalised and once done the Board will be advised of the submission and hearing dates.  At this stage, submissions are likely to be open from early April through to early May, with hearings later in May. 

12        Further information, on dates and engagement opportunities will be provided as soon as possible, to enable the Board time to plan the development of their submissions.

Otago Regional Council draft 10 year plan

13        The Otago Regional Council will also be consulting on their draft 10 year plan.  Once details are known, we will advise the Board of the dates for consultation.

What Dunedin City Council is Currently Consulting On

14        For the most up to date information on what DCC is consulting on, please visit 

Roadworks Schedule

15        Information on current notified road closures and the roadworks schedule (a weekly list of programmed works) for Council’s maintained roads is available on the DCC website via these links and

Dunedin City Council Updates

16        Board or members of the public wishing to advise Council of any operational issues or concerns, e.g., potholes, vegetation, burst pipes are reminded to contact the Dunedin City Council Customer Services Agency on 03 477 4000 or email  For any non-urgent matter please contact council via the online “Fix it form”

17        If issues and concerns are not dealt with in a timely manner, Board Members should contact the Governance Support Officer, or the Senior Staff Member appointed to the Board.



Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


Mike Cartwright - Acting Head of People and Capability






Waikouaiti Bowling Club Project Completion Form






Fit with purpose of Local Government

This decision enables democratic local decision making and action by, and on behalf of communities.

Fit with strategic framework




Not applicable

Social Wellbeing Strategy

Economic Development Strategy

Environment Strategy

Arts and Culture Strategy

3 Waters Strategy

Spatial Plan

Integrated Transport Strategy

Parks and Recreation Strategy

Other strategic projects/policies/plans

Māori Impact Statement

There are no known impacts for Māori


There are no implications.

LTP/Annual Plan / Financial Strategy /Infrastructure Strategy

There are no financial implications.

Financial considerations

There are no financial implications.


This decision is considered low significance in terms of the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy.

Engagement – external

There has been no external engagement.

Engagement - internal

Internal engagement has occurred with appropriate staff members.

Risks: Legal / Health and Safety etc.

There are no risks.

Conflict of Interest

There are no known conflicts of interest.

Community Boards

This report provides information on activities in or relevant to the Board’s area.



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



Community Plan

Department: Civic






The Community Board Plan is tabled for discussion at each meeting for the purpose of review and update as required by the Board.

The Board’s Community Plan assists to contribute to the Council’s 10-year plan with focus on:

1          new and current priorities (in order of importance with justification and estimated costs for each) for inclusion in the DCC 10-year Plan

2          items the Board would like for delivery to the community (for items that would not require support or funding from the DCC, over and above the Community Board funding)





Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


There are no attachments for this report.


Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



Board Representation and Roles

Department: Civic






1          Board members may provide an update on activities including:

Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) - Sonya Billyard & Chris McBride


Cycleways - Geraldine Tait


Freedom Camping - Alasdair Morrison


Keep Dunedin Beautiful - Geraldine Tait


Liaison with Funding Applicants - Alasdair Morrison


Matanaka Drive Replanting Project - Mark Brown


Moana Gow Swimming Pool Committee - Andy Barratt


North Coast Tourism Initiatives - Mark Brown


OneCoast Recycling - Geraldine Tait


Community Engagement - Sonya Billyard & Andy Barratt


Truby King Recreation Reserve Management Committee - Andy Barratt


Recreation Activities - Andy Barratt


2              As this is an administration report the Summary of Consideration is not required. 


That the Board:

a)         Notes the Board updates.



Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


There are no attachments for this report.



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



Deputy Chairperson's Report

Department: Civic






The Deputy Chairperson will provide a verbal update on any additional items of interest at the meeting.




That the Board:

a)         Notes the Deputy Chairperson’s update.



Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024



Councillor Update

Department: Civic






1          Councillor Jim O’Malley will provide an update on items of interest.


That the Board:

a)         Notes the Council Activities Update.




Rebecca Murray - Governance Support Officer


There are no attachments for this report.




Waikouaiti Coast Community Board

14 February 2024


Items for Consideration by the Chair


Any items for consideration by the Chair.



There are no attachments for this report.